Chapter 142 The old king is shocked, and his soul is tortured


Wang Liangang lost consciousness in his eyes.

“Really?” He asked in surprise.

Obviously, the rumors about the tenth level have also been heard by this Gold Core teacher.

Mu Feifan said: “If you don’t believe it, you can check with the staff of Tongtian Tower.”

Wang Liangang opened his mouth wide.

It seems to be true!

Oh My God!

Wang Liangang was so scared that he almost slipped off the stool.

Mu Feifan, Mu Feifan, I feel you are very strong, but I did not expect that strong is so outrageous.

The same rank defeated that adult’s template illusion?

Are you still a person?

When he thought that the person in front of him might grow into that adult-like existence, Wang Liangang’s attitude immediately changed.

“Student Mu, should we make a battle plan with you as the core?”

“I think you are also very experienced, how about you arrange tactics.”

“Student Mu, I think we have set our goal small, and saving one is an insult to you!”

Faced with Wang Liangang’s sudden change, Mu Feifan hurriedly said, “No, Teacher Wang.”

“You can hit whatever you want.”

“The reason for my showdown is to give you some confidence.”

“I don’t know your pursuit and ideals, but I must get the rewards I want!”

“And this matter, I hope you don’t say anything, I don’t want to be harassed.”

Wang Liangang nodded hurriedly.

The fool is talking nonsense everywhere.

If the incident of breaking through the tenth floor is exposed, how many big people will meet Mu Fei Feifei.

We won’t be able to keep him in our team at that time.

Mu Feifan said: “In this case, I will go back first. If there is training and competition, please contact me in advance.”

The two left each other’s phone calls.

After Mu Feifan left, Wang Liangang hurriedly dialed a call.

“Gangzi, you are finally willing to find me. The last time you contacted me was during a class reunion!” A complaint came from the other side.

Wang Liangang said, “Weizi, I have something to check with you. Did anyone pass the tenth floor during the Qi refining period last Saturday?”

The opposite person is Zhang Dawei who works at the Tongtian Tower.

At this moment, he asked suspiciously: “Did you not hear the ten bells that day?”

Wang Liangang was shocked: “Fuck, I thought it was an air defense security drill, what is the name of that passer?”

Zhang Dawei immediately became vigilant: “Gangzi, what are you asking about this? I told you that the City Lord’s Mansion has already said hello, and the other party’s name is top secret!”

“Damn, your kid is still playing tricks with me, hurry up and say, I won’t sell you.” Wang Liangang said angrily.

“No, this is the principle.”

Wang Liangang couldn’t help cursing: “Isn’t it just Mu Feihua? Are these three words with gold or diamonds, so you are so reluctant to say it?”

“Damn, how did you know, don’t tell me, Gangzi, or I’ll be finished.” Zhang Dawei said in surprise.


Wang Liangang’s phone fell directly to the ground.

His pupils shrank sharply and his face was twitching slightly.

it is true.

It turned out to be true.

Mu Feifan has passed the tenth floor!

He defeated the lord!

The phone on the ground was still yelling hysterically: “Gangzi, are you okay, don’t scare me, just squeak while you are alive!”

However, Wang Liangang couldn’t listen anymore.

He walked slowly to the window sill and opened the window.

Only the breeze that blows in can calm his excited heart.

“Perhaps this time at the Fairy Way Conference, we in Hunan can really create miracles.” Wang Liangang muttered to himself.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and suddenly a burst of laughter broke out.


The phone is still shouting: “Gangzi, are you sick? You can’t make a laugh like your blood clot for ten years.”

However, only hahaha responded to Zhang Dawei.

At this time, the office door was pushed open.

Gong Xingyu and Li Xiuzhu stood at the door.

It happened to see Wang Liangang standing on the windowsill, facing the sky proudly hahaha.

That scene was like a strong man coming out of a mental hospital, making a merciless mockery of the world.

People laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can’t see through.

“Hahaha hiccup…” Wang Liangang saw the two female teachers suddenly come, and his smile instantly solidified on his face.

“Um… I’m sorry, Lao Wang, we won’t bother you, you continue.” Gong Xingyu stuck out his tongue and immediately retreated with Li Xiuzhu.

As she walked, she said, “Mr. Li, what I said, you are simply wrong.”

“Hey, I didn’t expect to bump into the scene of Pharaoh’s illness.”

“That laughter is really abnormal.”

Li Xiuzhu also didn’t expect that Mu Feihua was really not there, and went back very depressed.

At this moment, in the office, Wang Liangang’s mood is extremely complicated.

Embarrassment, grievance, pain… all kinds of flavors are mixed.

The few stubborn dull hairs on his head were wilting.

Mu Feifei returned to the class and studied the online bookstore of the alliance for a whole afternoon.

“Mosimosi, what are you doing, Chong Chong wife?” Mu Feifan sent a WeChat message.

Xia Yuchan: “What’s wrong, I’m reading a cartoon.”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

I really don’t understand why the cold Xia Yuchan is so interested in the two-dimensional world.

Mu Feifan: “I want to buy a high-level refining technique, why is there no online bookstore?”

I don’t know if I’m seeing a wonderful moment or thinking about how to answer.

In short, after a while, Xia Yuchan sent a message: “If you want to buy advanced craftsmanship, you must at least become an intermediate craftsman. You have to go to the craftsman’s union for qualification appraisal.”

Mu Feifan: “Come with me after school.”

Xia Yu Cicada: Good ₍ᐢ⸝⸝›̫‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎

Seeing the expression she sent, Mu Feifei felt that her little heart was pierced all at once.

This…this is too cute.

Is there a soft and cute girl’s heart hidden under his wife’s cold appearance?

Who can stand this?

I look forward to school soon.

Mu Feifeifei also rushed out of the classroom and met Xia Yuchan at the school gate.

Xia Yuchan looked at him with a weird expression, and asked, “Where should I match the clothes for you in the morning?”


Mu Feifan was startled for a moment, then remembered.

Feng Li bought the shirts and casual trousers he is wearing now.

This is soul torture.

If the answer is slightly wrong, it will be overwhelming.

Mu Feifan hesitated for a while before telling the truth: “He Bai Lesheng Feng Li…”

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yuchan’s originally calm tone lowered: “It looks like your battle situation is very fierce, even your clothes are torn apart?”

Mu Feifan was a little embarrassed.

“Have you been seen by other girls?” Xia Yuchan asked, the temperature continued to drop.

Mu Feifei replied very confidently: “No, not even boys!”

Xia Yuchan stared at him for a while, only then showed a slight smile: “That’s good.”

Mu Feifan let out a sigh of relief.

It turns out that not being seen by the girl is the key point, and it must be marked out and will be tested later.

He realized it again.

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