Chapter 203 Old Pan was so scared that he was arched by a pig

Fang Baode asked: “Xiao Fan, can I take a look at the Medicine Pill you refined?”

“Of course you can!” Mu Feifan patted the storage bag and took out a small porcelain bottle.

Fang Baode took it, feeling heavy inside.

Aren’t all of them all middle-grade Gathering Pills, right?

Fang Baode was a little unbelievable.

He poured out a few and placed them in the palm of his hand.

A strong breath of Spiritual Qi puffed my nose.

Fang Baode’s eyes lit up, and from his vision, it was natural to see that this was a middle-grade spirit gathering pill.

I don’t know how much better the quality is than the low-grade poly-ling pills sold in the market.

“Xiao Fan, you really surprised me again.”

Fang Baode looked at the extraordinary, as if appreciating rare treasures.

Look at other people’s sons, why are they so good?

Thinking about own son again, he is as stupid as a pig, and he doesn’t know who inherited it.

“By the way, Xiao Fan, how many mid-range Medicine Pills like this one do you have?” Fang Baode asked curiously.

Mu Feifan said casually: “Tens of thousands.”


Fang Baode’s jaw almost fell to the ground.

“You have so many?”

“I was worried about your supply of goods just now. It seems that I was really worried about it!”

“No wonder you don’t need resources, you can produce them yourself!”

“No, Uncle takes a breath first, it’s suffocating.”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Fortunately, I didn’t tell the truth.

If you know that there are millions of middle-grade Gathering Pills in my storage bag, will you faint on the spot?

At this time, Fang Baode, who had calmed down, said again: “Xiao Fan, you have to know that opening a store requires a lot of energy. The location of the store, hiring employees, advertising… It consumes your energy very much.”

“Now the Fairy Island Competition is coming soon, I hope you will concentrate on preparing for the battle.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “I have already thought about how to manage it. I only need Uncle to set up a line.”

Fang Baode asked curiously: “How do you want to adjust?”

“Online sales.” Mu Feifan said.

He had already thought about it before, and he only needs to pay a small booth fee for directly entering the alliance’s online shopping mall.

Fang Baode showed surprise in his eyes, and sighed: “Good boy, there is you!”

“It’s just that this procedure is not easy to handle.” Mu Feifan said.

You know, all big companies that can sell in the online mall of the alliance, qualifications are very important.

Selling immortal resources is inherently costly, and small merchants and hawkers cannot start.

“Leave this to me.” Fang Baode patted his chest and said, “Lend me your Alliance Pass, and it will be done in half a day.”

Mu Feifan’s partner Baode was very relieved.

After all, people are the master of a city.

The two talked happily, and finally walked out of the office together.

At this moment, Director Pan was still looking at the scenery and was shocked when he heard the movement.

“Fang…Hello, City Lord Fang.” Director Pan’s nervous tongue was knotted.

Seeing Director Pan, Fang Baode regained his seriousness again, just nodded, and the city lord’s demeanor was undoubtedly revealed.

Director Pan was already sweating profusely.

After all, whether it was Fang Baode’s identity or Cultivation Base, he couldn’t provoke whichever one was taken out.

At this time, Fang Baode smiled kindly to Mu Feihua: “Xiao Fan, I’m leaving now. If you have anything to do, just call me on WeChat and be there on call.”

The two have added WeChat just now.

Director Pan was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

The city lord who was still serious just now, why did he see Mu Feifan’s aunt with a kind face smiling?

And, also said that it is on call?

It feels that the status of the city lord is a bit humble in front of Mu Feifan.

Mu Feifan said: “Fang Uncle, goodbye!”

Fang Baode smiled and waved, and left first.

At this moment, only Mu Feifan and Director Pan remain in place.

Director Pan’s previous arrogance and domineering disappeared. He cautiously asked: “Student Mu, what is your relationship with City Lord Fang?”

Mu Feihua was speechless for a while.

This old Pan doesn’t even call my name directly?

He said lightly: “Director Pan, my relationship with City Lord Fang…”

Director Pan pricked his ears and listened carefully.

“Guess it.” Mu Feihua changed his tone and smiled.

Director Pan was stunned.

“I’ll tell you if I guess it is right!” Mu Feian added.

When dawn finally got sleepy, Wang Liangang happened to open the arena again, scolded him screaming, and blasted him out.

Lynch is in a bad mood now.

Sleepy and depressed.

Mu Feifei smiled: “Looking at your appearance of kidney deficiency, you didn’t do anything good with your girlfriend yesterday.”

“Damn!” Lynch was angry: “Nonsense, could I be so miserable if it weren’t for Xiao Yue and Liu Zhu yesterday?”

At this time, Xiao Yue heard it and cursed: “Fart! Lynch, you obviously went to Gongzhu last night, so you have a face to say that I and Brother Zhu!”

Arch pig?

When everyone heard it, their expressions immediately became subtle.

As we all know, Lynch’s girlfriend is a fat fairy.

The one used by this pig is quite charming.

“Ahahaha!” Everyone was happy.

Lynch yelled, “Little Yueyue, I’m fucking sister Niu!”

He rushed over, raised his fist and hit Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue sneered, and now she is also a cultivator of qi, which is different from the past, can she still be beaten by you?

At this moment, Lynch was sleepy and vigorous, with vacant footsteps and weak fists.

She was slapped to the ground by being slapped by Xiao Yue.

Lynch was beaten up and suddenly felt a heavy object hit on him, and suddenly screamed like a pig.

It turned out that Xiao Yue sat down on him.

“Get me up!” Lynch felt like he was being arched by the pig and slapped the ground desperately.

Xiao Yue twisted her fat buttocks and gave Lynch a squeezing body massage.

Lynch’s wailing came one after another, wave after wave.

Mu Feifan said: “Xiao Yueyue, forget it.”

He was afraid that Xiao Yue would sit Lynch directly to death, after all, Xiao Yue’s weight reached 250 jin.

When Xiao Yue heard Mu Feifan say this, she stood up slowly.

“You two wait for me, I’ll go tell Director Pan, wait to get home.” Lin Qi roared furiously, and ran out of the classroom after speaking.

He felt ashamed that he had never had in his life.

I was actually arched!

Lynch felt that moral integrity was not his own for a moment.

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