Chapter 372: All Asleep, Steel City Wall

In the end, Mu Feifan finished the bread with the ham.

Xia Yu cicada didn’t want to eat it after taking two bites.

Li Meng: “This bread is so terrible, it doesn’t taste at all.”

Yang Xiaojie: “You didn’t see that the brother-in-law broke apart just now, only to find the bean paste stuffing as big as your thumb.”

Li Meng: “It’s fine if the eggs are salty. Tea eggs are also okay. You can barely match them to finish the bread.”

Yang Xiaojie: “…you think too much, salted eggs and tea eggs are luxury items in our school.”

At this time, Xia Yuchan said to Mu Feihua: “Open the schoolbag.”

Mu Feifan opened the zipper of the schoolbag in his arms, revealing a lot of snacks.

Xia Yuchan took out a bag of rice crackers and potato chips and handed them to Li Meng in front of them.

Li Meng was pleasantly surprised: “Sister Xia, is this for us?”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

Li Meng’s excited little face flushed: “Thank you Sister Xia.”

Yang Xiaojie was also very happy: “Thank you Sister Xia.”

It seems that the girls have no resistance to snacks.

Mu Feifan watched this scene with great interest.

Well, my wife, she is not as cold as she thought.

Xia Yuchan asked: “Do you have snacks?”

Mu Feifan: “I’m full.”

Xia Yuchan took out a bag of biscuits and a bag of wet tissues, closed the zipper, and said, “Put the schoolbag on the gift shelf. It’s too exhausting to hold.”

Mu Feifan: “Okay.”

He put his schoolbag away, and then he felt a lot lighter.

If you usually take the bus by yourself, you must not leave your body.

But this is a school-packed car with classmates in it, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Li Xiuzhu suddenly said: “We will take about three hours’ drive to Tianzhou City, and we will stop once in the middle to let everyone rest and go to the toilet. Don’t run around at that time.”

“Good!” everyone replied.

Xia Yuchan opened the plastic board on the back of the chair in front of him, just enough to put his mobile phone.

“Watch anime together?” She took out her headphones.

Mu Feifan: “Okay.”

A pair of earphones, each of them happened to be wearing one.

On the phone, the animation began to play.

“What anime is this?” Mu Feifan asked.

“The spell is back to the battle.”

Mu Feifan was speechless, I said how to look at the guy wearing the blindfold so familiar.

Because the backs of the chairs are high, what they do with their heads down is basically invisible outside.

Xia Yuchan didn’t have so much scruples, and leaned his head on Mu Feifan’s shoulder.

The two cuddled together.

The girl’s unique fragrance surrounds her.

Originally, Mu Feifan thought the animation was quite boring, but Xia Yuchan posted it so that he was refreshed.

As a result, Mu Fanping’s hands gradually began to be dishonest.

Soon, Xia Yuchan panted slightly, raised his head, and gave him a shameful look: “Don’t touch it.”

If this continues, she can’t bear it.

After all, in the car, all around are classmates.

Mu Feifan still held back.

Xia Yuchan can finally watch anime quietly for a while.

At this time, the bus was driving slowly.

Looking at the regressive scenery outside the window, Mu Feifei was inevitably a little excited.

Their journey finally began.

Because the car drove too smoothly, everyone got up too early in the morning and didn’t have much energy to chat.

So soon, people in the car continued to fall asleep.

Mu Feifan was also sleepy.

After all, when he first woke up, it was only four to fifty.

And Mu Fei always felt that watching anime is a very boring thing.

At this moment, he felt something was wrong, and when he looked down, he couldn’t help laughing.

It turned out that Xia Yuchan had fallen asleep long ago.

Looking at her long eyelashes and fair skin, Mu Feihua couldn’t help but feel a move in her heart and lightly kissed the girl’s face.

Unexpectedly, this scene was actually seen by Li Meng who happened to look back in the front row.


Li Meng was suddenly hit with a violent attack in his heart, and his right hand fell inadvertently somewhere and grabbed it hard.


Yang Xiaojie, who was about to fall asleep, took a breath: “Little Meng, you are going to die, don’t rub my milk.”

“I, I didn’t mean it.” Li Meng was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, a casual shot would be a precise strike.

Is it true that in his own bones, he is also lustful?


Absolutely not!

I was stimulated by seeing my brother-in-law stealing sister Xia.

Well, it must be so.

Li Meng comforted himself, and couldn’t help but feel much better.

At this moment, Mu Feifan had turned off the animation on his mobile phone and helped Xia Yuchan remove the earphones.

Xia Yuchan seemed to have a sense of reaction, with a small mouth groaning, and changing a comfortable posture, leaning on Mu Feihua again.

Mu Feifan:…

I have a human-shaped pillow.

However, Mu Feifan still feels very happy to be stuck by his wife like this.

Unfortunately, the environment is not suitable.

Mu Feifan rushed to sleep for a while, and then slowly fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took.

He heard Li Xiuzhu’s shout: “Everyone is awake, we are at the junction, and we all go out to rest.”

A classmate said, “Mr. Li, can you not go out?”

Li Xiuzhu smiled helplessly: “Of course not, because we are out of the city and have to be checked.”

“Check it?” Everyone suddenly became unhappy.

Unexpectedly, going out of town is so troublesome.

Mu Feifan opened his eyes.

Xia Yuchan also woke up, her face flushed.

Although he fell asleep, Xia Yuchan also knew what he was doing just now.

“This pillow is easy to use,” Mu Feifan joked.

Xia Yuchan gave him a white look and said, “The first half is over, and the second half will continue for a while.”

When Mu Feifan heard it, she knew what she was talking about.

“Let’s get out of the car first, I will move my shoulders by the way.” He said.

Hey, the human-shaped pillow is really a happy and annoying thing.

The two had just got out of the car.

Mu Feifan was stunned.

The scene not far away is too shocking.

I saw a huge city wall 100 meters high in front of my eyes.

It’s like a giant steel beast, lying between two mountains.

The bus stops nearby.

“It turns out that this is the junction, this wall is too exaggerated.” Mu Feihua sighed with emotion.

Xia Yuchan said: “More than that, look at the top of the high wall.”

Mu Feifan looked over.

I saw that there seemed to be fluctuations in the void air on the wall.

As soon as the sun shines, rune me flashes, like a brilliant rainbow, circulating.

“Enchantment?” Mu Feihua was surprised again.

Xia Yuchan nodded: “This is the junction of Binjiang City, which is naturally tightly guarded.”

Mu Feifan saw many people wearing military uniforms around, and it seemed that the guards of Binjiang City were very tight.

“Everyone came here to check.” Li Xiuzhu shouted.

Everyone came to the rest area and lined up.

The so-called inspection, you only need to scan the watch.

The staff will compare the information on the real person with the information on the watch to prevent some dangerous people from mixing in.

Of course, in this day and age, the cost of crime is too high.

So it’s safer.

But once the most vicious criminals appear, the disasters caused are also very serious.

When it was Mu Feifan’s turn, the staff glanced at the information on his watch and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Foundation Building late stage? I have been working here for so many years. This is the first time I have seen our people in Binjiang City in the 18th century. There is such a high Cultivation Base at the age of.”

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