Chapter 151 Going to Gang Army? That’s too tiger

At this moment, Mu Feifan had a calm expression on his face.

“The Demonic Beasts here have already formed a certain order, no different from human beings.” He replied.


Everyone was surprised.

“It turns out that there is still an army of monsters here. Are our people coming?” Lu Elder trembled.

He Guangning looked worried: “I mainly care about the fourth-level Demonic Beasts. I don’t know if I can play it.”

Those Sect Leaders who flew away looking for their disciples before, felt afraid for a while!

Unexpectedly, the water in the secret realm is so deep.

There is even an army of monsters!

Just when the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Mu Feifan said: “Don’t worry, there is no threat in the secret realm now.”

Chunky Elder said, “But that is the army of the monster clan after all, you can’t imagine the horror of the monster clan.”

Tens of millions of Demonic Beasts gathered together, plus formal command, are qualified to be called the army, otherwise they are just ordinary beasts.

At this moment, Lu Elder thought of something, and asked in amazement: “Mu Feifan, those monster army will not be killed by you, right?”

The others also looked surprised.


“The monster army and the ordinary animal tide are completely two concepts.”

“The monster race is psychic and wiser, and their army is no different from human beings.”

“Even if Mu Feihua is strong, Spirit Power is comparable to ordinary Gold Core, but it can’t beat so many monsters.”

It seems that everyone’s impression of Yaozu is brutal and cunning.

Lu Elder faintly felt that his own guess was correct.

“Otherwise, how did you get so many demon cores?” he asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone instantly thought of Mu Feihua’s demon core, and they were all shocked.

“Fuck, Lu Elder’s analysis makes sense.”

“How many Demonic Beasts have to be killed to get so many demon cores.”

“Mu Feifan must have destroyed a large army.”

“He is too strong, it is hard to imagine that he is a Foundation Building early stage.”

“You haven’t seen it before, and you won’t believe that he blasted Luo Sect Leader back, so don’t judge by common sense.”

“Mu Feifan Niu!”

Everyone cast admiring glances.

Some disciples even had fanatical worship in their eyes.

One person destroys an army, how bold and powerful it is.

The realm of Xiuxian respects strength.

The strong are more susceptible to worship.

Especially these passionate young people.

Seeing that Mu Feihua was so amazing, they didn’t have the slightest jealousy at all, but admired each other even more.

Because what Mu Feifei did was simply a stroke of magic.

He Guangning even admired: “Mu Feifan, you did a good job and protected the rest of the secret realm. Otherwise, you will be wiped out in this trial.”

Mu Feihua heard what everyone said, and even his instructor was generous to him.

He was really embarrassed to accept it.

Those demon cores obviously used their own system to increase their amplitude.

But their brain made up for destroying a monster army!

How horrible am I? I just ran to the front with a large army of monsters?

Mu Feifan was very helpless.

At this time, He Guangning asked again: “By the way, have you seen the fourth-level Demonic Beasts?”

Mu Feifan was speechless, why did this kind tutor keep chasing this question.

How can I answer?

Could it be said that he was unwilling to kill a fourth-level Demonic Beasts?

This is too shocking, right?

I can’t pretend…

I want to be lenient…

No, it’s a showdown.

“Teacher Ho, in fact, there is no fourth-level Demonic Beasts here!” Mu Feihua said astonishingly.

He Guangning is very strange: “But the guards of my ascent to the Immortal Academy really fell. Their combined attack technique can resist the third-level peak Demonic Beasts…”

Mu Feifan: “No matter how bad the low-level Demonic Beasts are, they are still a terrible force if they are gathered together! They must have encountered an army of monsters!”

“Is this really the case?” He Guangning was also said to be dumbfounded.

Mu Feifei said with certainty: “It’s really the case. Otherwise, look at my demon cores, why are they all first-level and second-level, not even a third-level…”

He Guangning scratched his head, as if that was indeed the case.

In fact, Mu Feihua didn’t come up with the third-level demon core at all.

Otherwise, the sensation will be even greater.

At this time, He Guangning smiled and said: “In short, Mu Feihua, you performed very well this time. When you come to the academy, I will help you apply for a generous resource award from it.”

“Thank you Mentor He!” Mu Feihua thanked him sincerely.

He has a good impression of He Guangning.

If you have a good relationship with such a Nascent Soul boss, the future days at Dengxian Academy will be smooth.

Next, everyone began to embark on the road back.

Fang Qingxian and Luo Li returned to the Heavenly Puppet Sect first, and the next time they reunited, they would be in Dengxian Academy.

As for the martial arts rewards, because there are too many and too expensive, it is impossible for the law enforcement Elder to bring it with him, and it will be distributed in the future.

Yan Wushang’s old face was full of joy.

Excited all the way.

Even the Flying Sword under his feet is very capricious.

When they returned to Dahe Jianzong, the disciples turned pale one by one, and threw up all after landing.

After Liuzong left, the cultivators of Dengxian Academy such as He Guangning remained in the secret realm.

“Teacher Ho, let’s go too.” Chunky Elder said.

He Guangning said: “There is one thing I have to figure out, and that is the real cause of death of the guards!”

Lu Elder said: “Didn’t you analyze it just now? It should have died in the hands of the monster army.”

He Guangning shook his head: “If those guards encounter a low-level monster army, even if they lose in the end, they should still struggle for a while. But they were killed instantly, indicating that the opponent’s strength far exceeds them!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two Elders changed drastically!

Chunky Elder trembled: “Doesn’t that mean that fourth-level Demonic Beasts really exist in the secret realm? But why can’t the teacher perceive its breath?”

He Guangning sighed slightly: “This is where I am suspicious, and I am proficient in the power of space. The other party’s whereabouts cannot escape my perception. What I am most worried about is that the fourth-level Demonic Beasts will be transformed into a human form and mixed into the one just now. In the batch of disciples…”

“What?” The two Elders were dumbfounded.

They never expected that there would be such a possibility.

He Guangning said again: “If the fourth-level Demonic Beasts come to the place where humans live, they will surely kill them and set off a bloody storm.”

Lu Elder said: “I knew that the six disciples would not be allowed to leave. They should be detained here and interrogated one by one.”

He Guangning frowned: “You law enforcement Elders are too unreasonable. If there is no evidence to do so rashly, Dengxian Academy will lose the hearts of the people.”

Lu Elder was a little ashamed. As a law enforcement Elder, his first thought was how to ask the truth, rather than considering whether it would harm others.

He Guangning pointed in a direction and said: “In that area, I felt that there was a strong battle fluctuation before, you follow me!”

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