Chapter 335 Live Demonstration, Refusal Is Invalid

When Zhang Xiaoga heard this, his face was embarrassed: “However, we have been hiding all night.”

Feng Xiaoxiao sighed: “When I walk in the world of immortality, I always walk on the snow without a trace, and I can retreat all over my body even if I lick the blood. Do you know the reason?”

“what reason?”

Feng Xiaoxiao said solemnly: “That’s because I can hide better. People in the world of cultivating immortals call it Feng hide.”

Zhang Xiaoga:…

The other five people:…

“Only the one who hides to the end is the real winner. Not to mention that the opponent can’t find us, even our own people can’t find us!” Feng Xiaoxiao said again.

Everyone was speechless.

How did this guy become the first big brother of the Fa Shenyuan?

At this time, the grass in front of them was lifted away.

A group of Elders said dumbfounded: “What are you guys doing here lying down like dogs? Go back and gather quickly. The special training is over.”

The six team members all looked at the wind with a strange expression.

Feng Xiaoxiao’s face was green.

Damn it!

We were found so soon?

This is unscientific.

Soon, this group of people was also taken down the mountain.

At this moment, He Guangning and others have been here for a long time.

Mu Feihua also stood in the team impressively.

Under the leadership of He Guangning, everyone went down the mountain very smoothly.

Did not encounter any difficulties at all.

Mu Feifan was a little speechless.

Qi Hao, the only person in the group who knows how to use fire eye surgery, is also a lunatic.

It was a very simple journey, but it was abruptly increased to The Underworld level of difficulty.

Yu Simiao said: “Old Feng, where did you go hide and seek? I heard that the Elders have been looking for it for a long time.”

Feng Xiaoxiao said angrily: “Don’t you know that going up the mountain is easy and difficult down the mountain?”

He Guangning said, “Okay, everyone is here now.”

At this time, Su Chengye said: “Report to the mentor, Yun Zheyue, the leader of our second group, has not yet returned.”

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience made a sound of suspicion.

Only five groups of disciples remained silent.

There was even a sneer in Mu Feifan’s heart.

He will never come back in his life!


However, Mu Feifan certainly would not publicize the truth.

He is not afraid of things, but does not want to add unnecessary trouble.

He Guangning frowned. He asked, “Did anyone see the cloud covering the moon?”

Everyone shook their heads.

At this time, Master Yunhai said: “At that time, I knocked out the people in the second group. When I recovered, Yun Zheyue had already run away. I see the direction he fled from…”

Suddenly, he glanced at it, and it happened to fall on Mu Feifan.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifei stared at Master Yunhai with Killing intent, full of warning.

“Where did he escape?” He Guangning asked eagerly without seeing this little detail.

Master Yunhai suddenly shook his spirits and said, “The fog is too big, I haven’t seen it.”

He Guangning: “…Then why are you so excited, I thought you knew it.”

Master Yunhai smiled bitterly: “How is it possible to know?”

With lingering fears, he glanced at admiring Feihua again, and he was relieved instantly when he found that the other person’s face was as usual.

As for what happened to the cloud covering the moon.

Master Yunhai has the result in his heart.

He Guangning was a little depressed.

Although there were disciples who left without saying goodbye in the academy before, it was the first time that they disappeared during the special training.

“Forget it, wait till daytime, I’ll go look for it in the mountains,” He Guangning said.

People in the five groups all looked weird when they heard it.

Teacher He has worked hard!

It’s a pity that you can only find loneliness in the end.

“Next, I will announce one thing.” He Guangning said: “For this special training, I will ask Master Yunhai to be a training partner. I think everyone has already learned the style of the master.”

Everyone cut.

“I’m so ruthless!”

“The master has read the Buddhist scriptures in vain over the years, and even the female disciples have not let it go. It is simply destroying the flowers.”

“Master Ruthless!”

Master Yunhai has a thicker skin. He smiled and said, “Thank you for your recognition of my acting skills. If you are right, Teacher He, I will settle the fee for my appearance later.”

He Guangning was speechless: “You should shut up. The four major monks are empty. Why do you open your mouth and shut your mouth is all money.”

Master Yunhai proclaimed a Buddha’s name: “Savadika, it has always been the wish of the little monk to return to the vulgar, but there is no hair on his head. No matter where I go, I will treat me as a monk, ah, melancholy!”

Several Elders seemed to touch the back of their heads in the same way.

Sheding is the pain of a middle-aged man.

He Guangning added: “In this special training, Master Yunhai, as a sparring partner, did not expect to be defeated by a group. As a mentor, I feel very gratified.”

Feng Xiaoxiao’s eyes widened: “My God, which team did Master Yunhai? Amiao, isn’t it you?”

Yu Simiao turned his head, showing a blue nose and swollen face, and said bitterly, “Do you look like it?”

“You look like the one who was fucked.” Feng Xiaoxiao nodded.

He Guangning said: “One group comes at the latest, and it’s normal if you can’t guess. Because of this result, we never expected that Master Yunhai was defeated by five groups in the end!”

Feng Xiaoxiao opened his mouth: “Five groups? Mu Feifan’s group?”

Yu Simiao said irritably, “It’s not his group, is it yours? The wind hides?”

Feng Xiaoxiao: “…How did he do it?”

Yu Simiao: “If I know, can I be beaten like this by the master?”

He Guangning: “Next, please ask Mu Feihua, the leader of the five groups, to talk about the battle and give everyone a little experience.”

Mu Feihua was speechless for a while.

He couldn’t say that he was incarnate as a giant ape, using a footwork that fell from the sky, and directly trampled the master.

“This is not easy to describe in words.” Mu Feifei could only say that.

He Guangning: “Anyway, both parties are there. Would you like to demonstrate on site?”

Master Yunhai cried out in his heart.

Isn’t it enough to let me lose my face?

This is to rub me on the ground!

“I refuse.” Master Yunhai said bluntly.

“Rejection is invalid.” He Guangning said.

As a result, Master Yunhai was forced to stand together with Mu Feihua again.

Mu Feifan: “It feels shameful like this.”

Master Yunhai: “Smelly boy, you can make two gestures, can they still see it?”

Mu Feifan uttered a loud voice, and suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped Master Yunhai directly.


I heard it all a long way away.

This sound is so crisp!

“Damn, are you serious?” Half of Master Yunhai’s face immediately swelled.

Mu Feifan: “Didn’t you tell me to make two gestures?”

“Is this called a gesture?” Master Yunhai pointed to the red profile and said in hatred.

“Why don’t I turn to give you a set of combo punches?” Mu Feifei smiled.

Master Yunhai remembered the scene of being beaten up before, and suddenly he was excited: “Forget it.”


Mu Feifan slapped another backhand.

This time, the other half of Master Yunhai’s face also swelled up.

“Are you still fighting?” Master Yunhai was about to cry.

Mu Feifan asked: “Why are you still not flying?”

After Master Yunhai was silent for a few seconds, he suddenly understood.

He immediately shouted: “It hurts! What a terrifying palm!”

In the next second, Master Yunhai flew out and fell heavily.

The audience was speechless.

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