Chapter 175 The rank is too high, only open one?

The most embarrassing thing is that in this small carriage, the spear can’t be drawn out.

Mu Feifan unfastened his shoulder straps and threw the spear on the ground before he walked over to Xia Yuchan and sat down.

“There lives a disobedient tool spirit.” Mu Feifan explained.

Xia Yuchan said: “It doesn’t want to stay in the storage bag?”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Xia Yuchan: “Because the level of this gun is too high, the storage bag can’t fit it, I will accompany you to buy a high-level storage bag tomorrow morning!”

Mu Feifan’s complexion was overjoyed: “Okay.”

At this moment, Youbai could hear it clearly.

She sighed.

Unexpectedly, the hostess decided her fate in a few words.


In such a comparison, his rank is too low.

The carriage suddenly became a lot quieter.

The dim outside world, the dim lights, the few passengers, everything seemed so quiet.

Mu Feifan sat next to Xia Yuchan, feeling the soft touch of her long legs spread over.

It makes people feel refreshed.

Mu Feifan stretched out his hand and subconsciously held Xia Yuchan’s shoulders.

Xia Yuchan did not refuse, but shrank into his arms.


Mu Fandian’s instant energy!

When did my wife take the initiative?

Does it indicate that our relationship can go further?

He was dreaming and suddenly felt his chest sink.

Looking down, Xia Yuchan fell asleep leaning on him…

Mu Feifan was speechless at once.

The dark environment of the subway is really easy to make people sleepy.

Mu Feifan’s gaze fell on Xia Yuchan’s side inadvertently.

At this moment, the light is faint.

With this faint light, Mu Feifei could still see the girl’s delicate and charming face.

This is a rare beauty.

A strange feeling breeds in Mu Feifan’s chest.

The feeling of heartbeat.

He hugged Xia Yuchan and slowly bowed his head.

The girl’s white face was branded on the boy’s lips in the next second.

The girls next to them were boringly swiping their phones, and suddenly glanced at them.

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded.

They saw the handsome boy who was carrying a gun before, hugging the cold girl.

At this time, the girl did not have a trace of coldness, but her delicate face looked sweet when she fell asleep.

Most importantly, she fell asleep in the arms of the boys!

I was also kissed tenderly by the boy!

“Ahhhhhhh! Why do you want me to see this picture in the middle of the night?” a girl complained sourly.

Another girl also said depressed: “I really want a boyfriend so that I can sleep on my back.”

The third girl sitting among them said, “If you don’t mind, I can temporarily act as your boyfriend and lend you my shoulders.”

The other two looked stiff.

More depressed!

The reality is so cruel. Isn’t the glory of the repairer who came home early?

What’s the use of boyfriend?

It will only affect the speed of my ascent!

Drowsiness is contagious.

Soon, Mu Feifan felt his eyelids heavier and heavier.

Before long, he also fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took.

“Young man, young girl, hurry up and wake up!” Suddenly, a deep voice sounded.

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan opened their eyes at the same time.

Standing in front of me was an aunt in a subway uniform!

“Mother, which stop are we?” Mu Feifan yawned and asked lazily.

The aunt said: “You are already at the terminal!”


Mu Feifan was so excited that he was no longer sleepy.

Xia Yuchan glanced at the time, it was eleven o’clock.

“We actually sat for almost two hours, and this is the last subway.”

The Riverside City is also huge, which is equivalent to sitting from the center of the city to the suburbs.

Mu Feifan: “Get out of the station and call a taxi later.”

The aunt said: “Oh, this neighborhood is very remote and it’s not easy to take a taxi.”

“But there is a hotel, but the price is a bit expensive.”

“You can stay for one night, and then take the subway back tomorrow morning.”

The two were helpless.

It seems that this can only be done.

Mu Feifan picked up the spear on the ground again, hung it diagonally on his back, and took Xia Yuchan out.

He just walked out, but was shocked by the loud voice of the aunt behind.

“Don’t forget to make up the ticket!”

After filling up the tickets, the two walked out of the subway station.

As soon as I left the station, I saw a towering hotel in the distance.

Looking at the decoration, the environment should be good.

They walked in soon.

The front desk is a white and clean young man in his twenties.

Mu Feifan came to the front desk to go through the formalities, and Xia Yuchan sat on the sofa and waited.

The young man glanced at Xia Yuchan, as if he understood something, and whispered to Mu Feihua: “Girlfriend?”

Mu Feifan was taken aback, and said casually: “My wife.”

The young man looked at his extraordinary youthful appearance and couldn’t help but feel happy.

Nowadays high school students, just have a relationship, and the wife yells quite smoothly.

I guess I haven’t even kissed my mouth.

If it’s not too late to go back, why would you come to open a room?

I have seen more of this situation!

“Little brother, I have a way to make you hug a beautiful woman tonight, and only charge you more.” The young man lowered his voice, his eyes were sneaky, and he raised a two-handed gesture.

Mu Feifan didn’t understand what the other party was saying, but frowned: “Black shop?”

His voice is a bit loud.

The young man became unhappy at once: “Classmate, how can I talk, I kindly want to help you, don’t you expose me?”

At this time, Xia Yuchan walked over and asked strangely: “What happened?”

Seeing the girl coming, the young man immediately said confidently: “This female classmate came just right. Let me tell you, there are a lot of vacant rooms in this hotel. Don’t worry about running out of rooms and only open one!”

He puts his hands around his chest and looks at Mu Feifan proudly.

Humph, tell you and me to be reserved, who doesn’t know the virtues of men?

I directly let you lose the opportunity to hold a beauty!

Xia Yuchan: “Then only open one.”

“Well, open two, right…what, did you say open one?” The young man didn’t react at first, but now he understands it, his expression immediately became astonished.

“Yes, open one.” Xia Yuchan looked at each other like an idiot.

The young man asked subconsciously: “Then open a standard room?”

“What is a standard room?”

“There are two single beds in the room.”

“It only has a double bed.”


The youth was dumbfounded.

He didn’t figure out the situation at all.

Are the girls now so proactive?

Can a man do whatever he wants if he is handsome?

The young man gave Feihua a sour look, a little envious.

The room opened soon.

Xia Yuchan picked up the room card and took a step forward.

Mu Feifan was still standing at the front desk and smiled at the young man: “I said, she is my wife.”

Only then did the youth remember what the other party had said before.

Damn it!

Are they really a couple?

Depending on the age, the two talents are high school students, right?

555, getting married at such a young age, what makes me a single dog in my twenties so uncomfortable?

Moreover, the alliance stipulates that the certificate cannot be obtained before the Foundation Building period.

Did they…

Thinking of this, the young man felt his legs feel soft.

I’m still in the qi refining period.

They are already Foundation Building at the age of eighteen!

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