Chapter 191 One Pick Seven? This is the elixir!

His voice was high-pitched, but it shook the void, and the entire Immortal Island of the Holy Pill Courtyard was reverberating.

At this moment, in the pill room.

An Ning cautiously held a Medicine Pill that was turning around, and said shockedly, “This is the Broken Mirror Pill?”

“If your pill recipe is not wrong, it should be.” Mu Feifan said.

“Ah!” An Ning screamed suddenly, like an excited little girl, almost dancing.

Mu Feifei looked at her as if looking at a neuropathy.

“Little Brother!” An Ning rushed over, hugged Mu Feihua’s head directly, and wanted to kiss him.

Mu Feifan was frightened, and hurriedly reached out his hand and pressed An Ning’s mouth.

“I’m so excited… I love you so much, so let me kiss you!” An Ning said vaguely.

“Men and women don’t get married, how are you like this!” Mu Feifei expressed extreme resistance.

“I don’t care.” An Ning pushed her mouth up desperately.

Under Mu Feifan’s vigorous pushing and rubbing, An Ning’s facial features were squeezed into deformation.

Even so, it can still be seen that An Ning must have been a beautiful woman before.

I have to say, Onee-san is really nice.

Just as the two were in a stalemate, with a bang, the door of pill recipe was kicked open.

“Old sister, old sister, I’m here, asking for medicine~” The young scholar broke in with a smile.

However, at The next moment, he hurriedly turned around and coughed slightly: “You continue, I pretended not to see it.”

An Ning said with a gloomy expression: “Li Zhengtai, who asked you to come to my private pill room?”

The implication is that who asked you to come over at this time and disturb the good things of my old lady.

Lee Jeongtae?

Mu Feifan almost laughed out loud, this name is really funny.

He took the opportunity to retreat to the corner.

Li Zhengtai turned her head and said aggrieved: “I just want to see that peerless Medicine Pill.”

“What kind of medicine? I think you forgot to take the medicine when you went out today.” An Ning replied unceremoniously.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard several loud bangs.

The wall of the Danfang was broken open directly, and a large, personal-shaped hole appeared.

When I looked up again, I found that the sky was so blue and the sun was so bright—even the roof was knocked out.

Li Zhengtai shrugged his shoulders. It seemed that he was still the most civilized.

An Ning stared at the seven instructors in front of him, her eyes flushed.

The old lady has been in peace for thirty-two years, and she just wants to kiss her. Don’t you all come over to watch me?

At this moment, the entire academy, except for the dean, eight tutors gathered in this small alchemy room.

Mu Feifan suddenly felt that the air seemed to be insufficient.

Mainly eight Nascent Soul bosses, the sense of oppression is too strong.

People have a strong sense of suffocation!

Suddenly, he discovered that the eyes of the new mentors were full of excitement.

Mu Feifei has only seen this expression in a small video of his previous life.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a food show.

Especially when the delicacies are out of the pot, people seem to be hungry for three days and three nights.

The two are so similar!

Among the crowd, Mu Feifei also found Mentor Feng.

Fortunately, this guy looks calmer and didn’t give him a Losing face!

But what happened to Teacher Feng’s trembling fingers?

Are you so excited to play the air?

Mu Feifan hurriedly lowered his head, saying that he never knew each other.

“Sister An~ Have you made another Peerless Medicine Pill?” asked the big man with a big sword in his arms.

It’s hard to imagine how these two words Sister An can make people get goosebumps when they are said from a rough man like him.

Mu Feifan estimated that the rest of the people had already experienced bouts of chills.

In order to get a glimpse of Medicine Pill, these superior mentors don’t even need Face.

“What does it matter to you?” An Ning was still holding the Medicine Pill in her hand that was paying attention, and she hurriedly hid behind her in fright.

“Sister An, ask for medicine!” The drinking old man yelled.

“Sister An, ask for medicine!” an old woman also shouted.

An Ning’s face was green.

The big man called her sister, and she recognized it.

You two old men and old ladies don’t want to dance square dancing well. What are you shouting about Big sis here?

“Ann Big sis, show me the medicine, just one look.” The weird elf girl acted like a baby.

“Sister An, I want to see it too.” The solemn He Guangning ignored everything at the moment.

“Yao Yao Yao, let’s stop it!” Li Zhengtai was as if beaten with blood from the side.

Only Teacher Feng didn’t say a word, but he was shaking his legs now, and he had obviously exposed his true thoughts.

Ann stared at these people.

One to pick seven is a bit unrealistic.

But once the Medicine Pill is taken out, it will be difficult to come back.

After all, this is Boundary Pill!

So she made a bold move.

A gorgeous turn, he swallowed Medicine Pill directly into his stomach.

Mu Feifan’s eyes are straight, do you want to fight like this?

The seven mentors went crazy.

How is this different from being caught at a crime scene and swallowing small pieces of paper to destroy evidence?

The next moment, An Ning felt an energy frenzy gushing out of her body, causing her accumulated Spirit Power to reach its peak all at once.

Including that layer of bottleneck membrane, was severely pierced!

The joy of upgrading is beyond description.

So An Ning shouted “Ah~” uncontrollably

It was a high-pitched sound that was so comfortable that it could only pass through the throat!

Make the audience and friends flushed and shy.

An Ning, from the Nascent Soul early stage, reached the Nascent Soul middle stage.

The breath of horror burst out all at once!

The momentum was two meters eight meters in an instant, directly overwhelming the other seven instructors.

There is even a sense of the picture of Shirayuki Onee-san and the Seven Dwarfs.

Very similar.

Also extremely funny.

Seven mentors:? ? ?

It was early stage just now, why did it become middle stage in an instant?

The seven Nascent Soul early stage tutors at the scene changed their minds, and immediately realized that it must be the effect brought by that peerless Medicine Pill!

It can make people directly break through a layer of Realm.

Suddenly, Li Zhengtai screamed in excitement, “Baojing Dan, is it the legendary Pojing Dan?”

The old man didn’t even notice Calabash falling on the ground, and said excitedly: “It’s the kind of elixir that can only be served once in a lifetime, but can directly break through Realm?”

“Oh my god! It turned out to be an elixir. Sister An, did you make an elixir?” the girl yelled in gloom.

The elixir is completely different from the traditional Medicine Pill.

Even more legendary and fantasy than the best Medicine Pill.

Because its effect is too heaven-defying.

It doesn’t seem to be a product of this world at all.

When the word elixir popped out, An Ning knew it.

It may be a big deal.

The next moment, the long-lost voice of the dean resounded high in the sky.

“Ahaha, Xiaoan, I heard that you made the elixir?”

“I happen to have a suitable material here. Would you like to refine another one for me?”

An Ning is helpless, this old guy is always there, and the voice comes first.

Once the dean intervened, An Ning knew that this matter probably couldn’t be dealt with.

An explanation must be given.

Under the pressure of everyone’s gaze, An Ning sighed: “Actually, this elixir was not made by me.”

“It’s not you, who is that?” Everyone asked strangely.

The next moment, their eyes are focused on the corner of the admiration of the crowd.

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