Chapter 164 Tutor autistic, training Second Stage

Teacher Feng stood in front of the dummy for a long time, silent.

Damn, what kind of evil did I teach?

Have you reached this level in just one day?

It feels that the old Master is a little autistic.

Teacher Feng sighed.

He turned his head to look, but saw that Mu Feifei had woken up.

“It turns out that Teacher Feng is here, early.” Mu Feifan yawned.

He practiced late yesterday, and he didn’t know when he practiced until he finally fell asleep in a daze.

Teacher Feng smiled intriguingly: “You are better than you.”

Mu Feifan was a little confused, and immediately saw the words on the dummy, an embarrassment appeared on his face.

At the end of last night, he suddenly wanted to follow Feng’s mentor on a whim, so he engraved these four words.

It’s purely a playful mentality.

Teacher Feng said sternly: “Since you have mastered the prickling skills, let’s start practicing the rest of the basic skills.”

“There are many gun movements! Puncture, stab, wrap, circle, block, hold, click, dial, shake, etc.!”

“Among them, the use of spear-shaking to confuse opponents is the most basic skill of marksmanship.”

“When the masters meet, they will know how strong their opponents are.”

“Don’t be arrogant, practice, it’s still a long way away!”

Mu Feihua nodded and began to continue the arduous training.

Time flies, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, in the training room.

Mu Feifan held the long spear with his left hand and the tail of the spear with his right hand, suddenly exerting force.

Shoot out like a dragon!

The tip of the gun fiercely penetrated towards Teacher Feng with an indomitable momentum.

“The strength is enough, but the speed is too slow.” As Teacher Feng commented, he raised his long knife, preparing to stop it.

But at The next moment, Mu Feifan’s wrist turned, the spear turned from a sting to a sweep, changing its trajectory in the air.

Teacher Feng was shocked.

He never expected that Mu Feifei was so agile in the battle, and the first attack with such a huge offensive turned out to be a false move.

The spear swept across, and set off a roaring gust of wind, and slapped it fiercely.


The long knife in the hands of Teacher Feng was hit.

Mu Feifan pointed his gun diagonally in front of Teacher Feng’s face, and said, “Teacher Feng, you have lost again.”

Teacher Feng was speechless.

After Mu Feifan experienced the first three days of basic skills training, he went to practice on the next day.

The two of them didn’t use any Spirit Power, they only used moves.

In the first few days, it was Feng Mentor who had the upper hand.

Unexpectedly, starting from today, Mu Feifan is like opening up, repeatedly finding out the flaws of Feng Mentor and winning easily.

Teacher Feng suspected that this kid had the ability to win a few days ago.

But today all broke out, just to hit myself head-on!

“Ah! You can send and receive power freely in a short time. I deceived me in the first blow. You are indeed very talented in the gun way!” said Teacher Feng.

Mu Feifan asked: “In that case, am I training to become the First Stage Breaker of the Gunslinger?”

Instructor Feng sighed: “I think so.”

As a tutor, I always want to take a hit when I see my students are so good.

Can not beat the moves, can only be suppressed by words.

“Next, let’s practice the Second Stage of the Killing Gun!” Teacher Feng suggested.

Mu Feihua held a spear, like a young general in battle, extremely heroic.

He nodded: “Yes.”

Instructor Feng said mysteriously: “But we have to change the training place.”

Mu Feifan pointed to the row of dummies that had been sieved next to him: “Teacher Feng, you can’t change places because you can’t afford new dummies, right.”

Teacher Feng was speechless.

Although this is the truth, the tutor also felt dull after being told by the students.


Who left the God of War Academy in poverty now!

Teacher Feng said immediately: “Of course not.”

“Because the Second Stage breaks the sky, it is more effective to practice against the sky!”

He brought Mu Feihua to a pool on the island.

“Jump down!” Instructor Feng said.

Mu Feifan looked at the deep pool water, motionless.

Teacher Feng frowned: “Why don’t you jump?”

Mu Feifan said: “There won’t be Demonic Beasts, right?”

Teacher Feng is full of black lines: “This is the God of War Academy, not the Beastmaster Academy. Even Demonic Beasts have been eaten long ago, and the water is so shallow that they haven’t reached your knees!”

Mu Feifan looked at the color of the lake and said, “Teacher Feng, are you sure that the water is very shallow?”

Teacher Feng pushed him off the pool.

“This kid, be too cautious!”


Splashing water!

Mu Feihua plunged into the water.

His bottom was stuck to the bottom of the water, and then he knew that the water was really shallow.

When Mu Feihua stood up, Teacher Feng had already started chanting spells on the bank!

The next moment, the pool water rolled up, turning into a rain curtain, and slammed against Mu Feihua fiercely.

“Teacher Feng, which one is this singing?” Mu Feifei was a little confused.

Did you win too many Feng Mentors today?

Upset him?

Started to wear small shoes for yourself?

Not only push yourself into the pool, but also flood yourself with big water?

This is not going to turn me into a roaring chicken!

Instructor Feng said anxiously: “Get out of the gun and pierce all the drops of water!”


Mu Feifan didn’t even react, and was soaked by the rain curtain.

He wiped the water off his face and said in amazement: “Prick the water droplets? How many water droplets are there in this rain curtain, it’s incredible.”

Teacher Feng said: “As long as you are fast enough, not to mention a rain curtain, even a tsunami can pierce it!”

Mu Feifan: “Teacher Feng, although I study very little, don’t lie to me.”

“Here again!” Teacher Feng began to chant the spell.

The pool water is rolling in, setting off the rain curtain, and impacting.

Mu Feifan gritted his teeth and held his breath.

The spear is launched, like a phantom!

Gun shadow dazzling!

Swish penetrated through the rain curtain one after another.

But there was still a lot of water hitting Mu Feifan’s head.


Mu Feifan spit out a mouthful of water, looking very embarrassed.

But his eyes were extremely firm, and he seemed to have discovered something wonderful.

This training is really effective!

“Come again!” Mu Feifan said.

Teacher Feng started to recite the spell again.

In this way, from morning to evening.

Teacher Feng finally saw the terrifying perseverance of Mu Feihua.

It really doesn’t take a moment to rest.

Finally, Teacher Feng’s throat was full of smoke, and he waved his hand: “Come here today.”

Mu Feifan said: “Go on, Teacher Feng, I have already touched a trace of the doorway.”

At this moment, he had already taken off the Zijinyuan suit aside, revealing a strong and well-proportioned muscle.

It was going to be raining anyway, and the hospital clothes were soaking wet early and it was very uncomfortable to wear on the body.

His figure is not exploding, but the lines are very sexy.

Teacher Feng: “My Spirit Power is exhausted, don’t you know how to control water?”

Mu Feifan: “No.”

Instructor Feng held his forehead with one hand and was really defeated.

At this time, Mu Feifan threw a middle-grade Spirit Stones: “Teacher Feng, use it to restore Spirit Power.”

Teacher Feng was surprised: “Mid-grade Spirit Stones, you can’t see that your kid is so rich.”

He quickly took it with eyesight and hand, and put it into the storage bag.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Teacher Feng smiled awkwardly: “Now our hospital is poor, if we can save it, we will save.”

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