Chapter 327 Paparazzi, let’s add some ice (sixth)

I don’t know where there is so much grass for it to eat nearby.

Little mouth chirp chirp, it’s endless.

Mu Feifan stretched out his hand, and a flash of spiritual light popped out.


The rabbit immediately slid back into the soil, and a small hole was blown up where it had just landed.

After a while, it seemed that there was no danger, and the rabbit’s head came out from the side again.

Mu Feifan was a little helpless.

Along the way, they played around like this, not knowing how long they had been entertaining each other.

You can’t catch you, you can only watch.

Yun Ying said: “The atmosphere is so tense, Xiao Fan, don’t tease the rabbit, what should I do next?”

In this hour, they asked how many times what to do.

Mu Feifan said: “First adjust our own state, and talk about other things later.”


Seeing an accident in both groups, everyone’s mood was extremely low.

At this time, the Spirit Power in Mu Feifan’s hand was flowing, and he lightly tapped.

The grass on the ground immediately gathered together and gradually formed a weapon-like plant.

The others were dumbfounded.

This plant looks like a guard, with a huge mouthpart, like a fierce, unforged muzzle!

Little pea gunner!

“The plants are all soldiers!” Mu Feifan smiled faintly, and began to condense a second one.

This time the plant has two mouthparts.

Two-headed little gunner!

In the past, when he first entered the Foundation Building, Mu Feihua could only make one plant, but there were three plants in the middle stage of the Foundation Building. Now it is late stage, he can make ten plants!

“Mu Sir, what are you doing?” Liang Bing asked curiously.

Mu Feifan: “Liang Bing, you are an ice cultivator.”

Liang Bing nodded.

Mu Feifan: “Just right, come and add some ice to me!”


Liang Bing was a little confused.

Xia Yuchan was speechless for a while.

Is this using Liang Bing as an ice shaver?

Soon, with Liang Bing’s spare no effort in the ice Spirit Power, the third plant of Mu Feihua was born.

Little ice gunner!

Looking at the exquisite blue color of this plant weapon, Liang Bing felt incredible: “This is made by mixing my ice Spirit Power?”

Mu Feifan said: “Yes, the effect depends on how well your Ice Spirit Power works.”

Liang Bing immediately replied: “Sir, don’t worry, there is absolutely no water, Spirit Power is pure.”

Well, let you put ice, which way do you put water?

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