Chapter 312 Master is frightened, and breakthrough again?

The next seven days.

Mu Feifan took Xia Yuchan to attend classes at the Temple of Dharma every morning.

In the afternoon, he went to Wanfa Hall by himself for new spells and cheats.

Master Yunhai rolled his eyes for a while: “How can you cultivate such a high-level spell, be careful not to chew it too much.”

Seven more days passed.

Master Yunhai: “Mu Feifan, you have the ability to learn all the advanced spells in the Wanfa Hall!”

Seven more days passed.

Master Yunhai: “Brother Mu, Dage, Uncle Mu, I beg you, don’t come, the secrets of Wanfa Hall are not available for you to learn.”

Mu Feifan: “Then buy more goods.”

The corner of Master Yunhai’s mouth twitched.

Dare to feel that this master thinks that the magic secrets are all Chinese cabbage on the market, can they be wholesale?

Mu Feifan was also helpless.

Now he has only come once in two or three days, reducing the frequency of borrowing and consolidating his proficiency in spells.

But in this way, he also mastered ten advanced spells.

The means have been greatly increased.

Defense, treatment, control, powerful single attack and group damage.

Now Mu Feifan is not a rookie, but a real high-tech boss.

However, with so many spells, the Spirit Power needed is massive.

It is supported by the surging Spirit Power no less than Gold Core middle stage.

Otherwise, just put a few cultivators on them, they will be picked up by adults.

Seeing that the day is getting closer and closer to the assessment.

Mu Feifan asked: “Master, I want to buy cheats.”

Master Yunhai: “Not for sale, the cheats of Wanfa Hall are limited.”

Mu Feifan was surprised: “Can’t you copy and paste, and then copy a few more copies?”

He is now chatting with Master Yunhai, very casual.

The other party can understand it anyway.

“Copy a der!” Master Yunhai snorted: “Look at every cheat book, do you use ordinary ink?”

Mu Feifan was stunned for a few seconds, and then asked, “Isn’t it?”


Master Yunhai almost slipped and hurriedly explained: “In terms of cultivating immortals, those are Dao Yun.”

Mu Feihua nodded: “It turns out that the people at Xinhua Bookstore are so good.”

Suddenly, Master Yunhai smiled: “Actually, there are two high-level magic secrets in Wanfa Hall.”

Mu Feifan’s eyes lit up.

Master Yunhai’s eyes were slyly: “Its name is Shenguangpuzhao.”

Mu Feifan leaned back, “Isn’t that a light spell?”

“Hahaha!” Master Yunhai let out a cheerful laugh.

In fact, he had secretly observed this time.

There are many types of spells that Mu Feifan borrowed, and it can be seen that there must be a lot of his Spiritual Roots.

After the master Yunhai quietly counted, he couldn’t help being shocked.

There are at least six kinds of Spiritual Roots that you can admire.

How did such “rotten” miscellaneous Spiritual Roots cultivate to the present level?

Moreover, the speed of learning each spell is so fast?

Master Yunhai began to wonder, whether Mu Feifei only learned a little bit, looks alike but not like a god?

However, every time Mu Feihua suppressed him verbally, Master Yunhai felt that the other party was so smart that he should know his mastery of spells.

Therefore, there is only one possibility.

That is why Mu Feihua really learned all the spells he borrowed recently!

This is also terrible.

Master Yunhai was shocked, but later discovered that Mu Feifei had never borrowed that divine light.

Light-based Spiritual Roots are inherently rare, and the entire academy may not be able to find a few such disciples.

The rarity is about the same as the space system.

Mu Feifan certainly didn’t.

Thinking of this, Master Yunhai was even more proud of seeing Mu Feifan’s deflated appearance.

“Haha, it’s not that we don’t sell your cheats, but can you learn them if you buy them?”

“Small, let’s scream.”

“I’m speechless this time.”

Master Yunhai thought to himself, almost couldn’t help but dance.

You know, he has never beaten Mu Feihua in the language struggle this time around.

This time finally win the battle!

Mu Feifan was quite disappointed, turned to leave, and looked at Master Yunhai with a melancholy look when he was leaving.

Master Yunhai waved his hand: “Welcome to come again! Shenguangpuzhao will always be reserved for you!”

In fact, he was already happy in his heart.

Suddenly, Mu Feifei didn’t take two steps.

The sky is dimming!

“What’s the matter?” Master Yunhai was dumbfounded.

Has changed?

It’s not like it.

In a blink of an eye, thunderclouds shrouded thousands of miles in the sky, and terrifying bursts resounded across the sky.

The wind howled, pushing everyone forward and running.

Master Yunhai danced in his monk’s robe and shouted: “Fuck, this thunderstorm is coming too suddenly, I’m closing the stall.”

He picked up the table and was about to move it into the hall. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong and turned his head to look.

At this moment, Mu Feifan was still standing in front, his back was deep.

“Hey, Mu Feifan, it will rain for a while, so I don’t have to go, I don’t have a place to shelter you from the rain.” Master Yunhai shouted.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua didn’t say a word and didn’t move at all.

Master Yunhai was surprised: “What’s wrong with this guy? Is it because I was shocked just now that I couldn’t walk?”


A flash of lightning came down, lighting up the dim sky.

“Fuck! I was horrified, what a big lightning!” Master Yunhai was taken aback.

That lightning flashed like a long dragon.

Master Yunhai’s pair of bull’s eyes stared perfectly round, and the more he looked at it, the more strange it became. Why did this lightning strike in his direction?

At this moment, the lightning volleyed, shining the earth.

Master Yunhai was frightened.


It’s really hacked here!

Did I just pretend to be a little bit, am I going to be struck by lightning now?

The retribution is coming too soon, right?

I prayed in front of the Buddha to grow my hair every day, but it didn’t work!

Sure enough, good things do not work, but bad things will be repaid in the world.

Master Yunhai shrank his neck, fell to the ground, and raised his head tremblingly.


Doesn’t this lightning seem to be coming to slash own?


There was a huge shaking sound.

The lightning resembled a golden dragon tearing open its hideous mouth, hitting Mu Feifan’s body straight, setting off an extremely dazzling light.

Bang bang bang!

The lightning is constant, and the output is continuous.

“Mu Feifan!” Master Yunhai shouted anxiously.

It’s finished, it’s finished!

Can a living person survive being struck by lightning?

His eyes were full of worry, and he didn’t care about being afraid, so he hurriedly got up and wanted to take a look.

Unexpectedly, in the burst of lightning, Mu Feifan stood proudly, his shirt burst into pieces, revealing his perfect upper body.

Under the shower of light, the skin showed a red-gold color.

Master Yunhai was terrified: “Mu Feifan, are you, are you still alive?”

He was afraid that Mu Feifan would fall to the ground in the next second.

“Master, I’m sorry, I scared you.” Mu Feihua slowly turned his head, his face was handsome, his eyes sharp: “I have made a breakthrough again!”


Master Yunhai was stunned.

Who have you seen breakthrough such a big battle?

Even the sky thunder was attracted?

This is too scary!

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