Chapter 357 Your Fan, Am I a Foodie?

Mu Feifan asked, “Do we have a path to God of War here?”

Teacher Feng was speechless.

Dare to love what I said just now, you didn’t listen to a word.

“I’ll say it again, by analogy, it’s not like this. If you don’t have Azure Dragon, you have to have White Tiger!” Feng tutor shouted.

In the distance, You Bai and Chun Chun looked at each other.

You Bai: “Why do you look at me?”

Chunchun: “I don’t know, I just wanted to see it all of a sudden.”

It feels like being named.

Mu Feifan said regretfully: “Okay, then I’ll leave first.”

By now, he has almost understood the way of Dharma and God.

Mu Feifan turned and left, and the voice of Teacher Feng suddenly sounded behind him.

“Extraordinary, I heard that in the way of Dharma and God, spirits cannot be brought in, so everything depends on you and pay attention to safety.”

Mu Feihua looked back.

At this moment, although Teacher Feng looked as usual, there was still a trace of worry in his eyes.

Mu Feifan’s heart warmed and smiled: “Don’t worry, Teacher Feng.”

Teacher Feng really cares about himself.

He reluctantly left.

It’s just that as soon as the front foot left, the other side heard loudly on the back foot: “Remember to plant seeds!”

Damn it!

Mu Feihua staggered and almost fell off.

The turmoil just now disappeared.

He’s not serious!

Sure enough, it is getting more and more serious.

This is true.

At noon the next day.

Just as Mu Feifan got up, the contact sign suddenly sounded.

“Smelly boy, I haven’t come to see me for so long, but an elective student has been packed in for me at Ling Kitchen.” It was the voice of the old man Shen.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Teacher Shen, Zhao Neng is not a simple elective student.”

“Then what is he?”

“He is your fan, you don’t know, in his eyes, your temperament is dusty, unpredictable, and immortal…”

“Okay, I’m embarrassed to say it.” Old man Shen said.

“Four grandfather, I think you are listening with gusto, don’t you be embarrassed.” At this moment, another female voice sounded.

Mu Feifan heard it all at once.

Isn’t this Senior Sister Shen Qing?

“Senior Sister Shen Qing is good.” Mu Feifan said.

“Senior Brother Mu, when will you come to Ling Kitchen? I kind of miss your tomato scrambled egg rice topped with rice.” Shen Qing said.

“I have been taking classes at the Fashenyuan recently, I am afraid I will run out of time.” Mu Feifan said.

Shen Qing said oh.

Disappointment was clearly mixed in the tone.

Suddenly, old man Shen’s voice came: “Girl, don’t mess with me here, get out, I want to chat with Xiaofan.”

Shen Qing: “Is there anything you two can’t listen to?”

Old man Shen: “It’s all you can’t listen to. Don’t interrupt if adults talk and children.”

Shen Qing: “When did Junior Brother Mu become an adult? Besides, where am I young?”

Old man Shen: “Xiaofan and I are not going to work forever. You go out quickly and remember to close the door when you leave.”

Mu Feifan heard Shen Qing’s cut, and then he heard a bang, obviously the door was closed.

Old man Shen smiled and said, “Xiao Fan, I made you laugh.”

Mu Feifan: “It’s okay, it’s very interesting to see your grandpa and grandson chatting.”

The old man Shen sighed suddenly: “When I was practicing cooking recently, this girl Shen Qing always came to ask you about it.”

Mu Feifan: “Senior sister asked me what to do? Do you want to eat my rice bowl?”

Old man Shen: “It’s true that I want to eat, but I think more, it should be you.”

Mu Feifan: “…Teacher Shen, it’s almost done, my wife is right next to me.”

Old man Shen: “You’re almost done. You said the same last time you drank. You got married at such a young age? What about a liar?”


“Do not believe!”

“Should I take her to the Spirit Kitchen for you to see?”

“Just take a look!”

After half an hour.

Old man Shen was stunned, as if struck by lightning.

He looked at the cold girl in front of him, unable to say a word.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Teacher Shen, this is my wife Xia Yuchan.”

Xia Yuchan nodded slightly: “Good mentor Shen.”

Old man Shen opened his mouth and realized that he didn’t know what to say.

His face is full of bitterness!

Mu Feifan asked in surprise: “What’s wrong with Teacher Shen, have your vocal cords been lost?”

“You bastard just lost your vocal cords!” Old man Shen gave him an angry look.

With such a noise, Old Man Shen’s mood eased a lot.


Old man Shen looked at Xia Yuchan.

Needless to say about the appearance.

Although her granddaughter is also very beautiful, she was crushed directly compared to Xia Yuchan.

It’s not a grade at all.

The most important thing is that Xia Yucicada’s temperament is too cold, and the aura is very strong.

Just standing in front of her, Old Man Shen felt a sense of horror.

“Well, I’m also a Nascent Soul middle stage cultivator. Why are you so boring? My Cultivation Base is fake, right?” The old man Shen was a little autistic.

Mu Feifan said: “Teacher Shen, I didn’t lie to you.”

Old man Shen hesitated, he didn’t know what to say.

He suddenly said: “Girl, you have such good conditions, why do you like Xiaofan?”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

My wife is in good condition.

But I’m not bad, okay?

“I like him, isn’t that enough?” Xia Yuchan said lightly.

The old man Shen had nothing to say for a moment.

Blocked to death.

Yes, how can the relationship be so complicated.

One sentence of like is enough.

Hey, girl, Grandpa Four can only do this.

Nothing else can help.

Mu Feifan looked at Xia Yuchan.

Although my wife doesn’t talk much, every time she says it, she makes her heart beating.

“Teacher Shen, since I’m here, I can’t come in vain.” Mu Feifei smiled.

“What do you mean?” Old man Shen was startled, he had a bad feeling.

Mu Feifan: “Buy some tiered ingredients and cook for my wife.”

The old man Shen was speechless for a while: “Smelly boy, the show of affection has come to me.”

Mu Feifan: “Can you do it?”

Old man Shen: “You can do it, why not, whoever asks me to be scared of you kid, you will go to the back of the Great Hall to pick it directly, and you can grab the fresh seafood.”

At this moment, Mu Feifan walked to the stove and said, “Since Teacher Shen is so generous, I should leave something too.”

After a cup of tea, Old Man Shen looked at the two plates of tomato scrambled eggs on the chopping board and sighed in his heart.

He picked up the contact symbol and said, “Girl, come to my kitchen.”

Shen Qing asked, “Why, now I’m begging me again. Didn’t you just say that you adults won’t let me in when you talk?”

“It’s no good to interrupt, but you can open your mouth to eat.” Old man Shen smiled.

Shen Qing seemed to understand something, and immediately hung up the contact happily.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and Shen Qing ran in and looked around: “Where is Junior Brother Mu?”

“Go back.” Old man Shen said.

Shen Qing looked at the two bowls of rice, and her eyes lit up: “Is this Junior Brother Mu made it? Give us one plate per person?”

Old man Shen grinned and said, “They are all prepared for you. He is afraid that you will not have enough food.”

Shen Qing:…

I was embarrassed. In the eyes of Junior Brother Mu, I was a foodie.

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