Chapter 288 Don’t Fry the Kitchen, Like Calabash Baby


Mu Feifan was taken aback.

Forget it, the nature of human beings.

“It’s too early, I can’t sleep a bit.” Mu Feihua answered honestly.

Xia Yuchan didn’t speak.

She just brought her little head over, curled up in Mu Feihua’s arms, adjusted a comfortable posture, and said, “What about this?”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

I can’t sleep even more like this, okay?

However, Xia Yuchan fell asleep soon.

It may be that this posture is too relaxed.

Mu Feifan subconsciously hugged the other party, his consciousness lost, and he didn’t know when he would also enter his dream.

the next day.

Direct sunlight enters the room.

Mu Feifan opened his eyes and lowered his head to see the girl in his arms and the pajamas.

Suddenly a weird thought popped out of his mind.

How do you feel that you slept with a Pikachu last night?

Mu Feifan said softly, “Wife, it’s time to get up.”


Xia Yuchan closed her eyes, made a lazy voice, and put her arm around Mu Feihua’s neck: “What time is it?”

“It’s seven o’clock.” Mu Feifan said.

“Sleep for another ten minutes~” Xia Yuchan groaned, not wanting to get up at all.

“One, two, three…” Mu Feifei muttered ten numbers silently in his heart.

Ten seconds later.

Mu Feifan said, “Ten minutes are here.”

Xia Yuchan: “…Mu Feifan, you lie.”

“I didn’t lie to you, time flies quickly when you fall asleep.”

Xia Yuchan immediately got up from Mu Feifan’s arms and sat on the bed with a sleepy expression on her face.

She glanced at the wall clock on the bed, and muttered dissatisfied the next second: “It’s obviously only a minute.”

A faint smile appeared at the corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth.

Unexpectedly, the wife who couldn’t sleep in the morning was so cute.

She was sleepy with a hint of coquettish voice, no matter how many times she listened to it, she didn’t get tired of it.

“We will have to wash, eat breakfast, go to the temple, go to school…” Mu Feihua said.

Upon hearing this, the itinerary is indeed very tight.

Xia Yu-chan was not sleepy all at once, she said: “You, go cook!”

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “Aunt Wang should be done at this time.”

“Let’s go and check it out. In case Aunt Wang didn’t do it, I want to eat what you made.” Xia Yuchan said expectantly.

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and said, “Let’s do it.”

He wanted to make breakfast for Xia Yuchan.

But because I woke up too late, I was afraid it was too late.

Mu Feifan came to the kitchen on the first floor, and Aunt Wang was busy at the moment.

Aunt Wang smiled and said, “Young Master is awake? Just wait for breakfast a little bit.”

Mu Feifan: “Aunt Wang, I will do the rest.”

Aunt Wang:? ? ?

Am I right?

When will Young Master cook?

Could it be instant noodles?

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Aunt Wang had no choice but to untie the apron and leave the kitchen.

Only the moment she walked out, Aunt Wang turned her head uneasy, but saw a huge flame dragon flying out of Mu Feifan’s palm.

“My mother!” Aunt Wang almost fainted.

rest assured?

It’s weird if you can rest assured!

Young Master, don’t blow up the kitchen!

When Xia Yuchan was wearing pink slippers and plopped down the stairs, he found that the table was already full of rich breakfast.

“Tomato and egg noodles, honey rice balls, pan-fried potato pancakes, ham and cheese rolls…”

Xia Yuchan was a little surprised.

She looked at the three people at the table.

Except for Mu Feifan’s indifferent face, Li Bo and Wang Aunt were all dumbfounded.

Xia Yuchan asked, “You did this all?”

Mu Feifan: “Yes.”

Aunt Wang smiled bitterly and said, “Young Master’s cooking skills are really fast, and it opened my eyes.”

Li Bo also smiled: “When I first saw it, I thought it was the Manchu Banquet from the restaurant. I didn’t expect it to be Young Master’s hand.”

“I can’t finish eating so much.” Xia Yuchan said.

Mu Feifan smiled: “I’m making breakfast for the first time. I don’t know what you like, so I made them all.”

Xia Yuchan said, “I’m not picky, it’s too wasteful.”

However, her heart was full of joy.

Mu Feifan: “Then you can try one by one first, choose your favorite, and I will make it for you in the future.”

“Good.” Xia Yuchan nodded.

Looking at the table full of delicacies, she couldn’t wait.

“Well, this is good!”

“Rice balls are also delicious.”

“Cheese rolls are fine too!”

Xia Yuchan suddenly felt a little distressed.

Why are all delicious?

How does she choose?

The first time I saw Xia Yuchan hesitating, Mu Feifei smiled and arranged a plan for her.

“Seven days a week, I make you a new breakfast every day.”

Xia Yuchan was satisfied with this plan.

She raised her head, but saw Aunt Wang and Bo Li both looking at her with sorrow.

“Aunt Wang, Uncle Li, eat too, don’t just look at me.” Xia Yuchan said.

Aunt Wang and Uncle Li were helpless.

The breakfast is really delicious.

But these two young people started sprinkling dog food in the early morning.

Aunt Wang and Uncle Li are almost fed with dog food, how can they eat anything else?

After eating, Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan simply cleaned up, and then went out wearing white lovers shirts.

They came to the hall of the temple.

Xiao Yue was waiting at the door.

“Sister-in-law is good, Brother Fan is good.” Xiao Yue said hello.

Xia Yuchan nodded blankly, and did not speak.

Mu Feifan smiled: “Sao Yueyue came very early.”

“After all, hug Brother Fan’s thigh, I want to be more active.” Xiao Yue said with enthusiasm.

The three came to the teleportation circle.

Mu Feifan and Xiao Yue formed a good team and were about to pass.

Xia Yuchan said suddenly, “Husband, take me.”

Mu Feifan is a little strange.

He suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face began to change drastically.

Xia Yuchan: “I destroyed the previously positioned Otherworld body last time, so this time I can directly team up with you.”

Sure enough!

Mu Feifan was surprised and delighted: “Great, we can finally be reunited in Otherworld.”

Although he wondered why Xia Yuchan suddenly ruined that Otherworld’s body, Mu Feifan was full of joy at the moment.

Xiao Yue showed a strange face.

Sister-in-law is not here to supervise me, right?

Heaven and earth conscience, Brother Fan and I are really nothing.

Compared to Xiao Yue’s fear and fear, Xia Yuchan was much calmer.

She took Mu Feifan’s hand and suddenly said, “No matter where I am in the future, no matter what happens, I don’t want to be separated from you.”

Mu Feifan nodded solemnly, and said: “Never separate!”

Xiao Yue on the side was a little speechless.

555 I’m still here.

You don’t want to be numb here, okay?

I am so fertile, can you really not see me?

The three quickly completed the team.

Mu Feihua is the captain.

The teleportation burst of light flickered, covering their bodies.

The three came to Mu Fandian’s private room.

Mu Feifan asked tentatively, “Is Kun Kun there?”

Soon, there was a sound of chewing in the room, and I didn’t know what Kun Kun was eating.

Kun Kun: “Morning! Hey, why is there one more person this time? Are you Calabash baby saving grandpa, one by one a day to Otherworld?”

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