Chapter 186 The record is broken, it is too difficult to be low-key

Someone took the lead, and the rest of the disciples seemed unable to restrain themselves, and began to hand in papers one after another.

Mu Feifan’s eyes were surprised.

This thick test paper, he just turned halfway, all this group of people finished answering?

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan became more anxious, and the speed of answering questions began to accelerate.

Four hours passed.

Yu Xiaole stood up next to him and said in a low voice, “Senior Brother Mu, I will hand in the paper first.”

“Yeah.” Mu Feifan replied casually.

Yu Xiaole looked at each other subconsciously.

I saw that Mu Feifan was like an answering machine with no emotions at this moment.

Turning the pages of the book flying up, the time his eyes stayed on it seemed to be less than one-tenth of a second.

It feels like the exam paper is about to smoke.

“Fuck!” Yu Xiaole was shocked.

This way of answering questions… is really rare in the world.

He somewhat doubted whether Mu Feifei was releasing himself.

Can you see the problem clearly with this translation method?

Yu Xiaole shook his head and went up to hand in the examination papers, standing by the side waiting for the results of the examination.

A long time passed.

At this moment, Mu Feifan was left alone in the audience.

All eyes are on him.

“Look, that person is still answering the question?”

“Did you answer too slowly in the first half, and now you are anxious?”

“But look at his flipping speed, is that answering the question?”

“Haha, it feels like it’s funny.”

Everyone was amazed.

Nangongya looked at the time and said loudly: “Time is up!”

At this moment, Mu Feifan just turned to the last page.


He closed the thick examination paper vigorously.

Just finished!

Whether he is right or not, he is covered anyway.

Nangongya said: “The paper will be judged on the spot, and the results will come out immediately. Everyone wait for a while.”

At this moment, I don’t know when, in front of the square, a huge stone stele was brought in.

Nangongya posted the test papers on the stone tablet in accordance with the order in which they were handed in.

The next moment, the names and grades of the candidates are displayed on the stone tablet.

Mu Feifan has gained insights.

This thing can also automatically mark papers.

“Li Nan, score 20,500.”

The results of the first person to hand in the paper came out.

Mu Feifan sneered in his heart.

The handover is so fast, the level is really poor.

That Li Nan suddenly shouted with excitement.

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

At this point, what is there to be happy about?

Is it because it has improved compared to before?

Immediately afterwards, everyone’s results came out in turn.

The highest is more than 30,000, and the lowest is only a few thousand.

The more Mu Feifei looked, the more strange it became.

With so many people, none of them answered all 100,000 questions correctly.

Moreover, the results are ridiculously low!

Yu Xiaole is only more than 29,000.

“It turns out that the assessment is so difficult!”

“It’s almost annihilated.”

“No wonder someone has prepared for so many years.”

Mu Feifan thought secretly.

In the end, when Mu Fandian’s achievements appeared on it, I felt that the entire stele released a strange light!

Everyone was surprised: “What’s the matter?”

“This light blinds my dog’s eyes!”

“What is the grade of that person?”

When the light faded, it was displayed impressively on the stone tablet.

Mu Feifan, with a grade of 98,600.

Everyone was taken aback.


They all exclaimed, with unparalleled shock on their faces, and then turned their eyes to Mu Feihua.

“Damn! It’s almost!” Mu Feihua felt helpless.

He remembered the experience of failing in the previous life, unknowingly overlapping with the present.

Although he had been wrong a lot, this kind of distance from the 100,000 mark made him even more uncomfortable.

No matter how much the difference is, as long as you don’t get all the correct answers, you can’t get the test.

The difference is more than a thousand, and the difference is tens of thousands, the result is the same.

No matter how calm the character is, Mu Feifan couldn’t help feeling depressed at this moment.

Everyone looked weird.

Why is this Mu Fandian’s expression so uncomfortable?

At this time, Yu Xiaole patted Mu Feihua and said, “Brother Mu…”

Mu Feifei reluctantly squeezed a smile: “Don’t comfort me, we will participate again in half a year.”

He swears.

After I go back, I will remember the secret code hard.

If you can’t do it backwards, you won’t go out.

However, Yu Xiaole was dumbfounded when she heard this.

The rest of the people also looked dull.

They looked at each other.

Seems to understand something.

Did this brother from the inner courtyard misunderstand the assessment?

Nangongya looked at Mu Fandian’s achievements and was shocked for a while before she said, “Mr. Mu, you…you broke the record!”

Mu Feifan asked suspiciously: “I obviously failed the assessment, what record is it breaking? Is the record with the longest answer time?”

Yu Xiaole laughed and said: “Brother Mu, you have passed the assessment, and you are the first place unprecedented in history, higher than all previous candidates!”


Hearing this, Mu Feifan stayed in place.

There was a roar in the brain.

Did not react for a long time.

The people around also said: “This brother, really has a bright future!”

“Very suitable for pill refining!”

“The knowledge is too extensive.”

“We must learn from him in the future.”

“It will definitely be famous in the future!”

Mu Feifan exhaled and looked at Nangong Ya seriously, and said, “So, how many correct answers can you pass the test?”

“Twenty thousand!” Before Nangongya could answer, the others said loudly.

“Depend on!”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

He felt that his little heart couldn’t stand the stimulus, and even the blood was flowing backwards.

Twenty thousand?

Only 20,000 can pass the assessment?

Then why is he nervous? If he knew it, just answer it casually!

Mu Feihua finally understood why everyone turned in papers so quickly.

With 20,000 questions, he finished it in one hour.

At this moment, Nangong Ya said slightly apologetically: “Junior Mu, I’m sorry, I didn’t make it clear before.”

Mu Feifan gave her an angry look.

It’s not just that I didn’t say it clearly, it was a big oolong.

Sister, are you a one-character daughter? If you just said a few more words, you could break your wealth?

You know, because you missed a word, how much hardship I have put in sleeplessly this month.

“However, Junior Brother Mu, you are famous this time. I scored only over 40,000 in my assessment that year. Even if I was Teacher An, I didn’t write down 60,000!” Nangongya said with excitement in her eyes.

Mu Feifan was silent.

Are you all so scumbag?

I really don’t want to be too famous.

Isn’t it good to be low-key?

He finally realized once again what it means that strength is not allowed.

“Mu Feifan, come in!”

Suddenly, a very elegant female voice floated from the Wandan Hall.

Nangong Ya said: “Mr. Mu, Teacher An is looking for you.”

The rest of the disciples looked envious. Is this a record-breaking treatment? Will the instructor give any rewards?

Mu Feifan is a bit big.

Not as a last resort, he really didn’t want to face this teacher An alone.

Entering the Wandan Hall, Mu Feihua came to the hall.

At this moment, there was no one around, only An Ning sat in the middle.

She wore a blue knee-length dress, with a hot body and an enchanting posture.

Although An Ning was sitting, she could tell her tall and slender when she saw her legs crossed randomly.

The point is that she looks only twenty-six or seven years old, with noble temperament and attractive peachy eyes. She is simply the perfect Onee-san image.

It was the first time that Mu Feifan saw her in such a formal dress, so he glanced more subconsciously.

An Ning blinked and said, “Big sis is cute?”

Mu Feifan shook his head: “Although it’s cute, it’s the first time I saw you wearing clothes.”

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