Chapter 369 You Can Secretly Take Me? Uncontrollable

When she came out of the digital supply store, Xia Yuchan had a big SLR hanging around her neck.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Aren’t you tired? Take it down.”

“I’ll play for a while first.”

I can see that my wife really likes the camera.

However, seeing such a heavy thing hanging from his wife’s slender neck, Mu Feifei was still a little worried.




Before Mu Feifan could react, he was shot several times by Xia Yuchan.

“You can sneak a picture of me.” Mu Feihua helplessly: “I knew I would put on a handsome pose in advance.”

Xia Yuchan smiled faintly: “It’s because you don’t know it, that’s why it looks natural when you shoot it.”

Mu Feifan: “…The photo is natural, but it makes me ugly.”

“What about your self-confidence? Didn’t you say that you are handsome at 360 degrees without dead ends?”

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “My wife, you should save your energy and save it when you travel to take pictures of the scenery.”

Xia Yuchan suddenly stopped and said, “I paid for the DSLR, not for the scenery…”

Mu Feifan’s expression is slightly stagnant.

“I want to take pictures of your life.” Xia Yuchan said.

Mu Feifan felt his own heart, and was suddenly pulled.

Xia Yuchan continued: “We are used to being together, and we will gradually forget the trivialities of Life. In fact, these are the most precious things.”

“Record them through the camera, and when we are old, we will see them again, and we will remember the good memories again.”

“These are stories that belong to our husband and wife.”

Mu Feifan’s expression became extremely moved.

He suddenly reached out and hugged Xia Yuchan in his arms.

It was a very moving moment.

Suddenly the belly was poked by a hard object.


Only then did Mu Feifan remember that Xia Yuchan was still wearing a camera around her neck.

The lens looks like a cannon.

Xia Yuchan: “Be careful, the lens is very expensive.”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Didn’t you just say that the little bit with me is a precious thing?

After a while, my status is not as good as a shot?

Humph, woman!

Xia Yuchan took the camera off and said, “Honey, put it on.”

“Are you tired of it?” Mu Feifan joked with a smile.

“No…” Xia Yuchan whispered: “The posture was wrong just now, let’s hug again.”

So suddenly there was a couple embracing each other on the second floor.

Many passers-by received a crit in their hearts.

“Hey, young people nowadays are too unrestrained.”

“This is still a public place.”

“Don’t be sour, as long as there is someone, you can’t say this.”

“Something’s wrong, you can see if they look like the heroes and heroines of idol dramas, look at them, and see if there is a crew filming nearby!”

Mu Feihua and the two came to the Food City on the basement floor, holding hands.

It is very lively and full of smoke and fire.

And the aroma of various snacks.

The two ordered a portion of fried noodles with green pepper and beef and found a place to eat.

Mu Feifan was hungry, and quickly wiped out a plate.

Started boringly fiddling with the new camera.

Xia Yu Cicada was still eating in small bites.

The posture is very elegant.

The cold appearance is like a fairy who doesn’t eat fireworks.

It is hard to imagine that she would appear in such a down-to-earth food city.

Mu Feifan raised his head inadvertently, and the more he looked at Xia Yu, the more he liked it.


Even if his wife was eating, she was very cute.

Thinking about it, Mu Feihua couldn’t help picking up the camera and pressing the shutter.


It happened to take a photo of Xia Yucicada eating.

Xia Yu Cicada:…

“Husband, you are really bad, people are still eating.” She said dissatisfied.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, even if you are eating, you are the most beautiful.”

Xia Yuchan was speechless.

All right.

Who doesn’t like to listen to his husband’s praise.

After all, Mu Feihua seemed to have been caught in an evil spirit and kept taking pictures.

Xia Yuchan put down his chopsticks and blushed and said, “Are you still telling people to eat?”

“Oh my God!” Mu Feifei was a little excited: “I don’t seem to be able to control my hand.”

Xia Yuchan was silent.

Husband seems to have unlocked a very incredible attribute?

Are men addicted to taking pictures?

On the other side, Mu Feifan was a little excited.

No wonder, everyone often says.

I have to be a man in Kansai, and I have to bring a camera when I go out!

Taking pictures is indeed an amazing art.

Seeing Xia Yuchan’s perverted look, Mu Feifei was awakened instantly.


I want to control.

You can’t be treated as a pervert right after you get married.

“Husband, do you like taking pictures so much?” Xia Yuchan asked, squinting.

“Also, okay.” Mu Feihua said.

“When traveling, you hang up your camera and let you take enough pictures.”


Inexplicably, took another job.

Xia Yuchan said again: “Ask Aunt Wang if she has eaten it.”

Mu Feifan sent a WeChat message to Aunt Wang.

Soon, Aunt Wang replied.

The prince who sells melons: “I heard Brother Li said that you don’t eat at home, so I didn’t cook.”

Mu Feifan: “We are in the Food City of Shengtang Plaza. Aunt Wang, what do you want to eat, bring you a portion.”

The prince who sells melons: “Anything will do.”

Just as Mu Feifan was about to put down the phone, it rang again.

It’s still news from Aunt Wang.

The prince who sells melons: “Young Master, wait, except for fried stinky tofu.”

Mu Feifan smiled.

Fried stinky tofu is not as strong as traditional stinky tofu.

However, many women still said they couldn’t accept it.

Mu Feifan went to line up again and bought a roasted cold noodles and cabbage pancakes.

Give the roasted cold noodles to Aunt Wang and the large amount of fried cakes to Uncle Li.

When Mu Feifan came back, Xia Yu cicada had almost eaten it.

Sure enough, without him making trouble, his wife would eat very quickly.

The two went up to the first floor, took out two large bags of snacks from the locker, and left Shengtang Plaza.

After tossing all night, it was only half past eight when I got home.

Time is still very rich.

Xia Yuchan said: “I’m going to pack the things I will bring tomorrow. You should also prepare and put our things in a bag.”

Mu Feifan nodded and went to his room.

For clothes, just bring an extra set.

For three days and two nights, two pairs of underwear and two pairs of socks.

Mu Feifan rolled these clothes on his arm, and went to the next room.

As soon as he entered the room, Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

After a while, he asked in amazement: “My wife, are you moving?”

I saw an extra-large pale pink suitcase lying on the ground, and the bed was full of clothes.

Hearing Mu Feifan’s ridicule, Xia Yuchan glared at him, and said angrily: “Which house to move, if you don’t come to help, I will become a monk.”


That’s okay?

Mu Feifei declared a Buddha’s name: “Savadika, Master, the poor monk is going to order you.”

Xia Yuchan: “…Don’t learn from Master Yunhai, you won’t be a serious monk at first glance.”

Suddenly, Mu Feifan glanced at him, and it seemed that he had found an incredible Dongdong on the bed.

Seeing his eyes straighten, Xia Yuchan looked over.


Why did she put these white powders on the bed?


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