Chapter 218

Mu Feifan said, “Then I ask Teacher Feng for help.”

Zhou Yuan smiled bitterly: “Senior Brother Mu, the rules of the academy were set by the first dean, and no one can break it.”

“After becoming a follower, although he can’t go to another branch, he can cultivate on your fairy island.”

“It’s not too late to be admitted to the hospital after becoming a Foundation Building.”

Mu Feifan pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said, “Junior Brother Zhou, do you really have this right? It’s just a simple admission procedure.”

“Of course, Brother Mu, the identity tokens of all disciples are specially made. I just enter the information. If the information does not match the actual record, I will be finished.” Zhou Yuan looked embarrassed.

Suddenly, a rumbling voice came from the sky above the Foreign Affairs Hall, like thunderous Nine Heavens.

“Zhou Yuan, admit that little Fatty!”

When Mu Feifan heard this voice, he only felt very familiar.

Before he could speak, he heard Zhou Yuan shout in horror: “The Dean?”

Unexpectedly, the dean would intervene in this matter.

Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but glanced deeply, admiring Extraordinary.

Brother Mu was so ostentatious that even the dean came forward to help him, even breaking the rules!

Mu Feifan raised his head, there was no one in the air, but the voice just now shocked Baili, with a terrifying aura.

“Thank you Dean!” he shouted to Gaokong.

“You don’t need to be polite, Mu Xiaoyou, just call my Dean Uncle from now on.” The voice sounded again.

With that kind tone, no one can imagine the other person smiling.

Xiao Yue said cheerfully: “I didn’t expect the dean of this college to be quite easygoing.”

easy going?

When Zhou Yuan heard it, his face was strange.

This is not just easy-going, the dean also takes special care of Mu Feihua.

The admission rules of the academy have been around for a long time, and cultivators for non-Foundation Building periods will not be accepted.

And even if you meet all the conditions, you have to go through many tests.

Compared with the college entrance examination, the degree of difficulty is not too much.

However, with the approval of the dean, Zhou Yuan still went through a process.

He said to Xiao Yue, “Little Fatty, what is your name?”

“Xiao Yue.”


“Eighteen years old.”

“Cultivation Base? Forget it, let me fill it in for you.”

The next second, the identity token exploded directly.

Zhou Yuan was terrified!

Mu Feifan and Xiao Yue were also stunned.

Zhou Yuan was speechless: “It turns out that it is really impossible to enter the Cultivation Base.”

The dean said, “You kid, how come you have an elm-headed head and have to write Cultivation Base so low?”

The dean reminded it to this point, and Zhou Yuan didn’t understand it anymore, it was really hopeless.


“Then I will write Foundation Building early stage.”

“This is all right!”

Zhou Yuan sighed in his heart, as he deserves to be the dean, and the operation is a show.

“Which branch did Xiao Yue join, the God of War house?” he asked.

Mu Feifan: “Yes.”

When Xiao Yue heard it, she said excitedly: “Brother Fan, this name is too domineering. Our branch sounds like cowhide.”

Mu Feifei looked at him with an almost sympathetic look.

Brother, the silly boys of Jianzong thought the same way when they were admitted to the hospital.

Zhou Yuan went through all the formalities, handed over the identity token and a storage bag, and instructed: “With the token, you can freely enter and exit each fairy island in the future. There are Spirit Stones and hospital uniforms in the storage bag.”

Xiao Yue took it, glanced at the storage bag, and screamed, “Five thousand Spirit Stones?”

It was the first time he saw so many Spirit Stones.

Zhou Yuan said: “Based on the background of our academy, in the introductory ceremony for new disciples, this Spirit Stones can still be obtained.”

Xiao Yue once again refreshed her knowledge of Dengxian Academy.

Until they left for a long time, Xiao Yue’s mind was still dizzy.

The two came to the island where God of War was located.

Meng Xiaobao also knelt in front of the small black room, shouting excitedly: “I’m free!”

Suddenly, two girls appeared in front of him with a smile, their eyes flashing brilliance.


“Why are you back so soon?”

“Is there an hour to leave?”

Meng Xiaobao was terrified and sat on the ground.

You Bai asked: “Brother Bao, if you don’t write a good novel, why are you kneeling here?”

“Brother Bao must be lazy.” Chunchun stared at Mengmeng’s big eyes, a little angry.

Seeing Chunchun’s angry look, Meng Xiaobao’s face was suddenly full of fear.

Because before, he had seen Chunchun punch through the mountains on the island with his own eyes.

Is Loli so fierce these years?

“I’ll go back and write it right away.” Meng Xiaobao was crying and wanted to run back to the little black room.

“Wait!” You Bai said, “Instructor Feng asked us to gather and come new disciples.”

Meng Xiaobao was so happy.

Newcomer brother, I thank you eight generations of ancestors for giving me a breath, or I will have to die at the table.

The square in front of the Temple of God of War.

A dozen disciples stood scattered.

Teacher Feng is in front, and Xiao Yue is beside him.

“This new little Fatty will be your junior in the future!” Feng Mentor said.

Xiao Yue was a little speechless.

Why does everyone call themselves little fatty?

I am obviously two hundred and fifty catties, and I am a mature fatty.


“The second floor of gas refining!”

“Are our God of War courtyard lonely to this extent? Even the young guys in the refining period are not let go?”

The others were stunned when they saw Xiao Yue’s Cultivation Base.

Fang Qingxian analyzed: “It may be a related household.”

When Hong Yu heard it, he was amused: “Who can compare to me when it comes to relationships? I am the biggest relationship household in our God of War Academy!”

“Why?” Everyone was surprised.

Hong Yu looked at Mu Feifan, and then said proudly: “You only deserve to be called Brother Fan, and I am the only one called Master.”

Everyone screamed, showing a look of envy.

Xiao Yue was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, when Brother Fan was six years old, he would accept a grandson?

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “This little fatty is called Xiao Yue, my brother, and the Cultivation Base is not too high now. I have taken care of you all.”


When everyone heard it, they were all shocked.

Brother Fan’s brother?

what does this mean?

In the next second, everyone’s attitude changed drastically.

“Good Brother Yue!”

“Brother Yue, go back to Jianlu Island and sit in my yard!”

“Brother Yue, I can take you around and get familiar with the environment.”

Fang Qingxian looked at Hong Yu and joked: “Now, dare you still say that you are the biggest householder of God of War?”


Hong Yu smiled confidently, her small eyes narrowed into a gap with her smile, and said flatly to Xiao Yue: “Good morning, I am Master’s grandson, Xiao Yu… No, I am an apprentice.”

Everyone sweats violently.

This kid is pretty good at seniority.

Xiao Yue was somewhat flattered in the face of everyone’s enthusiasm.

He understands that everyone is looking at Mu Fandian’s Face.

“Brother Fan, it’s too good to be in the God of War courtyard.”

At this moment, Xiao Yue looked at Mu Feifan again, only to find that the other party was standing there like a Dao Sect master, with a peerless demeanor that could not be exhausted.


And when he was in school, his temperament was completely different.

Xiao Yue sighed.

Brother Fan is too low-key at school!

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