Chapter 194 Eating Lollipop, Captured Again

Mu Feifan said: “It feels like it is not very strong.”

You Bai said, “I can smash such an instrumental spirit with one finger.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

Who was the person who was scared to hide behind him just now?

“Come here!” The dragon stretched out its small claws and compared a middle finger to Mu Feihua.

Mu Feifan was happy: “I’ll go play with it.”

He walked to the dragon.

The dragon bowed his head, with sarcasm in his eyes, and sneered: “Little ant, I’m afraid I will trample you to death by accident.”

The next moment, Mu Feifan’s body soared and turned directly into a golden-haired great ape.

As the opponent’s body changed, the dragon’s head gradually raised, and finally looked up.

After all, the form of the great ape that has been promoted to the middle stage of the Foundation Building has increased to 20 meters, making it a giant.

Compared with the giant dragon, it is much smaller, only fifteen meters.

It opened its mouth, its eyes straightened, and it didn’t know what to say.

“Who is the little ant now?” Mu Feifan lowered his head and looked down at the little giant dragon.

“Huh! I hate big monkeys!” The dragon snorted heavily: “I am the supreme dragon, with noble blood. You are all low-level creatures!”

The next moment, the dragon roared, and the dragon was mighty.

Immediately after it swallowed sparks in its mouth, it seemed that there was a terrible dragon fire about to gush out.

But next.

Before the dragon fire that was ready to go out, Mu Feifan slapped it over.


The dragon was directly slapped and stared at Venus.

Long Huo was forced to swallow his stomach.

“Do you dare to slap me?” The dragon’s eyes were red.


Another slap!

Mu Feifan is merciless.

The dragon stretched out two small paws, covered his red cheeks, and cried out in pain: “Small monkeys, you don’t speak martial arts!”

“Higher creatures, just this little fighting power?” Mu Feihua quipped.

The dragon’s eyes rolled around and said: “You are so powerful, do you dare to stand still and pick me up?”


Mu Feifan flew out and kicked directly on the dragon’s ass.

The dragon screamed and fell to the ground, shaking the entire ground.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” Mu Feifan was speechless.

The dragon was so painful that tears came out.

“I hate monkeys!”

“I was kicked to the lower realm by a monkey before!”

“Now I was kicked to the ground by a monkey again!”

“I don’t share the same spirit with you monkey clan!”

Mu Feifan looked at the pill furnace nearby, and was kicked to the lower realm by a monkey?

A move in his heart, what a familiar plot!

Suddenly, a strange light appeared on the dragon’s body, and its body shrank crazily.

When Mu Feifan looked over, the dragon had turned into a little girl, sitting on the ground crying.

You Bai flew over with light in his eyes: “This dragon is in such a cute form!”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

Isn’t the dragon’s human form the same as the little dragon? What’s so cute?

He also turned into a human form, standing next to the little girl, only then did he look at the other person.

The little girl’s face is rainy with pear blossoms, and her big eyes are cute and cute.

Long horns on his head, long golden hair tied into two ponytails, and wearing a blue and white dress.

The point is, she still has white silk on her legs!

Fashionable and cute.

“You bully the dragon.” The little girl cried very sadly.

You Bai said: “Don’t cry Little Sister, there are lollipops in Big Brother.”

“What is a lollipop?” The little girl stopped crying and asked curiously.

You Bai stared at Mu Feifan’s legs charmingly in her eyes, and licked her lips: “It’s a long and sweet thing.”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

You are not right!

The little girl said gruffly, “I want to eat.”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

You Bai said, “If you follow us, you can eat lollipops every day.”

Hearing this, Mu Feifei couldn’t help but praise Youbai in secret.

Knowing that I want to subdue this pill furnace.

The little girl hesitated, pointing at Mu Feifan and said, “But I hate dead monkeys!”

“I don’t believe him!”

“He must have attempted against me!”

Seeing the other party’s firm tone, Youbai glanced at Mu Feifan helplessly, indicating that he had done his best.

Unexpectedly, the little girl had such a big prejudice against monkeys.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a stalemate.

Mu Feifan’s mind changed sharply.

It seems that I was the only one who did it myself!

He squatted next to the little girl, and when he looked up again, his eyes were melancholy and sad.

“It’s lonely to come into this world alone, isn’t it?”

This sentence seemed to poke the heart of the little girl.

Her tight little face slowly relaxed, and the vigilance in her eyes diminished a lot.

“Yeah!” The little girl focused her head.

Mu Feifei continued: “If I were you, I wouldn’t trust others easily.”

“You have a prejudice against monkeys, but not every monkey is your enemy.”

“Like any world, there are bad people and good people.”

“I don’t expect to make you believe me right away, but I just hope you are no longer alone in this world, because we still have us to accompany you.”

Mu Feifan’s tone was unusually gentle, he raised his hand and gently stroked the girl’s head.

Just like a caring Big Brother.

Suddenly, he noticed that his hands were a little wet, and it was the little girl’s tears that came out again.

“You won’t lie to me.” The little girl showed big cute eyes with tears in her eyes, which made people feel love and affection.

Mu Feifei smiled lightly: “Of course not, after all, we are friendships that have kicked the ass.”

The little girl was flushed and nodded.

Youbai sighed.

Another girl was captured.

An hour later.

Mu Feifan and Youbai stood in front of the stone gate.

Next to them stood a little Loli who was not tall.

It was the little girl.

At this moment, although Mu Feifei had no expression on his face, there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

That huge pill furnace, after acknowledging its master, has been put into a storage bag by him.

However, Dan Lu seems to have suffered some damage, which also explains why the little girl’s strength has plummeted.

But this is not important, it is enough to do basic pill refining.

“Extraordinary Big Brother, do you really have so many delicious things in your world?”

“Of course, besides lollipops, there is also tiramisu!”

“Wow, I want to eat!”

“There is also matcha cake!”

“I want I want!”

The three people chatted while walking down the mountain.

The setting sun gradually stretched their backs.

At first glance, this is the story of a genius devil leading the tiger pet dragon sister to conquer Otherworld.

But after listening to them, how do you feel that the style of painting is changing like a delicacy?

It didn’t take long for the three to leave.

An Ning appeared in the cave.

At this moment, the place where the pill furnace originally existed became empty.

An Ning was dumbfounded.

“My God, I’m still worried about whether Little Brother can succeed, I didn’t expect it to be so soon?”

“That tool spirit is completely forbidden by strangers, and is extremely vigilant towards cultivator.”

“The instructors of the Holy Pill Academy in the past have not succeeded.”

“How did he do it?”

Before, An Ning still had doubts about whether Mu Feifei was a man in black.

As a result, something like this happened.

Let An Ning be more certain, even if Mu Feifan is not a man in black, he is definitely not a thing in the pool.

If there is a protagonist who leads the era in every world, then Mu Fei Fei is definitely the darling of this world.

It’s unparalleled!

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