Chapter 102 Six Sects, Shining on the Stage

“Okay, Sect Leader.”

The eight people were next to Mu Feifan, as if protecting the law, staring at each other, and no one was willing to leave.

Flying Sword was swept by the high air current, and began to shake constantly, increasing in amplitude.


“The sword is over!”

Screaming again and again.

Finally toss to the destination.

This is a desolate mountain.

Flying Sword banged and fell to the ground, like an eggplant hit by frost.

A look of Spiritual Qi’s loss.

This group of disciples hugged the sword tightly, like monkeys hanging on a tree, and did not dare to let go for a long time.

“Yeah, isn’t this Old Yan?”

“What’s your landing posture? It’s very unique.”

Suddenly, a strong man with Kong Wu came over.

Although he was dressed gorgeously, he couldn’t hide his gangsteriness, and he looked very domineering.

Yan Wushang got up from the ground, dusted his body ashes, and said, “It turns out that it’s Lao Deng from the blood knife door. You are not dead yet?”

It was such a bad greeting at first, and Old Deng said angrily: “You are not dead yet, why would I leave you first?”

Yan Wushang: “It’s okay, you don’t have to wait for me.”

“After all, I am younger than you.”

The disciples were amazed at the sight, and they didn’t know what kind of grievance the two had.

It was very exciting when it came up.

It is typical to watch the excitement and is not afraid of big things.

Mu Feifan glanced around.

This bare mountain.

A group of people had arrived first, it was the blood knife disciple led by Lao Deng.

Each of them is carrying a giant knife, and their bodies are full of Killing intents.

All of them had fierce expressions, with playful eyes in their eyes, constantly looking at the Jianzong disciples.

Dahe Jianzong has never served anyone.

Everyone glared back at once.

Is this blood knife gate a bandit den?

What to look at?

Suddenly, a large flying spirit weapon broke through the sky from the horizon.

Everyone looked up.

I saw a very splendid silk satin greeted my eyes.

It crosses the sky like a Changhong.

The disciples sitting above, each with Bufan temperament, are very seductive.

“It’s Tianxiu Valley!”

“That is their martial weapon Colorful Ling!”

Someone exclaimed.

Hong Yu’s eyes straightened even more, “A lot of fairies!”

Qi Cai Ling landed, and Tianxiu Valley disciples walked down.

The long hair fluttering one by one makes people think about it.

“We are not here in the first wave.”

“This is the Blood Blade Sect and the Tianhe Sword Sect, their disciples are so ugly.”

A Tianxiugu disciple said with a look of disgust.

Just hearing this voice, Hong Yu’s squinted eyes suddenly changed.

Damn it!

Why is the fairy’s voice so strong?

Is there a strong heart under the soft exterior?

Vajra Barbie?

A Jianzong disciple named Liu Zhi next to him said: “The disciples of Tianxiugu are all male and female…”


“It’s all big lords?”

“Am I being obsessed with the backs of a group of men?”

Hong Yu suddenly turned petrified, as if he had eaten Xiang Xiang.

One day Xiugu disciple saw Mu Feifan, and his eyes lit up: “Sisters, look at him, there is a handsome boy.”

“Which, don’t block me.”

“Wow, it suits my taste.”

“Waiting into the trial place, he is mine…”

“No, it’s mine, it’s mine.”

“It’s whoever sees first.”

There was a chill in Mu Feifan’s heart.

This day, Xiugu’s disciple, the taste is very tricky!

It is Yanfu who is worried about by a group of girls.

Worried by a group of masters, it is a natural disaster.

Before long, other schools arrived one after another.

A huge Frisbee circled around, turning and rushing, escaping quickly.

When it landed, the Frisbee was still spinning, and it took a long time to stop.

The disciples above all looked serious and solemn.

“It’s a disciple of the Iron Bone Sect!”

“They specialize in physical skills, and they have trained themselves with steel and iron bones, and they are known for their steadiness.”

Liu Zhi said.

Everyone nodded, no wonder they were so serious, they turned out to be masters of physical training.

Trained the face into muscles.

As we all know, the power of the physical body is the most difficult to cultivate.

Not relying on Medicine Pill to pile up.

It’s a hard practice day in and day out, beating the body in an extremely harsh environment.

Only in this way can it have a powerful effect.

Therefore, every body cultivator has super endurance!

“This is the martial art style!”

“Don’t underestimate it!”

“The Iron Bone Sect has a high status among the six sects!”

Everyone showed admiration.

At this time, the disciples of the Iron Bone Sect collectively stood up and slowly walked off the Frisbee.

The moment my feet landed, I finally couldn’t hold back and threw up one by one.

Everyone’s expressions were frozen on their faces.

Motion sickness?

The disciples of the Iron Bone Sect practice skin and bone training, but they don’t have a good appetite.

Immediately afterwards, another huge giant eagle appeared in the long dome!

With a neigh, the giant eagle slowly landed.

A closer look reveals that this eagle is very hideous, measuring more than 30 meters in length.

The wings spread out, and it is more than 100 meters long.

It leaned down, and someone walked down on its back.

“The Royal Beast Sect is here!”

“It is said that this god sculpture is the third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts, and they have been tamed by them.”

“This technique of guarding beasts is too strong!”

“Look at the two Foundation Building middle stage disciples headed by them. They are a couple and are good at playing together.”

“We want to get a good ranking and we must pay special attention to them.”

Someone whispered to remind.

Mu Feifan looked over.

I saw that the man looked mediocre.

The woman seemed to be much older than him.

Mu Feihua was shocked.

This is marrying a mother.

A pair of sand sculptures dao companion!


Above the sky, there was a roar resounding throughout the world.

Speed ​​cars galloped in the air, pulling out long white lines across the sky.

“It’s Sky Puppet Sect!”

“Such an exquisite model puppet can only be made by the skilled craftsmen of the Sky Puppet Sect.”

Bang bang bang!

When the car hits the ground, it may be that the brake function is not done well, and it keeps circling the ground.

Suddenly, rolling off the sand and walking away from the rocks, covering the sky and the sun.

In one of the cars, the wheels were frantically rubbing the ground and rushed directly to the mountain.

After rushing to the middle of the mountain, he slipped down slowly.

It was a hearse drifting.

When the driver got out of the car, Mu Feifan saw the other party in black with a big hood buttoned on his head.

Although this person was tightly bound, Mu Feihua still recognized him.

It is the undercover agent who is leisurely in the Heavenly Puppet Sect’s side.

Not because of his temperament that he can exude through his clothes, but because he just got out of the car when a little Loli rushed on.

“Reserved, Miss!”

“A lot of people are watching.”

Fang Qingxian was speechless.

I feel like a sloth hangs on my body.

Little Loli said: “I know you are not good at driving, and people are worried about you, so I will get in my car next time.”

Fang Qingxian’s eyes flew across the crowd, and he soon discovered Mu Feihua.

The two had another private meeting in this half month.

Knowing that Mu Feifei was going to participate, Fang Qingxian did not hesitate to sign up.

Because of the young Loli, he even exempted him from the clan test and was directly granted a precious place.

So far, the six major sects have gathered.

“You all came from afar, all with the most elite disciples of this sect.”

“This six trials will be hosted by two of me!”

“The trial is about to begin!”

Suddenly two old men appeared in the void, both dressed as white-robed scholars.

It is the law enforcement Elder from Dengxian Academy!

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