Since the green tea sister soared, only the white tea tea herself was left, which was really boring.

On this day, the weather was clear and cloudless.

On the high mountaintop, a white chrysanthemum plant dances softly in the wind, stretching its branches and leaves, enjoying the sun and breeze. When the villain system came, it saw such a scene.

Although he was in a trance for a moment, he still did not forget his purpose, but he did not find the target host, and only faintly smelled the elegant tea fragrance.

Helplessly, I had to ask this little white chrysanthemum: "Lovely little white chrysanthemum, have you ever seen a green tea that is green and beautiful, it should be next to it."

Xiao Baiju stopped dancing waist branches: "I've seen it, but you're late, she flew into a fairy yesterday." "

The villain system listened to the sweet and soft voice of Xiao Baiju, and the code was half messed up. Oh my God, this sound is too Sue.

The villain system who was immersed in the voice was dumbfounded and did not reply, Xiao Baiju had to continue to ask, "What are you looking for Sister Piaopiao?" The

villain system subconsciously lowered its voice: "Alas, it seems that the task given to me by the minister cannot be completed..." Realizing that he had missed his mouth, the villain system subconsciously closed his mouth. The eyes quietly skimmed the little white chrysanthemum, fortunately, the little white ju should not have heard.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Xiao Baiju's innocent words: "What minister? What task? Can the little brother talk to Chacha? Chacha has not chatted with anyone for a long time. "

The villain system, which had stiffened a little when he heard the question, instantly surrendered when he heard the words behind.

It turned out that her name was Chacha.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Chacha knows, she is so simple, she just wants to chat with people. The villain system never expected that it was this idea that changed its unification, but it was also willing.

"In fact, I am a creature created by the consciousness of higher civilization, called the system, we have a huge hierarchy, each system has different subordinate departments, such as cannon fodder counterattack group, good feeling strategy group, female supporting team, villain whitewashing group, these are our famous departments, I think I am not good, I have not been bound to a host since birth, and the task has not progressed." They all laugh at me as waste..." The villain system said this, his tone was low, and Xiao Bai Ju seemed to be infected by its emotions, gently trembling the petals.

"However, Dad Consciousness personally chose a host candidate for me a few days ago, but I was still late, and I couldn't do anything well..." Listening

to the crying sound in his ears, Bai Chacha comforted softly: "Don't cry, it's not the fault of all brothers, it's all blame Chacha for making Sister Piaopiao angry, it's all my fault, brother Don't be sad, there is no way to make up for it, I will do my best to help you." "

When I heard the sound of tea, the villain system that was numb and garbled still cried, the whole thing turned pink, and it really wanted this little white chrysanthemum to stay by its side, all the time.

"Now the only remedy is for me to bind you, you help me go to the three thousand worlds to do tasks, I will always accompany you, okay?" The expression of please please appeared on the round light group of the villain system.

"But your consciousness... It's not me that Dad let you bind, he knows if he will be angry. Bai Chacha said tangledly.

Leave him alone. Of course, the villain system will not say so, in order to trick Chacha into its thief ship, it can wait a lot of effort, "It's okay, when we finish the first world, he won't have anything to say." "Anyway, we are already bound, he can't untie it, so that you can only be mine, hehe (º『º).

"Well, okay then, I'll try to complete the task so that you don't get ridiculed by others." Looking at the appearance of Xiao Baiju lighting flowers and shaking leaves to cheer himself up, a string of pink characters appeared in the data sea of the villain system.

"I'm going to start binding."


The villain system is a little puzzled, how do you feel that there is a trace of excitement in Xiao Baiju's voice?

"The system starts binding... Binding complete... The world is loading..."The Overbearing President's Rebirth Little Killer, One of the Eight Treasures" mission world loading completed... Teleporting... Transmission... Failure..." The

villain system immediately opened its eyes, there was no Chacha in front of him, fortunately it had been bound.

"Chacha, I will find you, wait for me."

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