Chapter 342-Only for couples, paid (fourth)

I don’t know how long it has been warm.

In Mu Feifan’s heart, he has automatically dubbed the voice.


“Catch one of the Heavenly Spiritual Roots girl in Tianlingquan!”

“The trainer chooses to subdue and let go?”

“Nonsense, do you still need to choose? I want all of them.” Mu Feifei murmured in his heart.

Xia Yuchan slowly raised her head, her face flushed with shame.

She looks charming, how can she look cold before.

“Husband~” she whispered softly.

“What’s the matter?” Mu Feifan asked.

“I broke…”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

“I haven’t reached in yet!”

Xia Yuchan was startled for a moment, and then he understood what the other party was talking about. She bit her red lip and said angrily: “I mean I have broken through the Gold Core middle stage.”

Mu Feifan gave a cry, and then reacted, and said excitedly: “What? Are you at the Gold Core middle stage?”

Xia Yuchan nodded, her calm eyes flickering slightly.

“I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly, maybe I am not far from the middle stage.” She analyzed.

Mu Feifan said: “You are Tian Spiritual Roots, here is Tian Lingquan, because the name is too similar, so the fit is high, and cultivation is twice the result with half the effort.”

Xia Yuchan was surprised: “Is that really the case?”

It always feels like you are talking nonsense.

There are tears in Mu Feifan’s heart. Forget it, the joy of Spiritual Roots, we don’t understand Spiritual Roots.

Until the evening, the two of them swam back to the pool again.

Out of the locker room, they were already neatly dressed.

Except for the hair, it’s a little wet.

But the complexion is very good.

Yun Ying and others are near the iron gate.

I have to say that after the beauties go out of the bath, all of them are extremely charming.

Especially, the girls in the world of cultivating immortals have good looks.

Both Meng Yue and Qi Hao looked straight.

But no one dared to take a look at Xia Yuchan.

It’s Dage’s woman after all.

I dare not look at it.

Yun Ying said: “Sister, where did you go just now, but I haven’t seen it.”

Meng Yue also said: “Yeah, I didn’t see Brother Fan either. Mouse and I thought you were drowning. Let’s catch it.”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Standing in can only be no more than the depth of the waist, can you drown me?

When it spreads out, where do I put the face of the immortal cultivator?

When it came to this, Xia Yuchan’s face turned red, and he didn’t know how to explain it.

But Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “There is a room for couples over there, and we will pass.”

The rest understand.

Their complexion changed suddenly one by one.

Yun Ying: “No wonder my younger brother and sister sneaked out, it turned out to be a private meeting.”

Liang Bing: “What do you mean by this couple only?”

Yan Qian: “It’s a mixed bath, men and women wash together.”

Meng Yue: “Oh my God, how cool is it?”

Qi Hao: “If you have a chance, go and enjoy it with my lady.”

“Wake up, single dog!” The others pierced him mercilessly.

Qi Hao wanted to cry without tears: “I just imagined, do single people have no qualifications to imagine?”

Suddenly, Xiao Yuanzi stared at Mu Feifan with a weird face: “You two, don’t you do strange things in Tianlingquan?”

Mu Feifan:…

Xia Yu Cicada:…

Xiao Yuanzi’s eyes became sharp.

She took a step forward and said aggressively: “Tian Lingquan is Sacred’s spring water. It is not allowed to mix in strange liquids, otherwise it will be defiled.”

Yun Ying was stunned: “Strange?”

Liang Bing also exclaimed: “Liquid?”

Yan Qian opened her mouth wide: “What is that… No, I seem to understand.”

Everyone looked at Mu Feifan, and their eyes looked down unconsciously.

Mu Feifan was stared at each other and hurriedly explained awkwardly: “Don’t worry, Xiao Yuanzi, we still understand the rules.”

Xia Yuchan hid behind him, blushing even more, and said nothing.

Xiao Yuanzi looked up and down again, after confirming that the other party was not lying, then he was relieved: “As long as it is not in the spring water, you can toss around the pool.”

Looking at Mu Feifan, Yun Ying hinted with her eyes: “Or, Xiaofan, you can do it.”

Having eaten his meal last time, Yun Ying has a bit of aftertaste.

Mu Feifan also said, “Little Yuanzi, let me do it.”

“No, no.” Xiaoyuanzi hurriedly refused: “You are all paid. It is my guest. How can there be any reason for the guests to cook?”

Unexpectedly, the little girl is so principled.

“Paying the money?” Mu Feifei was a little strange.

When they came in, they didn’t see anyone giving money.

Yun Ying said: “It was paid by the Fashenyuan, so the seven of us can enter the Tianling Spring.”

After Mu Feifei understood, the happiness of white prostitution disappeared.

The seven people sat around a big round table, watching Xiao Yuanzi’s short figure busy in front of the stove.

Yun Ying sighed: “We came to Tianlingquan for the first time a few years ago. At that time Xiaoyuanzi was still a child, and she did not expect to grow up.”

Mu Feifan said, “Have their grandfather and grandson always run this dojo? Why doesn’t Yuanzi study in the academy?”

Qi Hao said: “I heard that Xiaoyuanzi’s family is the guardian of Tianlingquan and cannot leave forever, so Xiaoyuanzi did not become a disciple of the college.”

At this time, Xiao Yuanzi brought a large plate full of greens.

The monotonous dishes really do not evoke appetite.

But Xiao Yuanzi was out of breath.

No way, grandpa is not there, she has never cooked so many people’s food, she is a bit powerless.

“Isn’t this child labor?” Mu Feifei stood up and said, “Little Yuanzi, don’t do it, let me do it.”

Xiao Yuanzi said, “Well, if you think my frying is not good, I can start frying again.”

Mu Feifan said lightly: “It’s not that your stir-fry is not good, I just want my wife to eat better.”

Xiao Yuanzi was stunned for a moment.

Is there any difference between these two sentences?

Don’t you think it’s not delicious?

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