Chapter 104 Sudden Change

“Now that we all know it, let’s hurry up and go!”

“By the way, no matter what rare and exotic weeds and Cultivation Technique weapons you get in the secret realm, they belong to the discoverer.”

“It can also be sold to the academy, and we will buy it with Spirit Stones far exceeding the market price.”

“The trial time is one year, everyone take it well!”

The two Elders walked to a stone wall on the barren mountain, and at the same time they played a decisive battle.

After a while, the stone wall shook slightly, and then slowly split from the middle, revealing a long passage.

It was the first time that all the disciples saw this kind of spectacle, and they couldn’t help but glance twice.

Gao Shou Elder said: “This is a space channel opened up to connect with the secret realm.”

“Because of the mysterious interface repulsion of the secret realm, the existence above the Gold Core outside cannot enter.”

“Okay, come on everyone!”

Six major sects, ten disciples in each team, began to walk in one after another.

Yan Wushang suddenly whispered in a low voice, “Everyone, be careful of the blood knife door!”

“Lao Deng didn’t deal with me when he was young. I’m afraid that his sect entered the secret realm and he would shoot everyone!”

When Dahe Sword Sect’s disciple heard it, his expression suddenly stunned.

Mu Feifan narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

He followed the team and slowly stepped into the space channel.

The passage is not long, more than a hundred feet.

Even so, Hong Yu was firmly attached to Mu Feifan’s side, and the two walked side by side.

After a dimness, light soon ushered in!

Walking out of the passageway, everyone looked at the scene outside, all with surprised expressions.

The place where you enter the eye is a lush, beautiful scenery of birds and flowers.

The sun is high and the light is gentle.

At this moment, the land under their feet looked like a huge valley.

“Is this the secret realm?”

“The scenery is beautiful.”

“It doesn’t look like there is any danger.”

“The secret realm is an independent Minor World. As for how it was formed, it is completely a mystery.”

The disciples of various sects were at the entrance at the moment, pointing around, exclaiming one or two from time to time.

At this moment, outside the secret realm.

Tall and thin Elder said to the leaders of the Sect Leader: “Everyone, Dengxian Academy has set up a temporary station here, just one kilometer ahead.”

“There are good wines and delicacies for everyone to rest.”

“One year will pass quickly.”

“I hope that the disciples under everyone can survive smoothly.”

When the Sect Leaders heard this, their expressions couldn’t help but feel sad.

It was not easy to survive this trial.

Let alone fight for the final place.

Just thinking about it, it feels like a bloody storm!

“Lao Yan, while there is nothing wrong now, do you want to discuss it?”

“I’m afraid that after a year, all your disciples will be carried out, and you won’t be in the mood to fight me.”

Old Deng grinned and said provocatively.

Yan Wushang sneered, “Haha.”

“Bringing it out is better than feeding Demonic Beasts from all of your disciples.”

The two of them faced each other tit-for-tat, staring at each other fiercely, sparks running through the air.

At this time, a communication symbol rang from the waist of tall and thin Elder.

“Oh? It was sent by the captain of the guard!”

He hurriedly connected.

A very hurried voice came from inside!

“Lu Elder, we misjudged the secret realm, here is…”

Before he finished speaking, he let out a scream!

Then, the communication was completely interrupted.

The thin and tall Lu Elder’s expression changed drastically, and he screamed: “Captain?”

“Captain, what’s wrong with you?”

Chunky Elder seemed to have a premonition, and his expression changed accordingly.

“What happened?” The Sect Leader of the Royal Beast Sect hurriedly asked.

Lu Elder said: “There is an accident with the guard team we arranged in the secret realm!”


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was not calm.

Old Deng asked: “What is the strength of this guard team?”

“There are a total of twelve people, all of which are the peak strength of the Foundation Building!” Chunky Elder said with an ugly expression.

“They are the elites under our command, and they are good at teaming up. Even the third-level Demonic Beasts can fight!”

The Iron Bone Gate Sect Leader said in a deep voice: “Able to kill twelve Foundation Building peaks at once, the danger they encounter is extraordinary.”

“Even the fourth-level early stage Demonic Beasts can’t do it.”

The fourth-level Demonic Beasts are equivalent to the Nascent Soul cultivator among humans.

But Demonic Beasts are inherently powerful and powerful, much stronger than the same rank cultivator!

“So, they met at least the fourth-level middle stage Demonic Beasts!”

“too frightening!”

The Sect Leaders looked cold and fought a cold war.

Lu Elder said, “It looks like something has happened!”

“Because of the force majeure factor in this trial, so immediately stop all trials!”

“Immediately recall all disciples!”

“Hurry up and use the communication talisman to contact the disciples.”

The trial is to select outstanding disciples, not to send them to death in vain!

If there is a terrible change in the secret realm, what is the point of the trial?

All Sect Leaders have serious faces, knowing that this is a life-threatening emergency.

So all take out the communication symbol at the same time.

However The next moment.

“Strange, why can’t I contact the disciple?”

“Me too!”

“I’m really drunk. I met Lao Yan, the grandson thief, and nothing good happened.” Old Deng said cursingly.

Yan Wushang was about to scold him, and suddenly looked up, his complexion changed drastically.

“Look at it!”

Everyone took a look, and they all took a breath.

I saw the entrance of the passage that emerged on the stone wall, and began to tremble violently.

Gradually collapse in the constant distortion!

In the end it turned into a miniature vortex and slowly disappeared.

This shock happened between the electric light and flint, and no one reacted to it.

“What the hell is going on?” someone shouted.

“How is the entrance ruined?”

The Sect Leader of the Sky Puppet Sect quickly stepped forward, angrily: “Two law enforcement Elders, why is my daughter in the secret realm!”

“Look at the good place you are looking for!”

“If there are fourth-level Demonic Beasts, I can’t get out now!”

“If my daughter has three long and two shortcomings, I will use my strength to prevent you from going to the Immortal Academy to have a good time!”

If in peacetime, this would undoubtedly be extremely bold.

It is equivalent to the following commit!

Rebellious ascend to the Immortal Academy, how can there be a good end.

But the Sect Leader of the Sky Puppet Sect didn’t care so much, and his eyes were red when he heard that his daughter was about to have an accident.

Lu Elder was also sweating again and again, feeling great pressure.

“Don’t worry, the entrance to the secret realm is suddenly destroyed, because the tunnel has just been formed and is not stable.”

“I immediately contacted the masters of the academy to reopen a new space channel!”

“You don’t need to worry, wait at ease.”

The Sect Leader of the Sky Puppet Sect only felt a little better, but his face was still full of anxious expressions.

All Sect Leaders are in a bad mood.

Isn’t this the equivalent of sending the lamb to the tiger’s mouth?

Everyone feels sweaty palms at the thought of possible fourth-level Demonic Beasts!

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