Chapter 235 Too Excited, Barbecued Pork with Honey

After the old man Shen was gone, Mu Fei Feiqiang held back the excitement in his heart.


I want to hold back!

Don’t be too excited!

It’s a pity that there is no computer here, otherwise I will put a horror movie to calm down.

Mu Feifan exhaled a long breath.

But The next moment, the excitement in the eyes is even greater.

Who can stand this so much?

Then, Mu Feifei rushed out of the kitchen and flew towards the Holy Pill Courtyard.

Old man Shen was pacing slowly.

He has been straining his nerves for the past two days. After all, he is accompanied by a king like a tiger, and he is accompanied by a great demon!

However, from the perspective of getting along now, this demon lord has a good temper.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind, and his face became weird.

Shen Qing, this girl, isn’t this Mu Feifan after all?

Otherwise, why do I be so active to guide each other?

Thinking of this, old man Shen shivered uncontrollably.

No, no, after I go back, I must tell this girl carefully, don’t have anything to do with this kid.

If you don’t talk well with others, you are broken in love. If you don’t talk well with this kid, you will lose your life.

At this time, old man Shen felt thunder breaking through the air around him.

He turned his head and saw that Mu Feifan turned into lightning, passing him quickly.


Old man Shen was taken aback.

Why did the other person appear immediately after whispering behind his back?

Could he hear my heart?

Are you showing up now to warn yourself?

The more Old Man Shen thought about it, the more he realized that this possibility was greater.

It wasn’t until Mu Feifei completely disappeared before his eyes that Old Man Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he wanted to talk to Shen Qing about this matter, but now, Old Man Shen doesn’t want to.

“Forget it, can the big guy still like my little girl? I won’t worry about it.”

Old man Shen sighed and continued to walk forward slowly.

Mu Feifei had already sat on the pumice stone and floated towards the Holy Pill Courtyard.

After landing on the island, he walked non-stop to the Banten Hall.

At this time, a slender figure came into view.

“Senior Sister Nangong?” Mu Feifei couldn’t help blurting out seeing the other party a bit familiar.

As a result, the person turned his head, but he was shocked by Mu Feifei.

“It’s fine if you haven’t come to me for so long, now you can even call the wrong name?” the other party said bitterly.

Mu Feifan sneered and said, “It’s because I walked too quickly and dazzled. I’m sorry, Ann Big sis.”

The person in front of him is the instructor of the Holy Pill Academy, An Ning.

At this moment, she bit her thin lip lightly, with a bit of anger in her eyes, she almost said that you, a man, are too ruthless.

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?” An Ning asked.

“Ann Big sis, I want to buy a Xinhua dictionary… No, it’s a secret code of 100,000 Spiritual herbs.” Mu Feihua said.

“Not for sale.” Unknown, An Ning refused very decisively.

Mu Feifan was slightly surprised.

At this time, An Ning said: “I heard that you have been studying at Ling Kitchen recently?”

“It’s true, but how did Ann Big sis know it?” Mu Feifei was a little strange.

“I’ve been paying attention to you, okay? It’s just you who have no conscience, you have a new person and forget the old.” An Ning gave him a white look.

Mu Feifan was speechless.

What’s the mess?

Neither of us have ever had anything. It has always been your unilateral, okay?

Seeing Mu Feifei’s silence, An Ning snorted, “Okay, I know what your temper is. Can’t I sell you a copy?”

In the end, she compromised.

Mu Feifan is overjoyed: “Thank you Ann Big sis.”

The transaction is complete.

An Ning suddenly asked, “Who is beautiful, that little girl Shen Qing and I?”

At this moment, Mu Feifan was immersed in the system’s prompts. He raised his head and said without thinking, “Sister An is the most beautiful in the sky.”

In the next second, Mu Feifan hurriedly lowered his head.

He is looking at the prompt.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred thousand Spiritual herbs one hundred secret books.

Two: A pill recipe of the fairy.


Mu Feifan was a little excited.

It’s the real pill recipe!

He rubbed his hands in excitement, then threw the secret code into the storage bag, ready to go back and exchange it.

When Mu Feifan calmed down, he saw An Ning looking at him idiotically.

The moment Mu Feifan raised and lowered his head just now, An Ning’s heart throbbed.

Especially after Mu Feifan had just finished complimenting himself as the most beautiful.

An Ning couldn’t help thinking of a sentence.

The most is the gentleness that bows his head, like a lotus flower that can’t beat the shyness of the cool breeze.

After he finished complimenting me, he must be shy, so he lowered his head so quickly.

It must be so!

Thinking of this, An Ning felt her whole person light and fluttering, as if she had fallen into that boundless dream.

“Um… I won’t bother Ann Big sis, goodbye.” Mu Feifan turned to leave with cupped hands.

“Wait!” An Ning suddenly said.

Mu Feifan’s face was puzzled.

An Ning said shyly, “You have been studying in Ling Kitchen for so long, can you help me cook a dish?”

“It didn’t take long, just two days.” Mu Feihua answered honestly.

An Ning:…

Who cares if you have studied for two days or two years, the focus is on the back, okay?

“Cook me!” An Ning said directly.

“No!” Mu Feifan refused.

“I’ve sold you the secret code… Now that you have such a small request, don’t you agree to it?” An Ning said pitifully.

Mu Feifan leaned in his heart, and then said: “After I study, I haven’t officially done it, so you are not afraid that it will be difficult to swallow?”

“Even if it’s fried, I will eat it too!” An Ning gritted her teeth and said.

“There are no ingredients here.”

“The Holy Pill Courtyard also has a kitchen, which has it.”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

The other party blocked his back road.

Just do it!

We still have to find the guinea pigs!

Mu Feifan comforted herself like this, and then went to the kitchen with An Ning.

There happened to be a few disciples busy in the kitchen. Seeing the tutor coming, they were immediately shocked: “Hello tutor!”

An Ning had returned to her dignified look at this time, and nodded gently: “My friend wants to borrow the kitchen, okay?”

“Of course!” Several disciples nodded frantically.

Nonsense, the entire Holy Pill Academy is owned by Teacher An, so it’s nothing to use the kitchen.

At this moment, Mu Feifan walked to the stove, glanced at the ingredients on the shelf, and recalled the ten dishes of Old Man Shen in his heart.

“Well, then I’ll make a honey-glazed barbecued pork…what kind of meat is this?” Mu Feifan pointed to a piece of cut meat.

“Wild mountain pork.” A disciple replied next to him.

Mu Feifan nodded.

“Damn, is this Dage here to cook or to be funny?”

“I don’t even know pork, so come to cook?”

“I seem to have met him, he should be an elective student in another college, don’t you study pill refining, what do you do here for dinner?”

“By the way, he just said that the honey-glazed barbecued pork or something, what is it?”

“I don’t know, pretend it’s better.”

Several disciples whispered.

However, when Mu Feihua picked up the ingredients, everyone stopped their voices!

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