118 – Episode 118 Nightmare. (4)

A world created based on someone’s dream.

Since the dreams of Cheon Yu-hak and Kim Ga-eul happened to be the same, the two dreams merged, and because I happened to be there, I was able to naturally have a body in their dreams.

Then what would happen if I entered the dream of someone I didn’t know, or if I didn’t intervene in the dream event of someone I know?

Becoming a different person or intervening as you are?

The answer was simple.

I can’t intervene.

…What is this, Shiva?

I can’t move anything from the point of view of an observer looking down at the event from the sky.

It was a strange feeling that the boundary between me and the world of dreams was not clear, and that I was melted into the event itself.

According to my vague senses, it’s probably not simply because it’s an incident I didn’t intervene in, but it seemed that Kang So-hyun didn’t exist at this point.

However, unlike the last time I was able to get only the memories I shared with Chun Yu-hak, I was able to get information just by looking at it this time.

A man who looked exactly like me was looking at a girl in an orphanage.

Perhaps she is the main character of this dream.

The man was wearing expensive-looking clothes, whereas she was wealthy enough to donate presents to the children there. The girl had to wear shabby clothes, and she was very thin because she hadn’t eaten on time.

The two were in opposite positions, but strangely, the two were very similar.

In addition to his sharp eyes, red eyes, and rare black hair, he even has a sharp atmosphere.

The man felt a strange sense of kinship with the girl.

His wife was told that her body was naturally weak and that she would have difficulty giving birth to children.

Perhaps that child could be our child.

The man thought so and stretched out his hand, and the girl grabbed his hand, enchanted by black hair she had never seen before.

Kang Hyeon-woo, the head of Yuseong Group, had a daughter that day, and gave her child the name Nahyeon.

Rumors tend to spread when a young leader of a group adopts, but he handled the evidence with the strength and power he possessed, leaving only the setting that his daughter, who had been away from nursing due to his weak body, had returned.

I felt their emotions as clearly as I felt.

The girl was curious.

It was like magic that everything around me changed in just one day.

As I read in fairy tales, did empty wishes come true for the stars every day?

Or is it that the miserable girl herself is a dream and has finally woken up from a nightmare?

I knew right away that it wasn’t.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the girl was quite smart among her peers.

At least half of those who were polite to themselves had the sense and knowledge to understand that they looked down on them and looked at them with disapproval.

I also understood that I was in a position where I couldn’t get angry just because I didn’t like it.

No matter how kindly your suddenly born parents treat you, no matter how much they look like you, they are still strangers until recently.

There is a higher chance of kicking out the little boy you just picked up rather than listening to it.

At least the girl thought so.

This was the girl’s first turning point.

The scene started moving quickly.

It must have been to find the next turning point in her life.

Only one year.

This is the time she needed to melt into them as her family.

The girl, who tried her best to notice her, endured her subtle ignorance and bullying, but she was not a child, no matter how hard she tried.

She broke down and cried.

When she was alone, she cried almost every day.

Even so, she was forced to endure because she was not starving, and at least her father and mother, excluding her servants, cared for her.

They are good people.

I don’t want to trouble you.

The child shrank even more at the thought.


She didn’t like being kind people in trouble because of her, and she also thought that she would get scolded if she was bullied, as she was at the orphanage.


So that day too, Nahyeon Kang was crying alone.

“Na Hyun-ah, what’s wrong?”

She thought her heart was beating at the sudden sound of her voice.

It’s a stepmother.

Since you were caught crying, you will be interrogated.

What excuse can I give to get out? Can I lie? What if I get scolded for not sleeping at night?

A lot of worries made her head dizzy, but all those worries quickly disappeared.

“What’s wrong…Are you hungry? Or can’t you sleep? I’m not talking about anything, so please speak slowly.”


It’s been a while since her warm touch. No, no. It wasn’t long.

She couldn’t take it honestly, but she often held out her hand to me.

I turned it down because I was afraid of something.

“Oh, sorry. Didn’t you like my approach? Then I will keep my distance, so can you tell me?”

She smiled mischievously and poured her warm milk into her glass.

“I made it sweet with honey. You will sleep well.”

She lived in the mansion for nearly a year, but it was the first time she saw her face.

Light gray hair and soft silver eyes.

She had a pale and weak impression for some reason, but strangely, she had a face that seemed strangely mischievous only when she was smiling.

As she took a sip of her warm milk, something that had been holding on collapsed in her chest.




“…Huh!? Are you allergic to honey!? Oh, isn’t it? Is it lactose intolerant!? Mom! Oh my god! Honey…!”

I desperately shook my head, fearing that there would be a misunderstanding, and then she slowly approached me and carefully reached out her hand.

She seemed to be wondering if it was okay to touch her for a moment, but that thought didn’t last long.

“I’m sorry, I was afraid I would be rejected, so I couldn’t bring myself up.”

No. It was I who pushed you away.

“If I had known you were trembling like this, I should have hugged you earlier, but I thought that once you got used to it, it would come from your side. Sorry.”

No. I have already received a lot from you on the subject of nothing.

“Baby. My baby.”

The warmth of your outstretched hand is so warm, it seems too shameless to grab it. Happiness came one day, I was afraid that one day it would suddenly disappear.

So I declined.

“I’m sorry. I’m very clumsy, but can I be your mother?”

I want to ask.

Can a kid without a drop of blood really deserve this kind of undeserved love?

I am you.


Is it really okay if I call you


“Yes, why my daughter?”

It was stupid.

I was doubting and hurting this person by putting off and putting off such a simple thing for so long.

That night, I confessed everything I was sad about.

The subtle bullying, the odd pranks on the meal, and the occasional open laugh.

And she, who seemed kind and gentle, exploded that day.

Holding my hand, I went to the bedroom, woke her dad, and turned her house over.

“Wake up…!”

“What… What!?”

“Call all employees immediately…!!!! I’m going to screw it all up!”

“No, what the hell are you doing!?”

Ah, but Dad is relatively calm. Thank god.

Immediately after thinking so, her father, who heard her mother’s explanation, was equally upset.

“These horo bastards. They said they gave me a salary and a bonus, so what…?”

…No, who the fuck are you? Is this Mr. Kang Hyeon-woo?

The boundary between me and the world was disappearing as I was assimilated into a dream, but I woke up to a very different image from him in my memory.

No, the facial features are the same. It is also true that he is basically expressionless.

However, unlike him, who always had a cold face and little emotional change, he was excited to hear his wife’s words and started to turn the mansion upside down while ringing the emergency bell.

“You bastards…! Shuken! Shukeeen!!!!”

“Yes, yes! Master!”

“I know that because I’m going to have all the servants under you beheaded…!!!!”


What can I say? It was a little overdone, but it seemed like a pleasant family.

All of the employees who gathered knelt down, and the two, who were particularly bullied, cried and begged Kang Na-hyun, but were fired.

“Today, the three of us catch a catch together!”

“Yes. It was a problem that I gave my child a separate room because I was afraid it would be too awkward! Not today, let’s just keep catching up!”


What can I say?

Everyone is different. With now

I could understand the other reason at a glance.

There is no ‘me’ there, but a person who exists instead.

Perhaps Kang So-hyun’s mother.

“Na Hyun! Come on!”

“Yes! Mom!”

“Say yes!”

“Yes! Mom!”

…Wow, how can you be so playful with such a sickly, neat-looking face? I would be damn tired if there were people around me who were so playful.

Anyway, there didn’t seem to be much of a problem so far, but maybe the story will flow differently from now on.

Once again, the scene moved quickly, but this time it stopped immediately. The third turning point in her life seemed to have come relatively quickly.


“Yes, I tested it with a tester and got tested at the obstetrics and gynecology department with the referral of my doctor.”

Hyeonu Kang dropped the tableware because of her wife’s nonchalant remarks during her meal.

I definitely have such memories. I started sleeping with Na Hyun a month ago.

Until then, I kept trying like nostalgia, so maybe it’s possible.

“Your body…?”

“Hmm, they say it will be fine because it’s more stable than I thought? They told me to eat good food, exercise lightly, and relax my mind and body.”

“Okay, no. That’s good huh. That’s fine, so can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Why did you take the test without my knowledge and suddenly reveal it while eating breakfast without giving you time to prepare your mind…?”

“That will surprise you the most?”

“…Oh, good. Let’s say I almost had a heart attack for your fun.”

“Hmm? What else is left?”

“You should have at least told the chef behind my back! Shukeeen!!!! Change it to a special meal…!!!!”

“hahahaha! That’s Okay! Ii is also the main book!”

The only one among the still jovial family.

There was a girl who couldn’t laugh.

I don’t know exactly what pregnancy is, but I couldn’t be happy with her mom and dad being happy.

From nob le mt l dot com

Dad came over.

He gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

“Na Hyun! You must be the blessing of our family!”

“What is pregnancy…?”

“Ah, I see. Maybe Nahyun doesn’t know. Now she will have a little sister for Na Hyun-yi!”


The moment she honestly heard that, the girl couldn’t be happier at all.

If they had a child with real blood, different from their own, would even this kind couple pay attention to them?

Isn’t the love that we’ve finally become accustomed to going to the life we are born with?

I couldn’t help but feel that kind of anxiety.

Of course, the young girl couldn’t express it concretely.

But there was someone who held her hand when she was so afraid.

It was my mother.

“Nahyun is scary right now.”

“Huh?! Uh…? No!”

“Huh? She said she wasn’t going to lie to her mom? Are you lying about this? What’s so scary when mom gets angry!?”

“…Not really. I’m just surprised.”

“Even if her younger brother is born, Nahyeon is our daughter, but it seems that Nahyeon is not.”


“Huh? Hyun-ah Na I can’t think of it like that. You’re a baby who’s just born. Even if that’s not the case, you’re already a precious child to us, so don’t think that way.”

Of course, this cheerful family would.

But in the end, it’s only been a year since we met.

Isn’t it possible to change your mind?

“I promise. Even after this child is born, I will not neglect you in the slightest.”

It’s warm.

The warmth of the hand that held her was the same as the one that comforted her on the day she cried alone.


“Of course not! Do you doubt this again? Mom, I’m sorry!”

“Dad is sad too…!”

“Uh…? Uh?”

“This will not work if you don’t kiss it.”

“If Na Hyun doesn’t kiss me, I’ll keep pouting!”

After seeing that point, I had to come back to my senses.

…Why did such a cheerful family turn into this now? Is it really because of me?


…You really do that again. You were like that when you were young.

Your sister looks like that. I didn’t really want to see it. I didn’t watch it because I wanted to see it, but I’m sorry I watched it secretly.

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