Chapter 229 Do It Again? Culinary talent


Brother Jianlu?

Thinking of Zheng Yijian, Yan Wushang immediately understood.

The guy is older than himself, but he has been stuck in the middle stage of the Foundation Building.

In this life, breakthrough Gold Core is hopeless, and the remaining life span is probably not much.

He is the one who really needs this Medicine Pill.

“I see, admiring fellow daoist, Lao Zheng’s affairs are on my body.” Yan Wushang said seriously immediately.

Mu Feifan also solemnly said with cupped hands: “Please!”

Yan Wushang nodded.

On the same day, he left the academy directly and went to Dahe Jianzong.

Mu Feifan looked at the sky and sighed faintly.

With a pinch, they have been in the academy for more than four years, and I don’t know how Zheng Yijian is doing.

I hope all is well.

Next, Mu Feifan still lived a life of daily cultivation and pill refining.

The days are simple and fulfilling.

On this day, a pleasant voice sounded outside the door: “Excuse me, is Junior Brother Mu at home?”

Mu Feifan was cultivating and opened his eyes suddenly.

Who is looking for me?

And the voice is a bit familiar.

Seems to have heard it somewhere.

“Please come in.” Mu Feifan said.

The next moment, the small door was pushed open, and a woman with a hot body and a bright face came in.

The moment he saw the other party, Mu Feifan’s expression stagnated.

“Senior Sister Shen Qing…” he said subconsciously.

Not only did Mu Feifan see the other person’s indifference and arrogance, but also heard her moaning, no wonder she was familiar!

Shen Qing just stood at the door.

Today, she did not wear a purple and gold courtyard uniform, but changed to a pink gauze skirt.

It’s a bit less dignified, but full of girlishness, and more lively and pure, which is very different from the usual style.

At this moment, Shen Qing stared at Mu Feifan with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Mu Feifan was very uncomfortable.

“Senior Sister Shen Qing, what are you looking for?” He asked hurriedly.

“I asked Jin Tao to invite you twice before, but you didn’t come, do you have to let me come personally?” Shen Qing snorted coldly, with resentment.

Mu Feifan pointed to the pill furnace in the distance and said, “I usually have to pill refining.”

“Can’t even spare time for a meal?” Shen Qing glared at him again.

Mu Feifan was silent.

Big Sister, how dare I go?

Isn’t it awkward for us to meet now?

I confirmed the look in his eyes, and he was the one who almost saw the light.

There was a dead silence.

Shen Qing sighed lightly, and suddenly thought of something, pacing lightly, came to the pill furnace.

“Do you still pill refining?” she asked.

Mu Feifan said: “Hobbies.”

“The disciples of the inner courtyard of the God of War courtyard can also pill refining, but you have a lot of skills…” Shen Qing looked at Mu Feihua, her eyes could not stop curiosity.

Mu Feifan stood tall and straight, as if being coated with a layer of golden light in the sun, even more dazzling.

Shen Qing remembered what happened more than a month ago, and her heart jumped wildly.

“Junior Brother Mu is so handsome…” she whispered in her heart.

Mu Feifan felt that Shen Qing’s gaze was too bold.

Big Sister, don’t look at it.

Even if I see the flowers, I am not interested in you.

However, Mu Feifan was afraid that Shen Qing would still be chasing after the last event, so he was too embarrassed to take the initiative to speak up.

The atmosphere became awkward again.

Shen Qing suddenly turned red and said, “Senior Brother Mu, can you still make me the last time?”



Mu Feifan’s eyes condensed, still because of the last time.

He felt that he had to explain it, otherwise it would be a headache to keep entangled like this.

“Senior Sister Shen Qing, I really didn’t see anything that time, and I threw you on the bed with Spirit Power, and didn’t touch you at all during that time…” Mu Feihua proved his innocence.

“Don’t, don’t say…” Shen Qing’s face became more and more rosy, more delicate, she said shyly: “In fact, after I woke up that day, I found that my body has changed.”

There has been a change?

What’s the meaning?

Mu Feifan was completely stunned.

The most important thing is that he didn’t do anything.

Seeing Mu Feifei’s stunned eyes on her lower abdomen, Shen Qing immediately understood that the other party had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: “It’s not that kind of change, you little brother, your mind is too open.”

Mu Feifan:…

I think you think too much, right?

I thought it cured your aunt’s pain for many years.

Shen Qing said again: “The next day, I actually found that own skin has become better, and the blood is vigorous, just like…like the legendary rejuvenation.”

Mu Feifan said.

He naturally understood what was going on.

The other party indirectly took the advanced version of Da Pei Yuan Pill, which is more sexual than the Shou Yuan Medicine Pill he has developed now, so the changes are also obvious.

But this side effect is a bit scary.

“So, Junior Brother Mu, can you do it for me again?” Shen Qing raised her head, with anticipation in her eyes, like a little girl longing for a beloved gift.

There are many male disciples in Ling Kitchen, have never seen Shen Qing show such an expression.

A generation of genius sisters actually asked others to cook for her.

It’s incredible.

Of course, Mu Feifan has never disappointed.

He replied decisively and simply: “No!”

It is simply a role model for our generation.

Such a cold and arrogant senior sister, put down her body and begged, she had no use for her in front of Mu Feihua.

At this moment, Shen Qing felt like a confession being rejected, and there was an unprecedented tearing pain in her heart.

She widened her beautiful eyes and asked in confusion, “Why? Your cooking skills are so good, don’t you want to be known by others? If you want to keep a low profile, can I help you keep it secret?”

Shen Qing thought out all the excuses for Mu Feihua.

The attitude of the little girl that is revealed makes people feel affectionate and affectionate.

If a male disciple of the Spirit Kitchen sees it, he will yell at Mu Feihua for being ruthless and ruthless.

At this moment, Mu Feifan was silent for a while.

He can’t tell the other person, I actually put the medicine inside.

What if Senior Sister Shen Qing thinks she is a drugged gangster?

In such a conservative Otherworld, administering medicine is equivalent to administering three abuses.

To be honest, the consequences are too serious to be bearable.

But if you don’t tell the truth, how do you explain it?

“Senior Sister Shen Qing, I’m telling the truth. In fact, I don’t know how to cook. Jin Tao guided me to do it.” Mu Feifan said.

Speaking of Jin Tao, Shen Qing’s face was suddenly cold: “I have never thought about this, but I have talked to Jin Tao, and the noodles he made are not that taste at all!”

Thinking of Shen Qing’s habit of splashing people whenever she is upset, Mu Feihua’s real name feels distressed for Jin Tao.

Seeing Mu Feifei’s silence, Shen Qing suddenly said: “You said you don’t know how to cook, but you can cook such a good-looking dish by just doing it. I think you should have a strong culinary talent.”

Mu Feifan was startled: “Why didn’t I find out?”

Shen Qing said: “This requires a lot of practice in order to show the hidden talent, and we must cook more.”

“Cooking also has hidden talent…” Mu Feihua was speechless.

He doesn’t know whether he has a talent for cooking, but he has a talent for drugging anyway.

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