Chapter 188 Ou Huang’s Physique? I beg you!


“Big sis, you look scary like this.”

“My script is a single heroine, don’t hurt me!”

“What on earth do you want to do?”

Mu Feifan’s body retreated a few steps.

An Ning licked her red lips and said in a very charming voice: “Little Brother, I’m just a woman, are you still afraid that I will push you down?”

Mu Feifei was speechless: “Can we just talk about business, for example, buy me the materials first?”

This made An Ning speechless.

In the next second, she disappeared directly in place.

Seeing An Ning’s departure, Mu Feifan let out a sigh of relief.

This woman is simply a fairy, but fortunately, my heart is like a rock, and my wife is stronger than gold.

He began to think about why he refined the essence of Spiritual herbs so quickly.

Just after thinking about it for a while, a beautiful figure appeared before her eyes.

An Ning came back bravely carrying a sack.

Mu Fandian’s gaze was slightly startled.

How anxious is this, don’t even have time to put the Spiritual herbs in the storage bag?


The sack fell to the ground with a muffled noise.

What landed together was a pill recipe bound into a book.

“Go on, Little Brother, some of the second-tier and third-tier Spiritual herbs are that you can make enough.” An Ning moved over to a delicate chair, raised her butt and sat on it.

Mu Feifan nodded.

He simply didn’t want to.

Real knowledge comes from practice.

Try a few more times and you will always know the answer.

Mu Feihua selected Spiritual herbs according to the new pill recipe, and began to refine them just like the first time.

Put the Spiritual herbs into the pill furnace.

Inject Spirit Power!

Sure enough, the essence of Spiritual herbs was quickly refined.

Another Medicine Pill is condensed.

This time it was a second-order spirit gathering pill.

The colorful divine light rushed out of the pill furnace again, and the pill room reflected the colorful colors, like a fairyland.

An Ning, who was next to her, found that she could not sit still.

A pair of beautiful legs stand up uncontrollably.

Her heart was violently shocked again!

“Another superb Medicine Pill?”

“Oh my God, Little Brother, you are an unparalleled pill refining genius!”

“Once is luck, twice is strength.”

An Ning’s whole body trembled with excitement.

A circle of shock waves was set off in front of his chest.

“Twice is also luck.” Mu Feihua said very seriously.

These two successes alone are not enough to prove anything.

Mu Feifan is a very cautious person.

He doesn’t like to rely on luck.

Because luck is often the least reliable.

For the third refining, Mu Feihua chose the Foundation Building Dan.

The Foundation Building pill is a special second-order elixir, and the pill recipe is very complicated.

I actually need seven or eight kinds of Spiritual herbs, and they are all thousands of years old.

An Ning said: “The Foundation Building pill is difficult and the materials are expensive. I advise you to refine the spirit gathering pill a few more times, and then try the Foundation Building pill again when you are familiar with it.”

However, Mu Feihua didn’t think so.

There is no point in practicing the Spirit Gathering Pill again, a new challenge is required!

Mainly to prove that oneself is not by luck.

Refining begins!

The same steps!


Mu Feifan threw all the Spiritual herbs into the pill furnace like throwing garbage.

An Ning was speechless: “You need to pay attention to the order of putting Spiritual herbs. There is no rough way to put them in cooking, let alone pill refining.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Of course I know this common sense, but I want to verify one thing, so the worse the conditions, the more accurate the results.”

An Ning was completely speechless.

Your results are accurate, but my thousand-year-old Spiritual herbs… Thinking of this, An Ning felt the corners of her eyes twitch and her heart dripping blood.

Mu Feifan buckled the lid of the Dan furnace with satisfaction.

Next step.

Inject Spirit Power!

Due to too much material, the Spirit Power consumed this time was significantly higher than the standard.

Time passed by every minute.

An Ning is also waiting nervously for the result.


The furnace cover flew out directly.

A terrible energy erupted in the pill furnace.

One, two… There are seven rays of light, released.

“This special effect…it’s rainbow colors.” Mu Feifan was a little surprised.

In the next second, a Medicine Pill containing rich Spiritual Qi flew out, knocked it and landed in An Ning’s hands.

An Ning opened up those Kazilan’s big eyes, and exclaimed, “Nice Foundation Building Dan!”

Seeing how she yelled, Mu Feifan felt a little helpless.

Even the best Foundation Building Dan is far from the perfect Foundation Building Dan he took.

After all, a system product must be a boutique product.

Of course, Mu Feifan is only a person, he can’t compare with bugs.

The foundation building pill can make the best, which is far beyond ordinary alchemists.

Through this refining, Mu Feifei seems to have found a pattern.

The problem lies in his Spirit Power.

At this time, he remembered the new talent that was awakened at breakthrough.

Protect the sacred tree!

His Wood Spirit Power already carries this kind of talent.

“Is this the root cause of my European Emperor?”

“When pill refining comes with luck?”

“Hey, I obviously want to rely on strength, but I rely on luck.”

“This completely goes against my original intention.”

Mu Feifan sighed, a little melancholy.

An Ning, who was immersed in shock, suddenly said: “Luck is also a kind of strength.”

“Some strong men are born with terrible air luck.”

“I think you must be the kind of physique especially suitable for pill refining. It has not been discovered.”

“Hehe, I actually found an ancient wizard who pill refining.”

Mu Feifan was taken aback for a moment, and said, “You are right. If you succeed every time, luck will become strength.”

He decided to challenge the third-order Medicine Pill.

Yun Ling Pill!

This is the Medicine Pill used in the Gold Core period.

After a cup of tea.

The best Yun Ling Pill is released.

This time, Mu Feifan was evacuated one-third of Spirit Power.

That is, Mu Feifan relies on the strong Spirit Power in his body to dare to try this way.

The unusual foundation building period alchemist has already been fried.

“Little Brother!” Suddenly, An Ning became more serious and looked at Mu Feifan very seriously.

Mu Feifei felt a little guilty: “If you have something to say, don’t look at me like that.”

For some reason, when this woman became normal, Mu Feifei felt that she was exceptionally abnormal now.

An Ning smiled and said, “Don’t be so nervous, I won’t eat you again.”

But after hearing this, Mu Feihua leaned back honestly, as if he was about to run away at any time.

An Ning said: “Help me pill refining.”


Mu Feifan was a little confused: “Help you pill refining?”

“Yes, please help me.” An Ning didn’t mean to be joking at all.

Mu Feifan said: “Ann Big sis, you are too polite…No, you are a Tier 4 alchemist, let me, a little alchemist, help you pill refining?”

An Ning gave him a white look, with an amorous look.

Which elixir have you seen who can refine the Foundation Building Pill and Yun Ling Pill?

And every time it is released, it is the best?

The Patriarch of the Holy Pill Academy jumped out of the coffin board, and he couldn’t do this!

“Don’t you want me to beg you?” An Ning’s expression suddenly changed, and she said pitifully.

The charming eyes are full of autumn water, rippling with waves.

Mu Feifan said very straightforwardly: “Don’t come to this suit, it’s useless to me.”

He faintly felt that there must be a hole in it!

Never agree!

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