Chapter 221 Xiaoyue Demon Wolf, who is Brother Yan?

After Xiao Yue returned to normal, he ejected directly from the ground.

He arched his body slightly, like a divine arrow ready to go.

It is exactly the same as the action before the beast pounces.


With killing intent in Xiao Yue’s eyes, she uttered a word in an unusually hoarse voice.

On the other side, You Bai just raised his hand gently, and the terrifying energy turned into ten-foot-sized tiger claws, slapped.

Xiao Yue looked at the tiger’s paws descending from the sky and roared.

The giant claw was ruthless, with the majestic strength of the sky, directly suppressing Xiao Yue.


Xiao Yue was pressed under her claws, struggling desperately.

“Little wolf cub, it’s really untamable…” You Bai had a headache.

At this time, there was a terrible explosion in the horizon.

I saw a violent thunder flying over the yard fiercely.

The light of thunder was shining, revealing Mu Feifan who was wearing a purple and golden courtyard uniform.

He looked at Xiao Yue who was constantly roaring under the tiger’s claws, and he was shocked: “What’s the matter?”

You Bai said, “Sao Yueyue has transformed!”

Only then did Mu Feifan notice that Xiao Yue’s fangs were exposed at this moment, her long hair seemed to be wrapped in thick wolf hair, and her hands turned into wolf claws.

Those eyes were also bloodthirsty, wishing to tear everything in the world apart.

“You take the tiger claws back.” Mu Feifan said lightly.

“But…” You Bai was a little worried.

“Take it back!”

Only then did You Bai withdrew the tiger’s claw.

Xiao Yue, who had regained her freedom, seemed as if a fierce beast had come out of the cage, and she could see Mu Feifan next to her at a glance.

He rushed over frantically, grabbing diagonally with his claws like a big pu fan.

“Master!” Youbai screamed.

She couldn’t restrain herself from trying to stop her, but seeing Mu Feifei’s calm eyes, she could not help but resist.

Just listen to a bang.

I don’t know when, a huge shield was suddenly suspended in front of Mu Feihua.

Sea King Shield!

Xiao Yue’s claws hit it straight.

With a tear, ten deep claw marks were caught on the surface of the shield.

Mu Feifei was slightly surprised: “The claws are so sharp?”

This damage is too exaggerated, the Sea King Shield is also a treasure anyway.

You Bai reminded: “Master, what Xiaoyueyue transformed into was the Xiaoyue Demon Wolf, a demon race ranked very high. Once awakened, his strength and resilience are very strong.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “That’s how it is!”

He patted the storage bag.

The spear flew out and returned to Mu Feifan’s hands as if it were spiritual.

The moment he held the barrel of the gun, Mu Feifan’s entire popularity changed drastically.

Kill the gun!

The spear struck out, and Mu Feihua randomly shook the spear, which waved back and forth like a whirlpool.

Xiao Yue was suddenly squinted.

The next second, the spear drew angrily.

With a bang, Xiao Yue screamed, and was hit by the gun in the shoulder, her leg softened and she half-kneeled on the ground.

Mu Feihua shot again with a gun, the tip of the gun pierced everything.

Xiao Yue raised her claws to block!


When the two collided, a splendid brilliance like an iron tree and silver flower erupted.

Mu Feifan smiled slightly, and pressed hard in his hands.

The tip of the gun immediately stirred like a storm.

Xiao Yue called even harsher this time.

The nails that were sharp enough to easily break the nails were all shattered!

The spear is better.

Xiao Yue stared, her fangs looked extremely fierce.

“Take a good look, don’t you even know me?” Mu Feifei let out a low voice.

Originally, Xiao Yue still had a brutal and ferocious nature, and when she heard this, she was immediately stunned.

He seemed to be hit with a blow, and his whole body froze in place.

Mu Feifan stared at him directly.

Xiao Yue’s bloodthirsty and flushed eyes widened.

A figure of a person appeared in his mind, slowly overlapping with the Mu Feifan in front of him.

“Yan… Brother Yan!” Xiao Yue roared in a low voice, like a fierce beast.

But those fierce eyes slowly left tears.

“Brother Yan?” Mu Feifan was a little strange: “Xiao Yueyue, look carefully, it’s me!”

Xiao Yue closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the madness in her eyes disappeared and turned into Qingming.

Only then did he see Mu Feifan clearly, and shouted in amazement: “Brother Fan, why are you?”

“I was originally me.” Mu Feifan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiao Yue regain his senses, but he held back a question.

Seeing this scene in the distance, You Bai opened her beautiful eyes wide in disbelief.

Xiao Yue, who was still fierce just now, returned to normal after hearing a few words from her master?

Is the master’s voice magical?

Thinking of this, Youbai admired Mu Feifan even more.

“Who is Brother Deyan you just said?” Mu Feifan asked.

Xiao Yue scratched her head: “I don’t know, but as soon as I saw you, I couldn’t help calling out this name.”

At this time, Mu Feifan noticed that all the nails that Xiao Yue had broken just now had grown out.

What an amazing resilience!

“Why did you become like this?” Mu Feifan asked again.

Xiao Yue recalled: “I seemed to slept, dreaming that I had become a wolf, but this is the first time I have transformed today.”

Mu Feifan was silent for a while.

“By the way, it’s our last night in the league.” Xiao Yue said again.

Mu Feifan asked: “Did you eat anything weird that day?”

Although the transformation of the Howling Moon Demon Wolf was very similar to his mountain giant ape, Mu Feifei didn’t think that Xiao Yue also had a system.

So, there must be some reason.

“I Uncle invited me to eat a Big Mac Burger with steak…” Suddenly, Xiao Yue thought of something and immediately cried and said, “Brother Fan, did the unscrupulous businessmen put me a wolf steak? I will be like a spider from now on. What can I do if you are chivalrous?”

Xiao Yue at the moment was still half-wolf, her sacred fangs and sad expression looked very funny.

Mu Feifan gave him a white look and wanted to become Spider-Man. I don’t know how many people envy you. What’s so depressing?

“You Uncle?”

“Yes, it’s the Uncle that helped me since I was young. I will introduce him to you in the future. He is very nice.”

Mu Feifan’s eyes immediately narrowed slightly.

His instinct told himself that Xiao Yue’s current changes must have a lot to do with Uncle.

But this kind of wolf transformation doesn’t look like a bad thing, at least in terms of combat effectiveness, Xiao Yue instantly has the ability to leapfrog.

But out of concern for his brothers, Mu Feifan decided to go to Uncle in Xiao Yue for a while after returning to the alliance.

He wanted to figure out what was going on.

“By the way, what was the excitement you were just now, and you suddenly transformed?” Mu Feifei asked.

Xiao Yue raised her head, peeked at You Bai in the distance, and then immediately bowed her head in fright.

Xiao Yue, who had recovered her sanity, was still the same as before she transformed herself, without the ferocity of a wolf at all.

“You Bai?” Mu Feifei immediately understood what was going on, staring at the girl: “Are you fooling around again?”

You Bai’s pretty face flushed immediately, and said uneasily: “I just made a joke with Xiao Yueyue, the master, I was wrong…”

Mu Feifan snorted, “Be careful, I will put it in your storage bag and never let it out.”

You Bai was dumbfounded. A pair of eyes were almost overflowing with water, wagging a long tail, and said pitifully: “Master, please let me go, I won’t dare anymore!”

Xiao Yue was also stunned at the contrast between the girl’s front and back.

When you forced yourself to call sister-in-law, you were not like this!

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