Chapter 262 This year’s school team, it’s not easy to bring!

“Student Mu has the strength, okay, even if I pat his butt swollen, I can’t fly.” Wang Liangang was not annoyed, and said with a smile.

Li Xiuzhu said: “There is a sentence that I don’t know should be said improperly.”

“Say it.” Wang Liangang said.

Mu Feifan and Gong Xingyu nearby also looked over.

“Student Mu is indeed very strong.” Li Xiuzhu pulled her long hair behind her ears and smiled: “But in my opinion, there is still a gap between you and your girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” Wang Liangang and Gong Xingyu reacted for a while.

“Oh, it’s Xia Yuchan’s classmate.” Li Xiuzhu complained in his heart, what kind of reflex of these two people.

Ignoring the two dumbfounded people, she continued: “At first, when Xia Yuchan and I competed, she won easily.”

“What, classmate Xia is so strong?” Gong Xingyu was shocked.

“Single Spiritual Roots, or Innate full of attributes, the league can’t find a second talent like her. Her Spirit Power is far more profound than the same rank. To be honest, she played the Foundation Building cultivator, just like playing children. Simple.” Li Xiuzhu said.

Mu Feifan was slightly surprised.

I didn’t expect my wife to be so strong!

The last time the two were playing in the stadium, how much water was released by the wife.

On this side, Wang Liangang had already been happy to bloom.

He doesn’t care who the pair is strong, it’s all in his team anyway.

“By the way, Teacher Li, I want to correct you one thing.” Wang Liangang said suddenly.

“what’s up?”

Wang Liangang looked at Gong Xingyu: “Did you already know it?”

Gong Xingyu probably understood what the other party was referring to and nodded.

The two said tacitly: “Xia Yuchan is not Mu Fandian’s girlfriend.”


Li Xiuzhu was dumbfounded.

She looked at Mu Feifan with a questioning gaze: “What’s the matter, didn’t you make a wedding? Is it because the bride price has not been negotiated and divided?”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

What is the brain circuit of Teacher Li?

Wang Liangang smiled and said, “They are husband and wife.”

Gong Xingyu added: “The certificate has been obtained, and the alliance law recognizes it.”

“Lying on the grass!” Li Xiuzhu couldn’t hold back, and exploded with a foul language.

Gong Xingyu looked disgusted: “Mr. Li, can you pay attention to the image of your teacher when you are away? The students in your class are still watching.”

Li Xiuzhu’s face was reddened: “Isn’t I too excited?”

“It won’t work if you are too excited, do you have that function?” Gong Xingyu retorted.

The two men next to him suddenly became petrified.

They looked at Gong Xingyu, a petite figure, and suddenly a word came out in their minds.

Little dirty girl?

Li Xiuzhu said solemnly: “The lying grass I’m talking about is the name of a plant.”

The three were shocked.

Can you think of such a cowhide explanation?

As expected of Mr. Li, who is full of resources.

Taken it.

“Hey, all my own students have obtained the certificate, and I am still a single dog. When I think of this, I suddenly feel hurt.” Li Xiuzhu said sadly.

“I am also injured.” Gong Xingyu’s complexion was bleak.

“I also suffer.” Wang Liangang sighed.

“Hahaha, Lao Bai, with your unique look, will you be able to play at that time?” Chu Tian slapped the opponent’s shoulder broadly.

Bai Lesheng screamed: “You damn put down your bear’s paw!”

At this moment, there was still a person behind Bai Lesheng’s wheelchair, it was Feng Li.

“Is it popular now that buy one get one free?” Chu Tiankuo asked.

Feng Li said solemnly: “I’m Lao Bai’s agent…”

“God f*ck agent, nurse.” Everyone was speechless.

“Except for Feng Li, the five of you are the tentative main players.” Wang Liangang said.

Ouyang Ce was puzzled: “Tentatively?”

“What should I do if I meet a classmate who is Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger in the next week of school selection?” Wang Liangang gave a smirk, his eyes flew by, falling on a person: “For example, like our classmate Mu… , Mu Feifan, can you two listen to me?”

At this moment, Mu Feifei was holding Xia Yuchan’s hand, without even looking at Wang Liangang.

The two did not know what they were chatting quietly.

“Ah? Teacher Wang, are you calling me?” Mu Feifan raised his head, his expression slightly shocked.

Wang Liangang is full of black lines on his forehead.

Damn it!

This year’s school team is not easy to bring!

There are all kinds of strange things.

“Don’t hold hands under my eyes.” Wang Liangang gritted his teeth and said.

Mu Feifan gave a cry, and then let go of his hand reluctantly.

Xia Yuchan’s face flashed blush, but she quickly returned to her coolness.

Perhaps because he was afraid of offending Admiral, Wang Liangang added: “Go home and hold hands.”

Feng Li said: “Report! Teacher Wang, there is a problem with what you said.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Wang Liangang gave him an angry look.

Feng Li smiled ambiguously and said, “I’m home now, so I should do some big moves.”

When everyone listened, they immediately understood.

What is a large scale, it should be a large scale.

“Haha!” Feng Li began to laugh heartlessly.

But smiling and smiling, it feels wrong.

Why is he the only one laughing?

Feng Li looked up.


Xia Yuchan stared at him coldly, like a dead person.

“Sister Xia, I was wrong.” Feng Li almost knelt.

Bai Lesheng shook his head: “Even Sister Xia’s jokes are dared to make, I guess you are not far from my appearance.”

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