Chapter 153 The Man in Black, Just Passing By

Lu Elder lost his eyes for a while: “It turns out that this ruin was caused by the man in black. I thought it was a natural disaster.”

Chunky Elder: “Look, the monster girl just walked two steps before her body collapsed automatically.”

Who is the man in black?

Why have such terrible power?

The others were also very shocked.

Even some people start to feel weak in their legs and feet.

These cultivators from Dengxian Academy, if placed in each Sect, are Sect Leader level.

But now, just watching some of the fighting clips, I was frightened and disoriented, which is unbelievable.

He Guangning was even more silent.

Lu Elder asked cautiously: “Teacher Ho, can you see the strength of the man in black, how does it compare to Nascent Soul cultivator?”

He Guangning: “…”

How can I tell?

Even the fourth-level Demonic Beasts were abused by him.

If I had that vision, I wouldn’t worry about this fourth-level Demonic Beasts.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: “Look at him, that person is looking back.”

The angle in the mirror suddenly narrowed, and the man in black looked over slightly.


Just a glance.

Everyone felt their hair tingling instantly.

It seems that the other person is watching him the same!

What kind of look is this?

Indifferent, arrogant, and even mocking.

He is the only one in heaven and on earth.

“Fortunately, it’s just the picture in the mirror, otherwise it must be scared to death.” Many people thought with lingering fears.

But it feels too realistic!

Suddenly, they felt something was wrong.

Because the black-clothed man actually twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a sneer.

“What rubbish…” He snorted coldly.

The next moment, just listen to the sound of clicking.

The entire mirror surface was directly broken!

Celestial Mirror, a generation of Dao Item, fragmented!

At this moment, countless fragments are scattered.

These cultivators of Dengxian Academy, feeling their own heart, also shattered into glass shards.


“Broken Mirror?”

“How can it be?”

“Oh my god, this is Dao Item, there are not many items in Dengxian Academy.”

“Moreover, the Mirror has the will of the academicians of the past generations!”

Everyone was stunned.

He Guangning’s face was like a sculpture, and he didn’t react for a long time.

This Nascent Soul boss is completely stupid at this moment. In the years he has lived for so many years, has he ever seen such a bizarre thing?

“Fuck! How can I explain to the academy when I go back?” The elegant He Guangning couldn’t help but explode.

Lu Elder said tremblingly: “You said, the astronomical mirror is broken, is it related to the man in black?”

As soon as this remark came out, the hearts of the audience once again set off a turmoil.

They feel a chill in their back, and their whole body is not good.

“Damn, when Lao Lu said that, I felt like a man in black was talking to me face to face.”

“I’m feeling it too.”

“Don’t say it, I feel cold all over now, this thing is too evil.”

“Impossible, don’t scare yourself, the picture in the mirror is a record of the past.”

“But it always feels like a live broadcast.”

Everyone started talking, and the more they talked, the more frightened they became.

In the end, they focused their problems on the men in black.

That is, who is the other party?

“In the group of six disciples just now, I didn’t see anyone wearing black clothes.”

“How is it possible that among that group of disciples, which trial of Cultivation Base is so strong?”

At this moment, chunky Elder suddenly thought of something.

He raised his head, eyes full of incredible.

Lu Elder looked at his old partner and asked strangely: “What’s wrong, Elder Wu?”

Chunky Elder’s surname is Wu, a very casual surname.

Wu Elder shivered and said, “Lao Lu, how do I feel that the black-clothed man’s eyes look so much like Mu Feifan?”


When everyone heard this, their faces were shocked.

Even He Guangning’s pupils shrank.

After Lu Elder was shocked, he suddenly laughed: “Lao Wu, do you think too much?”

“Mu Feifan is so sunny and handsome, and the man in black looks like a gloomy tuberculosis. He has not slept for several days and has dark circles under his eyes.”

“How could it be the same person?”

Wu Elder rubbed his belly, full of doubts: “Is that really the case?”

“At that time, I was in front of the scales, the closest to Mu Feihua, and I felt that they looked alike.”

“If it’s not for Mu Fandian, then who is he?”

“The cultivator in the secret realm, there are only these people.”

Everyone was also left in the mist.

He Guangning suddenly said: “Forget it, don’t think about it, everyone. Our purpose of using the skyscope is to see if the fourth-level Demonic Beasts are mixed with the six disciples.”

“But now that the fourth-level Demonic Beasts is dead, there is no need to worry.”

“As for the man in black, he…he should be on our human side.”

He Guangning hesitated and said.

In fact, he didn’t know which side the black-clothed man was on.

But since the opponent killed Demonic Beasts, isn’t the enemy’s enemy a friend?

Therefore, the position of the man in black must be a human cultivator.

At this time, Wu Elder whispered: “If he is really a disciple of the Six Sects, and he will go to the Immortal Academy a week later, shall we lead the wolf into the room?”

Everyone is speechless.

The atmosphere was suppressed.

Lu Elder suddenly said, “I think you must be thinking too much!”

“If the black-clothed man is the six disciples, who are all so powerful, and still apprentice the teacher to learn art, isn’t it a brainstorm?”

“Take Teacher He, can you hold on for three seconds under the hands of the man in black?”

He Guangning is speechless, can you not take me as an example?

Lu Elder saw that everyone was showing a reasonable expression, and his confidence suddenly increased, and he directly ignored He Guangning’s small sad eyes.

He continued: “I have a bold idea!”

“This man in black must be a senior cultivator passing by!”

“Seeing that the demons are not pleasing to the eye, let’s just come and kill them for the people.”

“I’m leaving now.”

“Think about it, those big cultivators with a blast of leather, not like we have to wait a year to build a space channel, they just tear it, won’t they be able to break the void?”

“Come as you want, leave as you want, this world is so big, who can stop them?”

After listening, everyone’s eyes lit up.

It seems to make sense!

“That’s it, I said how the other party is so powerful.”

“Haha, if there is such a strong disciple of the Six Sects, what is he still doing in hiding? Just stand up, and all of us in the courtyard will be regarded as guests.”

“It’s just that this strong man doesn’t seem to have a good temper.”

“Don’t think about it, since they are all gone anyway, they don’t look down on our stall at all.”

The man in black is a big cultivator passing by.

This statement is the easiest to be accepted by everyone.

Otherwise, there is still such a wicked expert among those disciples, and those who climbed into the Immortal Academy might not be able to sleep well.

He Guangning sighed, it seems that this is how it happened.

At the same moment, Dahe Jianzong was thousands of miles away.

Mu Feihua stretched out his left hand, and was struggling with his right arm desperately.

Hong Yu was dumbfounded: “Master, are you…rebooting?”

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