No, it's just that I have never learned dance, and I don't know whether the program team will arrange jazz dance, hip-hop dance, Korean dance, or....

Li Xuan also explained the characteristics of each dance clearly, and it was a treasure trove!

Teacher Ho…….

How can someone who has never danced have such a rich reserve of dance knowledge!

On the side, an assistant in his early twenties ran over, clinging to Teacher He's side and whispering softly.

Teacher He gently pushed the assistant over and said, It's okay. Li Xuan is one of our own. If you have anything to say, just tell me.

The chief director wants to arrange for Reba to dance solo and a folk dance first, and then arrange for Li Xuan to appear and dance the waltz together.

Reba is a Uighur from Yujiang and has his own ethnic dance attributes.

Especially Reba's perfect body measurements and flexibility of her limbs, the audience can feast their eyes this time!

Teacher He secretly glanced at Li Xuan out of the corner of his eye, fearing that the program team's cumbersome arrangements would not suit the usually low-key Prince Tiansheng.

Li Xuan, do you think the director's arrangement is okay?

Li Xuan paused and said, Well, Uighur dances are particularly powerful. These are precious artistic treasures, and it is also a good thing to appear in the public eye.

After hearing this, Teacher He was overjoyed and quickly urged his assistant to tell the director the news.

Not only is he versatile, but he also has great looks, education, talent, family fortune, and such upright views!

Teacher He looked at Li Xuan and felt really fond of him.

What a good kid.

Whispering quietly.

At this time, Li Xuan patted Dabai's head next to him and said, Find out the waltz dance information.

Dabai sat on the ground and said with a naive expression, Okay, Master, waltz is also called round dance, a dance mode for self-entertainment...

Teacher He is not worried about this at all. As early as when my kid was live broadcasting, he already knew Li Xuan’s talent and ability that he could learn instantly!

It's just that this Dabai is too cute, and I'm really afraid that the young lady at the scene will rush to snatch it away later.

Director's room a few minutes later.

Lights ready!.

The dance is ready!.

Dancing ready!.

The left camera is ready to be powered on!

The host is ready to power on!.

The chief director, you attach great importance to this recording! The current state is like a shot of chicken blood, enthusiastic and energetic.

When I saw the lights at the scene, all the lights dimmed, and I knew that this was the opening dance. I held the light sign supporting Reba and kept shaking it.

Is Reba coming out!?.

Definitely, among the guests in this issue, Reba has the biggest reputation!

Come out quickly, I can't wait!!.

The best Reba in the world!.

The theme of this issue is that I heard that there is a mysterious guest, and a heavyweight guest will come.

Stop bragging, even if my eldest brother comes, his popularity cannot be higher than that of my Reba, at most the same.

Chapter 265: Detonating hot spots

Kuaiben, when the opening dance was about to begin, the audience couldn't hold it in anymore. Almost all of them were Reba fans. The place was so hot that they just waited for the person who would detonate this hot spot to appear!

Bang! The center of the stage became bright and translucent, and the large LED screen displayed a background with territorial characteristics.

Reba was wearing the unique dance costumes of the Uighur people, with an embroidered hat on her head, embroidered clothes and embroidered scarf, which made all the audience shine.

I used to see Reba wearing modern clothes, but now she is wearing the unique floral dress of the Uighur people, and she looks like a fairy that has just bloomed from a flower bud.


Folk dance! It's actually a folk dance!

Wow! Reba is so good, he can dance folk dances!

Sisters, we Reba are originally from Yujiang, okay? Isn't it normal to know folk dance?

Yes, yes, Yujiang has his own dance attributes, and he can do it since he was born, but it is very difficult to be as beautiful as Reba.

On the stage, more than a dozen female dancers surrounded Reba, spinning and linking arms, while Reba stood in the middle of everyone, with her hands under her chin, and her flexible neck kept twisting left and right.

The unique ethnic atmosphere came to him, Reba's soft and slender waist was as soft as a willow branch, and his long, white fingers were dancing in the air.

Teacher He I didn't expect Reba to dance so well! He really looks like a disciple of a famous artist.

Li Xuan was standing next to Mr. He, watching Reba's every move carefully, and suddenly frowned.

He whispered softly, The control of core gravity is very good. It would be perfect if the limbs were more flexible.

Teacher Ho…….

I wonder how far Li Xuan’s knowledge reserve has reached!

After Reba's folk dance, although it was brief, the audience was already feasting their eyes. The atmosphere at the scene had already been detonated, and the palms of their hands turned red due to the crazy applause.

At this time, on the BGM side, a piece of melodious and melodious music sounded.

Teacher He said, Li Xuan, it's your turn.

Li Xuan straightened the collar of his clothes and strode towards the stage.

At this time, Reba had already finished dressing up and was standing in the middle of the stage (dressing up is a term for stage performance, which means changing into a performance costume in a very short time).

Reba wore a long red skirt with diagonal slits, which looked extremely hot when it met the uneven lines.


Wow! Goddess Reba is really versatile! She can control any style.

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