Chapter 364

At this time, Mu Feifan discovered that many tips for adding friends appeared on WeChat.

“I’m Li Meng from a large family of group chat experiments.”

“I am Bai Lesheng from a large family of group chat experiments.”

“I’m Feng Li from a big family in the group chat experiment.”

In addition, there are brothers and sisters Yang Dahao and Yang Xiaojie.

Adding friends to the group will display the group notes of the other party, which is the real name.

Mu Feifan didn’t need to ask who was who one by one, and simply agreed.

In addition to these school team members, there are even some other students added.

Mu Feifei didn’t know him, but he still agreed.

After all, I have to get along with them for three days.

And everyone is high school students.

What nasty high school students can have is nothing more than getting to know each other and making friends.

Suddenly, Li Meng let out an exclamation: “Brother-in-law, your profile picture is… so cute.”

Mu Feifan was startled.

This is embarrassing.

Originally, I secretly changed the avatar, but it didn’t attract special attention from others.

But the young people are just too busy, and now they see a new guy joining the group chat, they will accidentally click on his information.

Evaluate whether his screen name is non-mainstream?

Is the area in the document written in Albania without Riverside City?

Does the profile picture and Moments have real photos of him?

Mu Feifan doesn’t like to post in Moments.

But his portrait is too eye-catching.

This head portrait was taken by Mu Feihua wearing Da Duck pajamas.

And Xia Yuchan’s Pikachu pajamas photo happens to be a couple’s head portrait.

But the problem is that Xia Yuchan is not in the class group.

Therefore, Mu Feifan’s head is very abrupt.

“However, the expression on your profile picture looks so helpless.” Li Meng continued to comment.

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

He is totally forced to open business.

On the portrait, Mu Feifan wears a duck head, his face full of reluctance.

But at that time, under Xia Yuchan’s cold eyes, he had to smile again.

This is probably a strong smile.

The rest of the class also opened Mu Feifan’s WeChat profile immediately.

Well, the screen name, just use the real name… this guy is real enough!

Region, Riverside City.

Moments of friends, nothing.


and many more!

There is something in this profile picture!

“Hahaha, brother-in-law’s head, is it a duck?”

“It’s a Duck, look at that duck’s head is stupid and cute, and his eyes are dull.”

“Don’t even say, Da Ya’s eyes are similar to those of brother-in-law, they are all very at a loss!”

“Maybe when my brother-in-law was taking pictures, he thought to himself, who am I, where am I, what am I doing? Oh, so I am a duck.”

“It’s a cold joke, but it’s fun haha.”

Everyone is happy to fall back together.

Hearing this, Li Xiuzhu couldn’t help taking out his mobile phone curiously, and wanted to take a look.

When Mu Feifan was greeted with a duck head, Li Xiuzhu almost didn’t hold it back, almost forgetting that he was a professional.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and hurried to look through Xia Yuchan’s friend.

In the end, he saw that Xia Yuchan’s head was wearing Pikachu’s pajamas, and he and Mu Feihua were paired together.

Damn it!

Li Xiuzhu felt 10,000 points of crit in an instant.

The dog lovers.

Even WeChat avatars are showing affection!

Why should I look at the phone?

Li Xiuzhu suddenly felt that his whole person was not good.

When I think that I am twenty-five years old and have never even talked about love, I feel a bit of sadness.

At this moment, Li Xiuzhu raised his head and tried to squeeze a smile.

It really interprets what it means to make a strong face and laugh.

It is exactly the same as Mu Feifan’s avatar expression.

“I’ll stop here today. Everyone remembers to be at the school gate at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. Those who are late can only…”

“Go home to sleep?” A classmate responded quickly and immediately answered.

“No!” Li Xiuzhu gritted his teeth and said, “Go to the classroom for self-study, and you are not allowed to leave without school.”

“Huh? It’s so miserable?” There was a wailing in the classroom.

They don’t understand where Teacher Li is suddenly angry.

No way, Li Xiuzhu was also stimulated by Mu Feifan.

The dog is full!

However, despite what she said, these students will certainly not be late.

Who wants to give up such a good opportunity for school travel?

Isn’t that a problem with the brain?

How happy a white whoring is.

Li Xiuzhu said again: “By the way, everyone brings the clothes for these three days, meals and boarding school will be solved, but the rest of the consumption items will be reimbursed~”

“Okay!” everyone replied excitedly.

“Finally, thank classmate Mu again. After all, you still have to write an afterthought when you come back. Come on, and make a good note of the riverside name of this trip!” Li Xiuzhu smiled and left the classroom.

Mu Feifan was taken aback.

Binjiang… the name?

Depend on!

He just reacted.

Teacher Li definitely said that on purpose.

Is she driving trains part-time, and her words are dirty.

Others quickly understood.

One by one laughed again.

“Brother-in-law, if we go to the brothel, can we give a discount?”

“What nonsense, is my brother-in-law that kind of person? He is at best selling an art.”

“I’ve been racing, let’s go find my brother-in-law and listen to the song!”

Suddenly, the entire classroom was instantly covered by terrifying spiritual pressure.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Everyone suddenly became stiff and could not speak.

Mu Feifan looked at Xia Yuchan next to him in shock.

At this moment, although her face was expressionless, her eyes were cold and murderous.

Mu Feifan silently mourned for this group of people.

A bunch of silly boys.

Don’t you know, my wife is the king of vinegar?

Don’t joke around.

Safety first!

Finally, at noon, Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan went to the cafeteria to eat.

Today’s cafeteria is extremely lively.

Lots of people.

Mu Feifan glanced at the long line in front of the meal window, and ran to the place specializing in cooking.

Because this window is less crowded.

Many wealthy students at home eat stir-fried vegetables every day.

“I won’t eat big pot rice today.” Mu Feifan ordered a sweet and sour pork loin, a kung pao chicken, and three bowls of rice.

Well, my wife has one bowl, and he has two bowls.

When Mu Feifei brought the food, he found that Xia Yuchan was typing on his mobile phone.

“What do you write?” he asked.

Xia Yuchan: “I’m making a list to see what I need to bring on my trip.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Take two clothes.”

“How is that enough?”

Mu Feifan’s curious head leaned over, he wanted to see how much Xia Yuchan had written.


The next second, Mu Feifan took a breath.

There are too many things to write!

It seems that one page of the mobile phone memo can’t fit.

“Do you have to take these with you?” Mu Feifei couldn’t help asking.

“Of course.” Xia Yuchan said: “Let’s go to the mall tonight.”


Isn’t it?

Mu Feifan was stunned for a moment.

In his opinion, the boarding school is all-inclusive. Is there anything else I need to buy?

Wouldn’t it be better if people go?

Why do you bring such things?

Do you still need to carry a heavy load when you travel?

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