Chapter 361: The Younger Generation is Awesome! Handsome without you

“You three, are you okay?” Mu Feifan wanted to help.

But at the moment the three of them were lying on the ground with difficulty, and he didn’t know where to start first.

When Chu Tiankuo looked up, the vicissitudes of life in his thirties suddenly smiled: “It turned out to be Brother Fan, we are all right.”

At this moment, he glanced at Ji Yang under his eyes, his expression suddenly changed, and he shaved the back of the other party’s head: “Walk as soon as he walks, so he brakes hard?”

Ji Yang also looked at Chen Yun bitterly, and slapped him over: “What about you, did you hear that? It caused Daddy to rear-end!”

There was an intimate contact between Chen Yun’s forehead and the floor, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Who am I provoking?

After Mu Feifei left, Chen Yun stood up tremblingly.

After all, with his small body, it is still somewhat difficult to withstand the pressure of two big guys.

The reason why Chen Yun saw Mu Feifei just now was dumbfounded because he showed Chen Shuguang a picture of Mu Feifei after returning home last night.

Chen Shuguang immediately sent it to Xu Feihu and Wu Shirong.

As a result, the two were horrified and determined that it was the genius who inspired the flame vision to reach fifteen meters!

In other words, he was the one who made a fake treasure within 30 minutes!

After the grandfather and grandson discussed it again, they found that Chen Yun had insisted that the weapon in the school who can release a hundred meters of sharpness is still Mu Feifan!

All the information shows that Mu Feihua is not only a refiner genius, but also his refinement level is only higher than that of Chen Shuguang, reaching the Realm of a senior refiner long ago!

“The younger generation is terrible, the younger generation is terrible.” Chen Shuguang exclaimed again and again at the time: “I originally wanted to accept the other person as a student to guide me, but now it seems that I can guide my ass on the basis of my level. When you meet, people don’t necessarily know how to be a bird. I.”

Chen Yun suffered an unprecedented blow.

From childhood to adulthood, his most admired grandfather was also the goal he had to chase after all his life, and he was so humble in front of him.

And the other party is still the same age as oneself.

Who dares to believe that this matter spreads out?

Chen Shuguang, a Northern Dipper-level figure in the crafting world of Binjiang City, is not as good as a high school student…

It’s sensational!

Last night, Chen Yun had insomnia.

Unexpectedly, the person he has been displeased with would actually sling him effortlessly in Realm, where he is best!

Even Chen Yun was next to Mu Feifan, and he didn’t even have the qualifications to compare.

The collapse of mentality caused Chen Yun to see Mu Feihua again today, feeling like seeing a god-tier.

God-tier is what ordinary people can’t do, he can do it.

Chen Yun was completely convinced.

For his grandfather, he still has the heart to catch up.

But for Mu Feifan, Chen Yun didn’t even have the will to fight.

After all, when the opponent was the same age as Chen Yun, his refining skills surpassed Chen Shuguang.

During the holidays, it is possible to reach the Great Master or even the stronger Realm.

Chen Yun, what do you compare?

Can’t even think about it.

Therefore, today’s Chen Yun, seeing Mu Feifan, has already been persuaded.

There is only one sentence in my mind.

Brother Fan, how hot are you than beef, but so low-key.

Once your strength is exposed, Binjiang City does not know how many people will come to you.

The eighteen-year-old senior craftsman has a bright future!

But Chen Yun would not spread the matter either. Actually, he was not afraid that Mu Feihua would affect his family’s business.

It’s because of the god-tier thing, we mortals should not interfere.

Otherwise, mortals suffer.

At this moment, the break is a lively time.

There were not many people in the experimental class 1, and Mu Feifei sneaked in through the direct back door.

Destination: The second-to-last row by the window.

Target: Xia Yu cicada.

Attack method: up and down.

What Ling Mu Feifan never expected was that Xia Yuchan was sleeping on the table at this time.

He suddenly felt that the word slacker was specially created for his wife.

Mu Feifan sat helplessly behind Xia Yuchan, cancelled his attack mode, and waited quietly.

Time passed by every minute.

Mu Feifan is a little anxious.

If the wife doesn’t wake up, the break will be over.

Thinking of this, he decided to attack!

Mu Feifei slowly put his hand out, and it was about to fall on Xia Yuchan’s head.

Secret Skill • Touch the head to kill!

However, when the distance between his hand and the hair was only zero and one centimeter, Mu Feifan froze.

He was worried that he would be killed like the last time he was bathing in Tianlingquan!

After all, his wife’s passive skills are terrifying.

If this is bounced out…

Mu Feifan looked around and glanced at the layout of the classroom.

I’m afraid it will be embedded in the wall as a specimen.

It’s hard to pull it off.

Suddenly, a female voice sounded next to him: “Brother-in-law, why are you here?”

Mu Feifan raised his head and found that it was Li Meng.

“Hello, Mengmei.” Mu Feifei realized that he was taking the other side’s place.

When he was about to get up, Li Meng said hurriedly: “It’s okay, sit down, anyway, there are still five minutes before class.”

“Thank you.” Mu Feifan smiled softly.

Li Meng’s face suddenly turned red.

Brother-in-law is so handsome!

I like to help handsome guys solve problems.

Thinking of this, Li Meng asked again: “Are you here to see Sister Xia?”

Mu Feihua nodded, and suddenly said, “Is she usually sleeping during breaks between classes?”

“Nor.” Li Meng thought for a while and said, “I occasionally read comics.”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched slightly.

It is really hard to imagine that a girl with such a cruel wife has a hobby with those dead houses.

Sure enough, animation is a product, regardless of group.

Especially when Mu Feifan lowered his head slightly, he could see a few comic books vaguely in his wife’s desk pocket.

The cover is bright and the handwriting is eye-catching.

“Curse…what’s the curse?” Mu Feihua said unconsciously.

“It’s the curse back to the battle!” Li Meng said.

Mu Feifan was a little surprised: “Do you also read comics?”

Li Meng said: “It’s okay, mainly it is now the hottest anime in the Xiuzhe video station, especially the Gojo Goku in it, it’s so handsome!”

Seeing the other’s face as a fan of a girl, Mu Feifan was a little speechless: “Isn’t it mahjong? What does it have to do with Shuai?”

Li Meng has a black line on his forehead: “Wu Tiao Wu is a handsome guy, not the five that my brother-in-law said.”

“What? There is a handsome guy in it?” Mu Feifan narrowed his eyes.

Li Meng instantly felt that the atmosphere was not right.

No good, murderous!

“Not handsome without you.” At this time, Xia Yuchan slowly raised his head, his expression a little helpless.

Hearing this, Mu Feifei felt more comfortable, and smiled: “Wife, are you awake?”

“You just spoke so loudly, it’s hard not to wake up.” Xia Yuchan looked disgusted.

Mu Feifan smirked, and suddenly said with a serious expression: “I want to see the five enlightenment.”

Xia Yuchan looked at him like this, and asked a little funny: “Are you jealous?”


“That’s not for you to see.”

“I am jealous.”

Xia Yuchan opened a book, turned a few pages casually, and handed it over: “He is five.”

Mu Feifan took a look.

Good guys.

This buddy still wears a blindfold!

White hair.

Do the girls now have this aesthetic?

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