Chapter 314 Light Spells, the assessment begins

After Mu Feifan left, Master Yunhai collapsed to the ground like a frustrated ball.

“Damn, this kid is even more enchanting than his father when he was younger.” He said cursingly.

At this time, Mu Feifei had left Wanfa Hall, and naturally he could not hear what Master Yunhai said just now.

He is now going back to Jianlu Island non-stop to learn new spells.


Another day passed.

Mu Feihua mastered the magical light.

This is also an auxiliary spell.

Can remove all bad conditions.

Such as poisoning, cramps, convulsions…

The difference from the confluence of rivers is one solution and one treatment.

Mu Feifan was somewhat disappointed.

Thought it was a powerful high-level spell, that’s it?

But they listened to the class every morning, so that Mu Feihua also learned a lot of the characteristics of light spells.

In general, this is not mainstream attacking Spiritual Roots.

Partial healing and purification.

But if the opponent is an evil ghost, the light spell will begin to show its edge.

In other words, the light system is the nemesis of all demons.

As for the upgraded light Spiritual Roots of Mu Huanfa, they carry a characteristic called the sacred seal of light.

This feature is very powerful.

After playing, you can mark opponents and teammates.

Let the light spells acting on them have a large Ascension power.

The effect of hurting and curing others is stronger.

It can be described as very abnormal!

After Mu Feihua mastered the magic light, he directly used the system to increase it.

The cheats were transformed into “shenguang rushing into the sky”.

He turned a few pages casually and rejoiced.

This is a group attack spell.

Let the seemingly gentle light spells finally come in handy.

The next few days.

Mu Feifei has been studying in the courtyard.

The entire small courtyard has been shining with a blinding light.

It’s blinding people’s eyes.

Xia Yuchan hid in the room, saying that he didn’t want to stay with the guy who set off the flash bomb.

It’s too spicy.

On this day, the one-month assessment day finally arrived.

In the morning, Yun Ying had just stepped into the classroom and said, “Today is the day when Junior Brother Mu accepts the assessment. I will not give lectures. As a classmate, let’s cheer for him together.”

“Yeah!” Everyone immediately cheered happily.

Although Mu Feifan usually doesn’t communicate with everyone, but after a month of classmates, it is still very pleasant to get along with each other.

Seeing everyone cheering for him now, Mu Feifan couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

“Wow, I finally don’t have to go to class, so happy!”

“Haha, Brother Mu is going to take a test. I like to watch the excitement if it’s too good.”

“Yes, I have long been looking forward to this day, waiting to see Brother Mu’s face full of peach blossoms after being beaten.”

Everyone talked a lot, and their faces were filled with joy.

Mu Feifan’s forehead violently throbbed.

It may be that he has a misunderstanding of the four words being happy.

This group of people is too unconscionable.

Just to see you get beaten!

Yang Zhihai jumped out and said nervously: “Senior Brother Mu, you must win, otherwise I can only drink northwest wind in my next life.”

Mu Feifan looked at him with a gloomy face.

I thought Yang Zhihai would cheer him up, but I didn’t expect the last sentence to be the point.

At this moment, Mu Feifei had an impulse to abstain from voting.

Seeing that the other person’s eyes were wrong, Yang Zhihai hurriedly corrected: “It doesn’t matter if I drink Xifeng or not, the main reason is that Brother Mu must join the elite class.”

“Finally, I said something human.” Mu Feifan smiled faintly, and walked out of the classroom.

Everyone in the class came to an open-air fighting arena.

At this moment, the sun is scorching.

There was a long table on the fighting arena, and a row of Elders from the Fashen Temple sat.

They are all invigilators for this assessment.

Mu Feifan was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, an assessment would be such a big battle.

All Elders in the courtyard were dispatched.

Among the eight branches, the tutor ranks the highest, followed by Elder.

The tutor is only in charge of teaching and major decisions in the college.

Elder is responsible for other daily chores.

The Fashenyuan is one of the best branches of the academy, and there are naturally many Elders.

However, Mu Feifan sighed.

My own God of War courtyard is too shabby, let alone disciples, even Elder does not have it.

However, with the current conditions of the God of War Academy, it is barely enough to feed more than a dozen disciples. Another Elder is estimated to be unable to pay.

No wonder no one wants to come.

At this time, Mu Feifan glanced at the invigilator seat, and finally saw the extremely conspicuous bald head among the Elder group.

Master Yunhai!

“The master turned out to be Elder from the Fashenyuan?” Mu Feihua was astonished.

At this moment, Master Yunhai raised his head and found Mu Feihua. He smiled and said, “Smelly boy, don’t I look like Elder?”

Mu Feifan looked at Master Yunhai.

The other party had sleepy eyes, a shaggy beard, and a tattered monk’s robe.

On the other hand, the other Elders are all immortal, robes and robes, even if they have a beard, they are still beautiful and upright!

This contrast is too obvious!

“If you don’t laugh so wretchedly, you can barely count as a serious monk.” Mu Feifan answered honestly.

Depend on!

When Master Yunhai heard this, his smile instantly froze on his face, and he cursed: “I wish you a big duck.”

“One duck egg is too little, add a fried dough stick to two duck eggs.” Mu Feihua said.

The female disciples next to them blushed and tweeted softly, “How can Master Yunhai and Senior Brother Mu dare to say anything? It’s not serious.”

Mu Feifan and Master Yunhai looked puzzled.

What are we talking about?

I think you are thinking too much.

At this time, Yunying stepped forward and said to each Elder cupped hands: “Disciple Yunying, see you Elder.”

The big Elder sitting in the middle said, “Yun Ying, which disciple in your class is going to be assessed?”

Mu Feifan stood up directly.

A purple-gold courtyard uniform is very eye-catching, coupled with his handsome appearance, no matter from a distance, he looks like a son of Shijia Jia.

Elder said, “It turned out to be you, an elective student of the God of War Academy. But since you want to join the elite class, everything must follow the rules of the God of War Academy. One month has come. Are you ready?”

Mu Feifan said: “The disciple is ready.”

Elder asked: “I heard that you are preparing a new advanced spell?”

Mu Feifan: “Yes, it is the confluence of rivers.”

“Healing spells…” Elder murmured, “If you want to see the effect, you have to look for the wounded. Yun Ying, go and ask, are there any students who are willing to be volunteers?”

Yun Ying comprehended, and immediately turned around and said, “Which Junior Brother and Junior Sister would like to be a volunteer?”


In an instant, all the disciples changed their faces.

Volunteers who have been beaten, this is not good enough.

Yun Ying said again: “Being a volunteer can receive benefits.”

Hearing this, many people were a little moved.

After all, there must be a brave man under the reward!

At this time, Yang Zhihai, who was short of money, tentatively asked, “Sister Yunying, who will call?”

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