Chapter 107

Suddenly, the Demonic Beasts also heard the movement and raised their heads.

Mu Feifan was stunned.

Could this be a sacred animal…a horse in a mud?


“Second-level early stage Demonic Beasts!”

“There are so many here!”

One of them looked very clever, and the disciple called Zheng Xiaoguang shouted.

“Unexpectedly, it turned out to be second-level Demonic Beasts.”

“So cute, what kind of combat power can it have?”

“It’s probably also a grade derived from eating grass.”

“I’ll try it!”

Liu Zhi narrowed his eyes, full of fighting spirit.

He walked to a lonely alpaca.

Everyone stared at Liu Zhi expectantly.

When the alpaca saw Liu Zhi approaching, it slowly raised its head.

Its eyes were confused, and it was still chewing in its mouth.

It’s a foodie at first sight!

“Hey, llama, do you have a lot of question marks?”

Liu Zhi smiled and teased, his eyes suddenly cold.

“There is no woman in my heart, so it’s natural to draw a sword!”

He used the first form of the ruthless Sword Technique.

The long sword came out of its sheath, and the cold light shone, shining everything.

This hand draws the sword with a superb skill.

The cut out Sword Qi spread out like golden ripples.

When everyone saw it, they couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

It’s so fierce to deal with a small alpaca.


Suddenly, the little alpaca crooked.

Sword Qi wiped its body and passed by, just hitting the grass next to it.

Suddenly cut a long sword mark.


Liu Zhi was shocked.

The others also found it incredible.

Is it a coincidence, or is the alpaca just so flexible?

Zheng Xiaoguang shouted: “Brother Liu, be careful…”

Liu Zhi was still in amazement, turned his head to look, but saw a pair of iron hoofs trampled over.

The alpaca fought back!

“Lying grass…mud horse!”

Liu Zhi screamed and was kicked directly!

He turned twice in the air, and finally hit the ground.

With Venus in his eyes, he almost vomited blood.

The alpaca succeeded in one blow, but did not pursue the victory.

It lowered its head and continued to eat the grass, while blinking the big eyes of Kazilan, looking at Liu Zhi with some contempt.


The alpaca made a weird laugh.


They were ridiculed by an alpaca!

Hong Yu was angry: “It’s deceiving too much!”

“Who went up and chopped off its sheep’s head for me?”

The others took a step back suddenly.

Only Hong Yu stood alone in front, as if about to rush to the battlefield.

Hong Yu scratched his head and smiled shyly: “Are all seniors so naughty?”


I don’t know who kicked it and sent Hong Yu directly to the alpaca.

“I f*ck…”

Hong Yu threw himself on the ground, about to yell, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

When he looked up, he saw the alpaca beast quietly looking at him.

The gaze seemed to be looking at a mentally retarded person.

The motion of eating grass in his mouth never stopped.

When Hong Yu had an idea, he performed a stunt.

“Look at my slippery shovel, which will break your stomach!”

He ejected from the ground, slid and killed the tiger, and got under the alpaca!

Hong Yu wants to use his power to slash!

As a result, he touched his waist, but felt lonely.


“Where is my sword?”

He looked back, but saw that even the sword with its sheath fell two meters behind him.

This movement was too wide, and the scabbard was thrown away.

Damn it!

Hong Yu was embarrassed now.

At this moment, the alpaca looked down and looked at him like a fool.

Hong Yu started selling cute and seeking glory: (✪ω✪)

“Brother Cao, I’m actually your long-lost cousin, bleating…”

The alpaca raised its hooves and trampled on Hong Yu like a mad!


Hong Yu was trampled to death.

Suddenly, the sound broke through the air.

I saw a long axe flying over, tearing everything apart, and directly nailing the alpaca to a distant tree.

Everyone saw that it was Mu Feifan who made the shot.

“Brother Mu is mighty!”

“As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.”

“Let’s go see Hong Yu quickly.”

Everyone ran over.

Hong Yu almost cried.

Fortunately, there is a body armor.

But this experience of being devastated under the alpaca is really uncomfortable.

“Master, I want revenge!” Hong Yu said angrily.

Mu Feifan said: “Alpacas are powerful and quick to respond.”

“You can’t deal with it at this stage.”

“But if everyone is wearing spirit armor, they won’t be fatally injured.”

“You can practice with alpaca beasts.”

He made a move.

Shanhe Axe was summoned and shot back into his hand with a buzzing sound.

Zheng Xiaoguang took a disciple and brought the body of the alpaca.

“Senior Brother Mu, how to deal with this?”

Mu Feifan broke open the alpaca’s head and squeezed out the demon core.

Obtain a second-level demon core.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred second-level demon cores.

Two: a third-level demon core.

Mu Feifei calmly put it into the storage bag.

The second-level demon core is twenty points, and the third-level one hundred points.

As long as you are not a fool, you know how to choose.

Mu Feifan cut off its iron hoof again.

As a senior refiner, the necessary professional training is still there.

The rest of the alpaca’s body has little effect, but the iron hoof is a good material for refining!

Obtain four second-level alpaca iron hoofs.

System rewards (optional):

One: 400 second-level alpaca iron hoofs.

Two: Four third-level alpaca iron hoofs.

After Mu Feifan put them in the storage bag, he chose the second item.

Refining treasures requires third-level Demonic Beasts materials.

“The rest, you can figure it out.” Mu Feifan said lightly.


I don’t know whose stomach cried out.

Liu Zhi blushed and said, “I didn’t eat anything in the morning, and I am hungry now.”

Zheng Xiaoguang smiled and said: “It’s really the same as what a hero sees.”

At this time, a disciple named Zhao Neng said: “Or let’s eat hot pot.”

“I have worked in Sect’s kitchen and can cook!”

“The meat of second-level Demonic Beasts, Spiritual Qi is plentiful, and I usually don’t have the chance to eat it.”

He took out the tools from the storage bag, and quickly set up the cutting board and the cauldron.

All kinds of condiments are readily available.

Mu Feifan was speechless for a while.

Is this guy coming for a trial or a big meal?

Everyone helped.

The alpaca was quickly sliced ​​by Zhao Neng.

The movements are flowing and flowing, and he does have the demeanor of a chef.

Ten people were sitting around a large stone table.

The iron pan was steaming hot.

The meat slices can be picked out by just a little bit.

The appearance is fresh and tender, which greatly increases the appetite.

Hong Yu took a bite of the sauce with the pork slices in his mouth, and couldn’t help letting out a cheering cry as soon as he put it in his mouth.

“The overflowing Spiritual Qi, the smoothness of the meat, and the strong aroma of the sauce, are simply invincible.”

After eating a slice, I obviously feel that Dantian’s Spirit Power has increased a bit!

Everyone also agrees.

I usually have a chance to eat Demonic Beasts in Sect, and it is second-level.

Mu Feifan said: “I think this area is good.”

“There are Demonic Beasts to kill and meat to eat.”

“Let’s stay here for a while.”

“Okay, everything depends on Senior Brother Mu’s arrangements.” Everyone said in unison.

As soon as he entered the secret realm, Mu Fanping’s performance conquered everyone.

Now of course he is the only one to look forward to!

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