Chapter 319

Yun Ying shrugged helplessly.

In fact, the spell assessment has caused such a big noise, these disciples have heard some rumors more or less.

The reason why they didn’t admit that they had heard of it was to give the new disciple a chance.

snort! Don’t think that being able to join the class is so great!

You newcomers are not qualified to be inquired by us at all.

Thinking of this, Yun Ying couldn’t help holding her forehead with one hand.

Hey, these classmates are so naive?

Obviously he was curious to die, and he was so reserved one by one.

She had found some disciples poking their necks, looking outside the door!

In that posture, I can’t wait to compete with the giraffe.

At this time, He Guangning said: “You two, come in.”

The first one who walked in was Mu Feihua.

Wearing a purple-gold courtyard uniform, black hair and black eyes, the whole person exudes an indescribable and elegant dust.

“So handsome!” a female disciple couldn’t help exclaiming.

A male disciple next to him said dissatisfied: “Liang Bing, can you be more reserved and look like you have never seen the world before?”

“But it’s really handsome.” Liang Bing’s eyes were still shining.

After Mu Feifan, it was Xia Yuchan.

She was wearing an ordinary blue-and-white women’s hospital uniform with a ponytail. She didn’t dress up very much, but the ceiling of her face had long looked at everyone.

“Damn, it’s so beautiful!” The male disciple was shocked just now.

Liang Bing said with contempt: “Meng Yue, who said I had never seen the world before?”

Meng Yue: “Neither did I expect that the outside world is so wonderful.”

The arrival of Xia Yuchan made the male disciples in the class amazed in varying degrees.

After all, the super-high appearance is too eye-catching.

It’s hard not to pay attention.

He Guangning smiled and said, “You can introduce yourself, for example, what hobbies do you have…”

“Xia Yuchan.” Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan simply said a name and stopped speaking.

He Guangning petrified instantly.

This woman is kind of cool.

The classroom also felt a cold wind surround.

“It feels a bit cold suddenly.”

“I’m feeling it too.”

“How did it cool down?”

Many disciples couldn’t help but shiver.

It was Mu extraordinary’s turn.

He smiled faintly, looking very gentle.

“My name is Mu Feifan, male gender, hobby…” Mu Feifan glanced at Xia Yuchan next to him and smiled: “My hobby is her.”

He Guangning suddenly opened his mouth wide, completely dumbfounded.

It is the rest of the class who is more confused than him.

“Fuck, what’s the situation, did this buddy think about it as soon as a girl was transferred?”

“Originally, wolves are more fleshy and less meaty. Brother, you can’t get ahead quickly.”

“This friend’s cheek is a bit thick!”

The male disciple was indignant.

Knowing the truth, Yun Ying was a little helpless: “Hey, I really can’t stand this pair of them.”

What kind of affection do you show when you are in class?

Seeing that the complaints in the class became more and more serious, He Guangning hurriedly said: “You should find a place to sit down first, there are a lot of empty places.”

Xia Yuchan glanced at the classroom.

At this time, many male disciples rushed to say, “Junior Sister, sit next to me. There is a free table.”

“Why do you guys don’t wanting face like this? Don’t scare her away when the younger sister just came here.”

“Damn, they said, you don’t wanting face the most, am I not a human being sitting next to you? Is there any empty table?”

“Brother, did you know that class with beautiful women is enjoyment, and class with you is a longevity.”

Meng Yue looked at the people sitting around him, and found that only Liang Bing who was sitting in front of him could provoke him.

“Liang Bing, move away quickly, don’t make trouble!”

“Why don’t you move out, just in time for Junior Brother Mu in exchange.”

Yun Ying reached out to Xia Yuchan and said, “Sit here!”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

An empty table happened to be in front of Yunying.

This classroom also has one table for one person.

Xia Yu Cicada took his seat.

Mu Feifan also sat next to her.

The whole class:? ? ?

“what’s the situation?”

“One person, one table, this junior!”

“So many vacant positions, do you have to join the junior sister?”

“If you want to get close to the water tower, you want to be crazy!”

Yunying’s mouth twitched slightly: “I knew it would be like this…”

In her class, Mu Feifan had to sit next to Xia Yuchan.

Thick-skinned, there is no way, can’t persuade.

He Guangning said helplessly, “Mu Feifan, there are still many vacant places nearby, do you want to…”

“No.” Mu Feifei replied decisively: “This position is very good, and it doesn’t affect my class.”

He Guangning was stunned.

Damn it!

Who is afraid of affecting your class?

I’m afraid you will affect others.

Since Mu Feifan was determined not to leave, He Guangning looked at Xia Yuchan again: “There is a free table next to him, do you want to…”

“No!” Xia Yuchan refused coldly, without hesitation.

He Guangning was confused again.

I was rejected twice. Is my mentor’s Face so worthless?

Through the short-lived relationship, everyone gradually realized Xia Yuchan’s temperament.

It’s really extremely cold.

However, many people have doubts.

“Hey, why is this junior girl unwilling to change seats?”

“Is she willing to sit next to that buddy? It’s impossible.”

“You are really pig brains, you don’t understand the character of this junior girl at all. How does the junior girl’s face survive if the instructor says that you can change it?”

“That’s it, brother is really a good opinion.”

“I didn’t expect Junior Sister’s personality to be so cool.”

Mu Feifan heard all this naturally.

He was speechless.

The disciples of this group of elite classes cultivate Qi Deviation, have they practiced their brains stupidly?

Can’t they see our relationship?

Is my performance not obvious enough?

However, Mu Feifan didn’t want to stimulate these little boys yet.

He still doesn’t know how deep the water in the elite class is.

What if you are all pretending to be crazy and stupid.

He Guangning suddenly smiled and said, “Let’s start class now.”

As soon as this remark came out, the class immediately calmed down.

All the disciples became attentive.

The schoolmasters are different.

Mu Feifan also became serious.

He Guangning said: “Let’s review the content of the last class first, how to increase the spell damage? Which disciple will answer.”

He glanced at the classroom and said, “Yun Zheyue, you will answer.”

Hearing this name, Mu Feifan became interested.

Isn’t this Sister Ying’s cousin?

A handsome-looking man stood up, his eyebrows pierced, and he said, “Of course it has something to do with the basic Spirit Power.”

I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional.

While Mu Feifan Yu Guang looked at Yun Zheyue, the other party also glanced at him.

Yun Zheyue suddenly chuckled: “Can the same spell be used like a genius when it is cast by waste?”

Mu Feifan frowned.

Although it was far away, he always felt that there was something in the other party’s words.

He Guangning said: “You are right.”

The truth is that truth, but how come you seem to be so arrogant when you speak it out.

However, in this class, Yun Zheyue has arrogant capital!

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