Chapter 524 Extra 3.2 Liya Chapter 2 (4.2k)

Liya was in a daze in the garden, looking at a withered flower.

There is nothing special about the flowers, but when she walked here, she thought of something, so she stopped.

Ever since the absurd night a few days ago, she would recall that crazy charm from time to time. In the past, she had seen some indescribable scenes in the illusion created by the sacred tree, but she never expected that they would actually come true.

No matter what, she is a woman after all, and she still has that desire.

Originally, she felt that she had been devoid of desire for so many years, but when the door that had been dusty for a long time was opened again, she found that when she slept at night, his face would appear in her mind unconsciously.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side.


Liya's body trembled slightly, she turned back and stared at the visitor with cold eyes, and said, What are you doing here again? Weier and the others are here too?

The person coming was none other than Luo Xi.

Luo Xi didn't dare to look at Liya, he said: They didn't come, I just came to see my mother-in-law.


Time goes back to the night when Luo Xiaona came back from the past.

Actually, huh?

What can be said?

Inner demons, infinitely magnified desires. In short, it is difficult for people who cannot face their own hearts to move forward. Why do you suddenly ask this?

It’s okay to talk about this kind of thing at home, but can you say it in front of your mother?

Weier and Aina looked at Luo Xi and heard Luo Xi talking about something about him and Liya. The two sisters were completely speechless.

What difficulties will it face for humans?

At the dinner table, Weier said to Liya: Mom, we are going to go on a group trip in a few days. Xiaona, Xiaowei and the others will not go because they have to go to class. Mom, please help to visit them when you have time, especially Ai Xue's daughter Xiaoxue is still young, and Luo Xi doesn't know how to take care of others, so she still has to do something for you, mother.



Luo Xi said with a bitter face: I will always bring Wei Er Aina back.

Luo Xi muttered: Actually, it's not impossible.

Luo Xi is indeed possible? Are you talking about Luo Xi? Did we forget something before?

I'm so sleepy. I don't want to go out. I want to go back and lie down. Ysera, the Green Dragon, stuck out her head and shouted with a tired look on her face.

How about going back and taking a look?

The two dragons Bahamut and Alexlita looked at each other for a long time.

After all, compared with Haosus, Luo Xi is so... outstanding that he will never give up on the person he likes, even if he dies.

Everything seemed so smooth.

What to say!

But again and again.

At this time, he came over

No, almost no one has come to Luo Xi since she opened up about it.

Liya nodded with satisfaction and said: As long as we all forget what happened that day, we can still live the same life as before. life.

Weier and the others' trip lasted a week.

A finger tightly blocked Luo Xi's lips.

A gust of fragrant wind hit him from behind, pulling him down on the bed.

- You feel sorry for her, who feels sorry for us.

Liya hesitated for a long time and then said: Actually, Luo Xi and I.

Then Luo Xi discovered something was wrong.

Liya shook her head at him and said, I know what you want to say, but I won't agree to it, absolutely not.

Weier: Yes, it's all his fault!

I was wondering, are there any of those humans who can leave the world with us?

Aina also nodded.

Forget it once.

That Luo Xi?

So, this is her imagination?

Luo Xi: .

Mother-in-law, what's wrong?!


At least Luo Xi is someone they can trust.

Liya sighed.

Among Luo Xi's wives, the one Liya disliked the most was Listy. The relationship between the two was quite good at the beginning, but ever since Luo Xi brought Feiya back with her, Liya has become... I don't like her anymore.

Weier, Aina, are you asleep? Is Luo Xi here?

Mom, what happened in the middle of the night? Aina asked, blinking.

Luo Xi came forward with a dead face.

It's okay to bring them back with you.

Deep among the stars, in a star system near a super-large black hole.


Wei'er smiled and said: Our lives will be very long in the future. The most important thing is that with Luo Xi here, we may not die one day. We can't let you, mother, stay alone in the empty room all the time, right? Aina and I I know how difficult that is.”

The Black Dragon Bahamut looked back at the deep space of the universe.

Aina! Weier shouted loudly.

In front of her eyes, countless illusory screens appeared, interpreting different stories of her.

If he could come to Winter City earlier, would he be the one standing next to him now?

Liya: Get out!

The abyss is infinite, and the path to the sixth level is also infinite. Compared with those dragon emperors who can travel across the star sea and transcend the world, her current strength is still too weak, but everyone has their own path, and no one can Teach her.

Although he did not have his perception of the world turned on all the time, he still noticed the violent fluctuations in the source of the planet for the first time. After realizing that it was on the side of Twilight City, he came over immediately.

The face-changing speed is quite fast, comparable to the face-changing in Sichuan Opera.

From now on, there will be only three people in my family, and the vixen family over there are no match for them!

Liya was silent.

Aina muttered: Actually, Aina doesn't think it matters. Anyway, there are two of us. As long as we win over Sister Floresia, we can—

Weier and Liya looked at each other for a while, and then welcomed Liya into the room.

Luo Xi was looking at the braised fish on the table with her chopsticks in a daze.

- Sister, what should I do?

Liya held her head, feeling a headache.

Seeing Luo Xi's expression, Liya seemed to have made a difficult decision. She hesitated for a long time and then said: But if this happens occasionally, they don't know.

Those tight long legs were sandwiched between the quilt, the round and full snow peaks were rising and falling violently, the delicate lips were open, and the breathing was a little rapid.

Aina pulled Lavelle's tail.

Mom is the best!

Wei'er smiled lightly: Although Luo Xi never said anything, after getting along there for a long time, you will always find something wrong.

No. The sisters said together.

If he gets out at this time, he would be a fool.

Luo Xi's expression quickly dimmed.

She also looked at Luo Xi blankly, with a ray of burning heat in her charming eyes.

But my mother is different.

Luo Xi appeared aside.

The strange feeling all over her body was almost unbearable.

Messy big bed.

When the Earth and the Dawn Star were solidified by the Star Bell, they were already here, practicing for hundreds of thousands of years with the help of void energy radiated from the black hole.

The inner demons have been conquered, and the breakthrough has been successful, and the strength has been further improved.

This guy is still pushing his limits, right?

Luo Xi ran away under that murderous gaze.

After finishing the meal and chatting for a long time, Luo Xi sent the two sisters and daughters away.


In what she thought was a hallucination, more than once, she had sex with the guy next to her

Luo Xi took a deep breath and said: Mother-in-law. No, Liya, I think-

Dong Dong—

You all already know

Nothing happens the same.

But he can no longer face his daughters.

Liya looked at the troubled expression on the young man's face, and her eyes gradually softened.

Another month later.

Where have those humans come?

Bahamut also went back to take a look, but what she saw was the two planets that had been frozen in time by the god. She didn’t know if they had been unsealed now.

Weier jumped off the chair and gave Liya a loving hug.


The next day.

Red Dragon Alexlita said: It is very difficult. Reaching the sixth level is just stepping into the abyss, and it is also the beginning of transcendence. According to my feelings, this level can be roughly divided into seven levels. We have already reached the limit, and Most of the sixth-level humans have just stepped into the first realm.

Why is this breakthrough so strange!

Then, his thigh sank slightly, and the wonderful feeling of the soft, smooth, elastic thigh came to his mind.

Aina immediately shut up.

Wei'er spoke in advance: Mom, are you talking about Luo Xi? We have no objection. If you think Luo Xi can do it, then be bolder.

Long live my mother-in-law! Luo Xi's eyes lit up: What about now?

Luo Xi quickly echoed: Mother-in-law is right!

Huh?! Liya looked at Luo Xi coldly.

Luo Xi came to the Twilight City with Wei'er, Aina and their two daughters.

It's an illusion, that's fine.

Luo Xiaona was granted amnesty.

Liya asked doubtfully: Where is Luo Xi? Isn't he going to travel together?

Liya looked at Luo Xi and her face changed: Why haven't you left yet?

That was when Luo Xi came to Winter City, rescued Wei'er and Aina, and then married her.

Why is there only this one left?

Is it because I am most satisfied with this?

And what is she encountering now?

Hallucination? Inner demon?

No, let’s not talk about what happened to her. What did she think?

Liya looked at Weier in confusion.


Although she was the first to give birth to Luo Xi's brother's child, she considered herself the 'right palace'.

Liya and Luo Xiaona were outside the door.

Under the fiery gaze, Luo Xi shrank his neck.

After Liya knocked several times, Weier jumped up and asked Luo Xi to go elsewhere quickly, then put on her pajamas and opened the door.

Give it a try.

Liya whispered: Don't you blame me?

Everything is preparation for transcendence.

After all, she got drunk first. Luo Xidu said that the wine was very strong, but she didn't believe it and forced him to drink a lot before what happened next.

Aina continued: Mom, we know that you didn't do it on purpose. Anyway, it's brother Luo Xi's fault.

- I don't know. Let him sleep on the floor?

Liya's beautiful purple eyes seemed to be oozing with water, her jade-like cheeks were dripping with sweat, and her rich fragrance was richer than that of Weier, just like hibiscus emerging from the water.

What kind of misfortunes did my family suffer before Luo Xi fell in love with them?

You, please pay attention, otherwise if there is one

There are stories about her never leaving the Twilight City, stories about her dying in Winter City with Weier after leaving the Twilight City, and stories about her dying while traveling.

When those screens disappear one by one.

Could it be that she is jealous of Listy?

Deep down in her heart, had she ever thought that if there were no Wei'er and the others, would she have even the slightest chance?

On the third day of their trip, Liya suddenly found that she seemed to have reached the threshold of improving her strength again.

Mother-in-law, something is very wrong with you!

Liya said indifferently: Didn't I already say that we should just pretend that nothing happened? It would be good for you and me. Otherwise, what would Wei'er and Aina think of you?

Liya thought for a while and said, Okay, please pay attention to safety. I'm watching over Xiaona and the others. They'll be fine.

Now that everything is done, let’s get started.

Liya sat on the bed and chose to break through.

if that is the case.

Different from before Level 5, every step forward on the road to Level 6 is a path of exploration that no one before has ever had.

- Aina will feel bad.

Think about it carefully.

Why exactly?

You can't let your daughters go home, right?

Liya added: Since we have agreed, then you should leave quickly and don't run towards me all day long. Your wives are Weier and Aina, not me.

This time is different from last time.

Can I walk?

They finally realized that something had disappeared from their memories. When the disappeared thing returned quietly, they did not notice anything wrong.

Everything, when all the desires were amplified at this moment, appeared in Liya's mind.

Sister Weier will always be her sister.

Wei'er glanced at Luo Xi who was in a daze, puffed up her little face and said: If I don't take him with me anymore, taking him to bed every night will be an open and secret fight. It feels like everyone is going to fight, and it's impossible for everyone to be together. Anyway, without him, the atmosphere will be much more harmonious. It was very comfortable last time we traveled. Everyone just enjoyed the scenery, took photos, etc., which was pretty good.

Liya's legs clamped the quilt tightly, her enchanting body curled up into a ball, her face as hot and red as the sunset was buried deeply between her legs, like a shy girl.

I don't have anything to see here.

It's an illusion anyway, only you know it.

Of course she was wary of foreign vixens.

Only one of them remains.

But she never regarded Wei'er as her 'sister'.

The God of Creation had told them before leaving that it was best not to leave the world without sufficient preparation.

Seven dragons of different colors are on a planet here.

But this night, Liya couldn't sleep again.

After eating, the two little girls Xiaona and Xiaowei ran to the city to play, leaving Luo Xi and Wei Erina sitting in the restaurant.

Xiaohong, is it difficult for a sixth-level human to reach our level?

Luo Xi is awake.

-Mom will feel sorry for us?

Luo Xi looked back at the window that had not been closed.

This is the monthly family dinner here at Cats.

Luo Xiaona scratched her wolf ears with an embarrassed look on her face: Um, little mother Wei'er, should I leave first?

Luo Xi sat on the edge of the bed with her clothes on like a well-behaved little rabbit.

Liya choked and hugged the two sisters.

That night, the three of them cried together in bed.

Outside, Luo Xi lay on the treetops and looked at the stars.

It's better not to disturb them at night, right?

(The Liya chapter is finished, the next little fox girl chapter will be written by Wei Erina at that time. Since there are more character plots in this chapter, I don’t plan to write too many extras)

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