Chapter 184 Personality, Closed Door Training Back to Top

“Big sis?” Mu Feifan was a little surprised, and fell silent for a while.

The woman seemed to be very dissatisfied with his shock, and muttered: “People are only in their twenties, what do you call Big sis?”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Originally, he thought that the woman who became the Nascent Soul boss would have to be 50 or 60 years old.

Although the opponent looks young, but in the world of cultivating immortals, one cannot talk about everything based on appearance alone.

Seeing Mu Feifan’s face of unbelief, the woman said with a calm face and expressionlessly: “Well, I’m thirty-two years old.”

“It’s okay, I’m almost 30 years old,” Mu Feifan said honestly.

He counted in his heart, and he has been in this Otherworld Life for about eight years.

Eighteen plus eight, twenty-six, rounded up, isn’t this thirty years old?

When the woman heard it, she laughed again and said, “It seems we are very good.”

Mu Feifan was silent.

How can she associate it with that?

“Dare to ask the mentor’s surname?” He wanted to divert the subject.

“It’s called Big sis.” The woman’s pretty face was cold, and she was a little unhappy.

“…Dare to ask the name of Big sis.”

“My surname is Ann, and my single name is a condensed word.”

Mu Feifan was stunned for a moment.

An Ning?

You are not at all peaceful.

At this time, An Ning smiled and said: “I’m done washing, take the blanket next to him, and help Big sis wipe his body.”

Mu Feihua’s body suddenly became very stiff.

He smiled and said: “Naan Big sis came to me, what is the matter?”

An Ning said, “That’s it.”


Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

Dare to call him just to make fun of him?

He finally understood.

Why does tutor Feng say that An Ning is very distinctive.

This character is more than a characteristic.

It’s so glamorous that there is no edge to it, and a group of perverts can’t match it.

An Ning was slightly angry: “Others want to do it, but I don’t want to do it. You know, you are the first person to see Big sis bathing.”

Mu Feifan smiled bitterly, so he could only pick up the furry blanket and walk over slowly.

Suddenly, he felt an invisible force falling on the blanket.

The entire blanket floated directly, unfolding like a picture scroll in the air, just blocking the barrel and him.

The next is the sound of splashes.

I saw a beautiful shadow flying into the blanket, dancing like a butterfly, wrapped quickly, and landed on a nearby seat.

During this period, Mu Feifan didn’t even see an inch of the opponent’s skin.

It can be seen that this woman’s methods are very superb.

An Ning’s long white legs were crossed together, and drops of water dripped from her hair, which was indescribably alluring.

She smiled and said, “What’s wrong, Little Brother, your eyes are so big, do you really want to see it?”

Mu Feifan was a little embarrassed.

An Ning said seriously at this time: “Since Feng has entrusted you to me, I will be responsible to you. You have to work hard and don’t disappoint his expectations.”

She looks like a mentor.

Mu Feifan nodded immediately.

At this time, he took out the book in his arms and said: “An Big sis, this Xinhua dictionary…No, it’s a secret code. Do you really want to memorize it all?”

An Ning said: “Theories are the foundation. You don’t know the characteristics of each Spiritual herbs, how to pill refining?”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

One hundred thousand kinds of Spiritual herbs!

It’s better to let him watch a hundred thousand cold jokes.

An Ning smiled again: “Why don’t you rub my shoulders, maybe I will be relieved of your assessment when I feel better.”

Mu Feifan’s face flushed, and amidst An Ning’s tender laughter, he left the bedroom dingy.

He returned to Jianlu Island.

Immediately decided to Closed Door Training-recite the question!

a week later.

“Lingzhi Mushrooms are the wind attribute, the extremely cold Lingzhi Mushrooms are the ice attribute, and the stephen vines are metallic…” Mu Feihua stood in the yard, reciting it.

Hong Yu next to him was dumbfounded: “Master, you are a good jingle.”

Mu Feifan sighed.

He has worked very hard, almost endlessly.

But in the past seven days, only 5,000 kinds of Spiritual herbs were memorized, and they were often confused.

It is equivalent to the entire Secret Code, this amount is not enough.

“I didn’t like this kind of rote memorization before.”

“Isn’t it good to be flexible?”

“Having memorized it for a long time, isn’t it useless if I can’t make a pill by that time?”

Mu Feifan was a little bit distressed.

The next day, he came to Shengdanyuan again and ran into Nangongya.

“Remember how is it?” Nangong Ya said with a smile.

This first sentence poked Mu Feifan’s chest.

“I have memorized more than 5,000 Spiritual herbs.” Mu Feihua told the truth.

Nangong Ya said with great regret: “The number is far from enough. If this goes on, you may have to be a boy forever.”

Mu Feifan:…

I am a virgin, of course a proper boy.

At this time, he thought of something and asked: “Sister Nangong, if you don’t pass the assessment, can you really learn pill refining?”

Nangong Ya said very seriously: “Theories are the foundation. You don’t know the characteristics of each Spiritual herbs, how to pill refining?”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

This seems a bit familiar.

He glanced at Nangong Ya deeply and felt that the other party was a bit rigid and pedantic, and perhaps the means of going through the back door would not work.

However, Mu Feifan was not discouraged.

If you want to learn pill refining, you must first get a pill recipe.

If I get a pill recipe, what Xinhua dictionary should I memorize?

Since I can’t get it from you, I have another way.

I don’t know why, using these side-by-side techniques, Mu Feihua’s brain became more and more enlightened.

He bid farewell to Nangong Ya, then went straight to the material shop on the main island and found Shen Santong.

“Boss Shen, I want to buy pill recipe.” Mu Feifan said straightforwardly.

Shen Santong looked aside, and said helplessly: “Boss Mu, you want to buy pill recipe, but you came to the wrong place.”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Shen Santong smiled bitterly: “We don’t have the relevant license here, and we are not qualified to sell pill recipe. In the entire academy, only the Holy Pill Academy can buy pill recipe.”

Mu Feifan stared at Shen Tee for a long time before he was sure that the other party was not joking.

With a long sigh, Mu Feifan walked away.

It seems that only honestly recite the question.

Another month passed.

On the ground of Mu Feifan Courtyard, the names of Spiritual herbs are densely written.

In order to record all the Spiritual herbs, Mu Feihua did everything he could.

What homophonic similarity method, classification comparison method…

Hong Yu and others looked at Mu Feifan silently, feeling that the other party was stunned.

At this time, Mu Feifan’s contact symbol sounded, and Nangongya’s voice came.

“Junior Brother Mu, the Dan disciple assessment will begin tomorrow, will you participate?”

Without thinking about it, Mu Feifan immediately replied, “Of course I will participate.”

Nangong Ya smiled and said, “Senior Brother Mu is very confident, then I look forward to your performance.”

The call was interrupted.

Hong Yu hurriedly asked, “Master, how much have you recorded?”

Mu Feifan said: “There are about 80,000 kinds.”


Everyone was shocked.

I remember so much in such a short time?

“Haha, as expected of Brother Fan, Hong Yu can’t even memorize the 108-style ruthless Sword Technique.”

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