Chapter 197 Do You Believe in Advertisements? Invincible profiteer

A remote mountain range on the main island.

Two disciples from the outer courtyard were facing each other, and one of the black-faced men was holding a broad sword and looked extremely mighty.

Another white-faced young man, holding a slender sword in his hand, was slightly inferior in momentum, but his eyes were full of disgust.

“Junior Brother Lu, Rongrong is my woman, give up.” The black-faced man said sharply.

The opposite Junior Brother Lu sneered: “Brother Ma, when I met her, you didn’t know where to drink Northwest Wind.”

The black-faced Senior Brother Ma frowned: “In that case, we only have to see the real chapter under our hands. The loser is gone.”

As soon as the voice fell, the broad sword in his hand set off a bitter sword wind, and it slashed fiercely.

Junior Brother Lu gritted his teeth and greeted him.

The sound of the collision of gold and iron rang in the air.


After a few rounds, Junior Brother Lu’s magic sword broke, and Sword Qi knocked him to the ground at the same time.

“Senior Brother Lu, leave Rongrong in the same family!” Senior Brother Ma stood high, his sword pointed at each other.

“Impossible!” Junior Brother Lu raised his head and said very firmly.

A fierce color flashed in Senior Brother Ma’s eyes: “If this is the case, don’t blame me.”

The broad sword strikes and smashes everything.

Junior Brother Lu was frightened.

However, with only a sound, the blade smashed against a heavy object, and it was actually blocked.

The two looked over.

I don’t know when, a huge shield appeared in front of Junior Brother Lu.

The person holding the shield had his eyes narrowed and he looked like he was watching a play.

It was Hong Yu who came.

Brother Ma was shocked: “Senior Brother Lu, I didn’t expect you to hire foreign aid.”

Junior Brother Lu was very at a loss: “I don’t know him.”

Hong Yu smiled and said, “Two Dages, it doesn’t matter who I am.”

“This handsome guy, have you seen this shield? No weapon can pierce it. Intermediate spirit weapon!”

“Now you open a big bargain, and only charge you four thousand Spirit Stones, a rare opportunity, buy one!”

When Brother Ma heard this, he was anxious: “Who are you really, can you open your eyes and speak?”

Hong Yu raised his head, a pair of small eyes glared: “Look clearly, I’ve opened it to the maximum, okay?”

At this time, Junior Brother Lu asked urgently: “What did you just say, the intermediate spirit weapon is only sold for four thousand?”

Hong Yu nodded frantically.

“I’ll buy one!” Junior Brother Lu handed over a bag of Spirit Stones.

Hong Yu was overjoyed.

At this time, Junior Brother Lu, who was holding a huge shield, seemed to be a different person, and said vigorously: “Brother Ma, you’re done!”

Senior Brother Ma was a little bit guilty, he was able to beat the opponent entirely by relying on this junior spirit sword.

He had already felt how strong the shield was just now.

At this moment, the war has not yet started, and my heart is already three-pointed.

Junior Brother Lu held up his shield and culled over.

Brother Ma used a broad sword, and Sword Qi moved horizontally and horizontally, all blocked by shields.

“Hahaha, it’s really easy to use, these four thousand flowers are worth it!”

Junior Brother Lu was ecstatic, he became more brave after the war, took up the shield as a brick, and slapped Senior Brother Ma to the ground at once.

“Rongrong is mine!” Junior Brother Lu shouted, and was about to give his final blow, when he was suddenly stopped by Hong Yu with a sword.

Senior Brother Lu:? ? ?

Hong Yu said to Senior Brother Ma: “Have you seen this Intermediate Spirit Sword? Four thousand pieces. It can pierce everything. The opportunity is rare. Buy one!”

Senior Brother Lu leaned back, “Aren’t you on my side?”

Hong Yu said: “We are doing business, I am neutral.”

Senior Brother Ma gritted his teeth and said, “Then buy one. I’m going to cut down that kid!”

After taking over the Spirit Stones, Hong Yu retreated happily.

Senior Brother Ma held the new spirit sword, and instantly felt that his aura greatly increased, and the words were invincible.


Brother Ma swept across with his sword and slashed directly on the shield.


A huge scratch appeared on the shield.

Junior Brother Lu was surprised and hurriedly looked at Hong Yu: “Didn’t you just say that this shield can’t be pierced?”

Hong Yu said, “Do you believe in advertising these days?”

Junior Brother Lu shouted shamelessly.

He has been passively defending, like a live target, and soon he was forced to the Jedi again.

Hong Yu said: “This handsome man, younger brother, I also have an intermediate spirit sword, do you want it, only five thousand.”

Junior Brother Lu was angry: “Isn’t it four thousand just now? Why did you get to me and raise the price again?”

Hong Yu said: “The value of things depends on the occasion. Can the same chicken be placed in a brothel and a brothel, can the price be the same?”


When Junior Brother Lu saw Brother Ma’s murderous eyes, he knew that the current situation was extremely dangerous.

Can’t drag anymore!

After a while, Senior Brother Ma launched a mighty attack and chopped the shield to pieces, and he was completely finished.

“Bring me a spirit sword!” Junior Brother Lu roared and threw a bag of Spirit Stones over.

Hong Yu smiled and passed a sword.

In this way, the two disciples from the outer courtyard came and went, and Hong Yu appeared in time whenever life and death were at stake, delaying the bloodshed with a spirit weapon.

An hour later.

Junior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Ma collapsed on the ground, too tired to lift their hands anymore.

At this moment, all of their outfits are replaced by spirit weapons, what spirit armor, spirit boots…

I bought all the equipment I can buy.

“Senior brother, brother, are you tired?” Hong Yu asked with a smile.

Senior Brother Ma scolded: “You damn you have been talking next to you, are you tired?”

Hong Yu said: “I’ve been doing business all the time. What can I do to get tired of. By the way, there are good poisons in this shop. Killing is invisible, and one pill is effective!”

Suddenly, Junior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Ma glanced at each other, stood up at the same time, and the same enemy said angrily: “Kill this kid first!”

“Selling so many things to daddy, I’m so poor that I only have underpants!”

“What a profiteer!”

When Hong Yu heard it, his heart shook, and he hurriedly hid behind the little turkey.

“Jianlu Island Chicken God, please!”

At this moment, the little turkey raised his head, and the dull hairs on his head stood against the wind, looking very imposing.

A terrible coercion roared, like a stormy sea, slapped on their heads.

“Oh my God, third-level Demonic Beasts!”

“That is equivalent to the existence of the Gold Core period!”

The two men shivered with fright and knelt to the ground, sweating again and again.

Hong Yu was stunned. He didn’t expect the little turkey to be so fierce that he would be a soldier without a fight!

He secretly praised in his heart, chicken, you are so beautiful.

The little turkey swaggered away with a smug look.

Before leaving, Hong Yu didn’t forget to make an advertisement: “Jianlu Island Weapon Store has opened a big bargain, and the audience is 20% off. Please remember to bring friends to join us!”

After they left, Junior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Ma looked at each other, and they didn’t even have the thought of fighting, and they all sighed.

“Brother Ma, you can’t just leave it like that.” Junior Brother Lu said through gritted teeth.

“Yes, that’s right, Junior Brother Lu, I can’t swallow that breath.” Senior Brother Ma’s words were also full of hatred.

Originally thought they were going to bring someone to the shop.

Unexpectedly, the two said at the same time: “We can’t just let us spend our own money, we have to spend money together, call everyone up, and empty their pockets!”

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