125 – Episode 125 Nightmare. (11)

There are a lot of incidents and accidents, and if you are depressed, you can see it as a gloomy life, but in fact, I didn’t hate my life very much.

To be precise, I fucking hated it at first, but memories, whether good or bad, are weathered over time, so it must be said that it is true that at some point I started calling them memories.

Perhaps from around the middle of middle school, I thought my life wasn’t too bad.

“You don’t even have a mother!?”

“Yes, unfortunately, he abandoned it and ran away. I’m not there. Are you a teacher too?”

Especially when you can embarrass the person you pad rip in public.

To Iljin, who was arguing that he was an orphan, ‘Oh, I didn’t get home schooling because I didn’t have a mom and a dad, but you corrected both of them. You idiot.’

So, after opening the school riot committee and raising the case so fucking much, now they only counterattacked by blowing pad-lips at me.

Ah, of course I also recorded it. I’ll report it if you do.

When I said this to a friend, he laughed for a while and said, “You’re crazy.”

Is it that strange?

“Then that’s strange, you crazy bastard! You really seem like the most beautiful person I’ve ever met in my life!”

“Ah, if I were a real idiot, the teacher who padd me would not be able to be a teacher now. They’re threatening you with something else and not using it.”

Well, it’s a stupid life, but I’ve gotten used to it.

I make some friends, take care of my annoying but cute younger siblings, and probably start working after graduating from middle school, which is compulsory education.

Yes, it might be more accurate to say that I’ve gotten used to it rather than saying I don’t hate it.

To put it a little too radically, can I say that I missed the timing to commit suicide?

I was holding on well to the point where I thought it would be a waste to die now.

Ah, and after that incident, my stock price, which I thought would go downhill, went up a little, at least among the kids.

From nob le mt l dot com

Did you like the fact that you don’t fall for Iljin and the teacher, who usually act recklessly, and show a confident side?

But actually, I’m not confident, but I have no back.

With nothing to lose and no future to be, I was just living.

Having nothing to lose is a stupid illusion.

Anyway, I think this time was the most enjoyable time of my life.

I was able to eat tomatoes that I hated because of the kid who told me to eat vegetables because my body was fucking weak, and the Iljin kid who was robbed by me came to take revenge, and some kind of leadership manager came to help saying school violence was unacceptable. Do.

It was a fun time, such as opening Toto with my friends and getting caught at the school sports festival without the teachers noticing.

“Oh, Mr. I couldn’t have taken it.”

“Are you the crazy bastard in this district?

“Ah, I know you tried to cheat by manipulating the match without our knowledge. You just watched.”

“Oh, did you know this? Loyalty!”

“I’m covering it. You really weren’t friends with me.”

Ah, I remember that even the guy who looked like a guy with long hair in his childhood started to take care of himself from around this time.

Just like I made friends outside the orphanage, it must be because he made friends too.

…Ah, that doesn’t mean I’m thrilled with him or anything like that.

We were just friends, and to put it a bit exaggerated, we were like siblings.



“…Hey, are we friends? Will you be my friend no matter what?”

“No, if you stab me with a knife or ask me to vouch for you, I will cut my hands and run away. So don’t be fooled, you crazy bitch.”

“Ah! It’s not like that! Anyway, what are you doing to ruin the atmosphere? Bad ass.”

“Well, but we’ll still be friends if it’s not a big deal, right? Why? I live together anyway and I’ve seen everything I shouldn’t have seen, what’s the problem?”

“…No, I’ll tell you when I’m more certain.”

“What are you shooting a horror movie for? Just tell me Bastards who say things like that die quickly.”

“…Isn’t there anything a madman really can’t do?”

“That’s what it says. Words~”

Well, like all people who live because they can’t die, it’s a fucking life, but there were some enjoyable parts.


“It’s so…!”

The Succubus Queen tried to escape by flying through the sky, but her wings were paralyzed by the thunderbolt that she had pursued, and she fell to the ground.

It’s wrong.

The compatibility is too bad.

I thought that even if I couldn’t go on the offensive, at least I wouldn’t be hit, but after the boy wearing the holy light appeared, even that premise collapsed.

Even now, the parts hit by the holy light still tingle, and the weapons wielded by others also started to leave scars, probably because of the light.

It was a one-sided massacre that couldn’t even be called a battle.

She resented that she had collapsed in vain like this, when the fulfillment of her own ideal was right in front of her nose, even more than her death, which was right in front of her.

The race of succubus could not get good looks wherever they went.

In the demon realm, except for individuals who succeed because of luck, they are treated as low-level prostitutes, and are the object of disgust and avoidance by humans.

Even those who can be said to be benevolent are playthings or treat women who can be comfortable.

Really occasionally.

Sometimes, good people who sincerely understand and help the succubus, who exist, are killed by the fate of a beggar-like race.

A strange race that has no boundaries between love and appetite.

There is a race of people who, when they love someone, are obsessed with it, squeeze it to the limit and kill it, and laugh at their satisfied appetite before feeling sad.

A lowly demon who can’t even suppress his instincts until he rises to the level of an intermediate demon.

A race that is always drenched in lust, their hair is foggy, and after reaching a level beyond the intermediate level, they are so lowly themselves.

I wanted to change that race.

A world where at least the children in my arms can overcome their instincts.

If it is a world of dreams that is always filled with energy, if it is a world where we can help each other by fulfilling the desires of those who became the driving force there.

Wouldn’t it be possible for children who are still in the lower grades to live a little better?

One or two regulars are not enough. However, if there were so many people, wouldn’t it be possible to squeeze out a satisfactory quality of spirit without killing them?

Is it wrong to rely on an unknown power?

Was it wrong to try to go beyond the limits of the species set in the beginning?

Or was it my fault that I just wanted to see that person again?

The light of the holy sword penetrated the wound.

A sharp blade touched the nape of my neck.

“…Unlock the dream world and surrender. A queen-ranked succubus was taught that she could control her desires. There are no dead or seriously injured yet, so if you release them, we can commute the sentence.”

The little boy with brown hair has matured quite well.

Judging from the strong scent of her daughter, are they lovers?

Looking at the unique scent of sympathy, you might be enjoying a fresh romance.

Well, it’s not bad, but it’s not satisfying either. There is indecisiveness and hesitation.

At the same time, he didn’t seem to understand how cruel his actions were.

Abandon the people who followed me, give up the dream that is right in front of me, and lower my head just to maintain my life.

Get rid of the children who call me queen and settle down alone.

But the boy soon opened her mouth as if her guess was wrong.

“I know.”


The holy sword aimed at his neck flashed with excitement.

“What are you thinking right now, considering the race of succubus and the situation so far, why did you do this, and what are you carrying? I am telling you nonetheless. Surrender. You lost.”

Oh, no. I thought you were still immature, but this was your last warning.

If you resist further here, this boy will mercilessly cut your throat.

I thought it was hesitation, but it was mercy. I thought it was indecisive, but it was kind.

It was as if someone brought a child who should have been unfinished originally, closer to completion little by little.

If you know that there are times when you have to cut down to protect, then it might not be bad to die to this child.

“…Are you done talking?”

“…Do you have anything else to say?”

“No. If this world disappears, there will be no children left.”

Oh, if I can’t see him one last time, I’d love to meet her daughter.

Still, she’s a mother in her own right, so I can’t cause such a nuisance.

Now let’s bury this secret in her chest without anyone knowing.

The holy sword began to purify all demonic energy in the area.


Middle school graduation ceremony.

After the last time I enjoyed school life, I chose to go out into society before others.

Well, there is no particular reason.

I didn’t want to become anything, and I didn’t have the energy to become one.

So, first of all, I needed money.

Among those who graduated from the orphanage, I was introduced to the older brothers who did decent work, and I started working while getting really dirty.

With no guardians, it was normal to be deprived of daily wages, and it was common to overwrite other people’s mistakes.

But it wasn’t as sad as I thought.

I’ve already experienced too many things to be saddened by this, and since people who thought they were gangsters got used to their work, it seemed like it was because they wanted less than they thought.

Anyway, the society I experienced for the first time seemed like a mess, but it was such a familiar space to me.

“…Are you really not going to school?”


While I was working in the winter when I was 16, when everyone else was playing, the director called me to see if I was senile.

When I looked at him, wondering if he had gone mad, he cleared his throat and said to me.

“I thought you wanted to be a teacher. Even if I can’t do it, I thought you dreamed of becoming a nursery school teacher.”

“…I don’t know why he started talking to me all of a sudden, but I don’t think we were that close.”

“You haven’t forgotten yet, have you? So for the kids…”

“Oh, fuck. Tell me to close my mouth, but I’m still going to treat you like a director. From now on, just don’t care, keep your mouth shut, and live without making any accidents.”

Because I thought I knew what he was trying to say, I blocked him a little violently.

In the first place, well, we weren’t very friendly. Unpleasant roommates living together. That was our relationship with him.

“Is it too late?”

“What is it?”

“Is it too late for me to reflect and look back on my life?”

“Yes, damn late. What about being old You seem to have been living a quiet life for the past few years, you drink and don’t mess with the kids, or you’re the head of an orphanage, so I need your name, so I’m leaving it as is.”

To be honest, even mixing words was disgusting, so I wanted to hit him right away.

Honoring the elderly? That kind of thing was abandoned long ago along with humanity.

I don’t know if it’s an elderly attack.

“If it weren’t for you, I would have lost you a long time ago.”

“…Is that so?”

Hearing my words, he just turned around with a helpless attitude.

Yes, if you haven’t done anything up until now, don’t do anything in the future. Because it’s just annoying

…Well, there was such a trivial happening, but it was okay anyway.

Although it was a part-time job, and it was a life where only miscellaneous skills were increasing while doing this and that, it was good to realize that earning money is building something.

Sometimes when I worked at a restaurant, my friends would come to work and sell me, and when I worked at a factory or labor center, I was praised for being young and smart.

I set a goal and started saving money, and sometimes imitated the teacher and bought snacks with the remaining money.

At about that time, my face became able to create a smile well beyond a frowning expression.

Time passed, midwinter passed, and around March approached, he came to me in his school uniform as if he were bragging.

Surprisingly, the guy who looked like a farmhand has turned into a pretty high school girl.

Just a year ago, high school students were like adults, but it was a little awkward to see this guy become that way.

“Hey! Are you envious!”

“Wow… You bastard is teabagging this? Where is your conscience?”

“What are you saying, if you’re envious, you should have worn it too. I wish I had lived my high school life with you. I wanted to see you in school uniform…”

“If I go to school, who will make the money?”

There is a limit to the subsidy.

The director pretends to have come to his senses a bit, but he is old and weak.

There are other guys besides me who are trying to make money, but at least no one is trying to invest it in an orphanage.

So I thought I’d do it.

“If I succeed as a writer, I will remodel.”

“…Oh, you sound like you’re taking it for granted?”

“Yeah, so you can help me with my new work too. I already got the default settings!”

“What is it this time, the last time the Imoogi went wild! It wasn’t fun.”

“Ah, it’s not like that~ This time it’s okay. I even decided on a title.”

“What is it?”

“Academy’s holy sword hero! How are you? Academy water is all the rage these days!”

“…Thanks to you, I read quite a bit of Webso again, can I be honest?”

“Sure! Hurry up and praise me, fool.”

“…It looks like a fucking mass-produced model.”

“Hey…!!!! Look at the settings and tell me! My motto! How are you different from others!? I don’t know!”

…Why don’t you know? There are a couple of things that are screwed because of that.

Work is filthy hard, I squeeze money so I don’t save money, I have to buy snacks for the kids, and I even have to set up a web novel in my spare time.

Well, even at this time, it was pretty good.

Because I had a goal. Could hold out

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