Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 510: Xing Ling’s regret and God’s jealousy (4k)

The corners of Luo Xi's mouth raised slightly.

Dog text this guy.

Aren't you jealous? ~

Pa! —

A small white foot stepped directly on Luo Xi's face, kicking him back into the big pit below.

Immediately afterwards, the thunderous voice of the loli was heard from above.

What are you talking about! We are not jealous! It is impossible for us to be jealous! It is even less possible for us to be jealous of a bastard like you!

Xing Ling's little face turned red with anger, and her hair exploded, like a little hedgehog with exploded hair.

She is a Star God with an orthodox inheritance. Human love and love have nothing to do with her, so it is impossible to be jealous or anything like that.

She was just very angry because... By the way, she was just very angry because Luo Xi had hidden something from her!

Bah bah.

Luo Xi spat out the dirt in his mouth again, helplessly opened a pair of dark dragon wings, and slowly rose from the pit.

The pink-haired loli turned her head away from looking at him.

Okay, okay, you're not jealous.

Luo Xi just thought about it casually.

Humans and gods are lives in different dimensions. One can roam the endless void at will, while the other can only survive in a limited way inside the world.

To Xing Ling, he might just be a slightly interesting flower illuminated by her endless starlight in her infinite life.

And the flowers will eventually wither.

The stars are eternal.

Luo Xi lowered her eyes and explained: I just met her for the first time at that time. The situation was critical at that time and there was no other room to do anything. Just like Xingling, you and I Wasn’t the first real encounter also in that era?”

The pink-haired loli's angry little face was stunned.

Memories from the past keep coming back.

At that time, because Luo Xi's attitude towards her was too arrogant, it seemed that she still wanted not to choose Luo Xi as her successor in the future.

However, who knew that that memory would disappear and be erased from the memory of a god like her. Is this the void's self-correction of the timeline change, or is it due to other influences?

Is it because... Luo Xi?

No matter what, she went step by step. After coming to this world, she went through a period of selection, and finally selected Luo Xi among nearly 10 billion humans.

Is this a historical inevitability?

Xing Ling's expression gradually softened.

She hesitated for a while and then said: Luo Xi, after the threat in this world is completely over, do you... want to accompany us to travel in the void? With the characteristics of your soul, you may have the ability to break through the world on your own. limit the possibility, then you can have an endless lifespan, and we will help you as much as possible.

In fact, Xingling can use its own divine power to completely impregnate Luo Xi and transform him into an immortal divine being and a being like an angel, which is the outcome after death that believers in the church of gods most expect, but that certain In a sense, it just turned Luo Xi into her divine clone.

She doesn't need that kind of boring stuff.

Only by relying on their own strength to break through the barriers of the world can the native creatures in the world become truly transcendent, transforming from mortal beings into gods. Of course, this kind of transcendent being is compared with natural gods like her and Dahanhan. , there is still a big gap.

For example, the seven dragon emperors who control the original power of this world can break through the world's barriers and leave at any time, but in the void, they seem to be just chicks that can fly in the sky.

At any moment, a ferocious falcon will fly by and devour them.

Luo Xi: Hmm? What did you say?

Good guy, before he said anything, Gou Wenwen thought of abducting him first, right?

Is this also abduction?

The pink-haired loli just looked at him straight.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and said, I can bring -


Xing Ling refused without waiting for Luo Xi to finish.

It's not that she doesn't want to take it with her, it's that she can't take it with her. There is no space reserved for mortals to survive in her divine kingdom.

Of course, she could create, but she didn't want to.

Forget it.

Don't regret it.

Well, you never thought about it, Gou Wenwen, why don't you just leave and stay -


The pink-haired loli sneered and said: Stay with Wormwood, right? What a beautiful thought! Let me tell you, even if we die here and jump out of this pit, we won't be able to become one of your harem groups. Member! Absolutely impossible!

Luo Xi: ...

Xiao Ling, don't talk too fullly.

A soft girl's voice came from above the two of them.

Tilana, who had the same face as Xing Ling, pulled Ai Xue down smoothly, and Sanwu's expression actually revealed a hint of joking.

Xiao Ling, haven't you ever thought that you might not be able to do without him in the future?

We can't live without him?

Xing Ling seemed to have heard the best joke in the world. He opened his eyes wide and pointed at Luo Xi and said: Dahanhan, please figure it out. Who can't live without whom? If it weren't for us, this guy would have died long ago. I don’t know how many times! It’s because he can’t live without us!”

Ai Xue rubbed her eyes.

With Tilana's help, she finally saw clearly the figure of the petite figure shrouded in starlight. Her childish face was exactly the same as the pink-haired girl next to her.

Pink and jade, delicate and pretty, with naked feet, she is simply a top-notch little lolita.

In an instant, many memories blocked by the chasm between gods and mortals were restored.

Ai Xue said in surprise: It's you! The female ghost sister of the senior in the dream! Later, that strange thing who helped us resurrect the senior and turned him into a child!

Xing Ling exploded and said: Who is the female brat! Shut up, you amorous succubus!

Hmph, hurry up, hurry up!

Ai Xue floated to Luo Xi's side, she raised her head and looked at Luo Xi strangely with a small red footprint on his face, pulled down his sleeve and said: Senior, is she the existence behind you? If you are so unruly and unreasonable, you might as well be obedient as little Aina. Let me tell you, senior, if you like a cute little loli, I can satisfy you. Maomao and Aina can do it, and Feiya can do it too. You don’t need to look for her. This is from a guy who thinks too highly of himself.

Xingling said angrily: What did you say?! Human beings, don't think that just because you are familiar with the fish, you can bully us!

I didn't bully you.

Ai Xue shrugged and said: I heard your words from a distance just now. Since you are so sure that you will not stay, what will happen if you stay?

Xing Ling was so angry: Oh, if we really stay, I will cook food, wash dishes, wash clothes and sweep the floor for you every day!

As the pink-haired lolita spoke, she secretly glanced at Luo Xi from the corner of her eye, only to find that Luo Xi seemed to be distracted.

No, she was really drunk. She was so smart. What kind of bet could she make with Luo Xi’s woman?

She is just Luo Xi. Even if she doesn't want to go with her, it will take at least a hundred thousand years for her to become a mortal with a handful of loess.

Who cares!

There are infinite places in the void waiting for her to explore. Does she have to stay in such a world?

However, when it came to the bet, she felt like she had forgotten something...

Ai Xue smiled contemptuously and said: Okay, this is what you said, don't forget it! I know you have the ability to tamper with my memory. If you do that, both the senior and I will look down on you!

Now that things have come to a point, Xing Ling bites the bullet and says, As you wish.

Tirana suddenly said: The contract has been established. I, Tirana Fairylishes, am here to witness and record your agreement. This contract does not have a coercive effect and is only determined by the moral standards of the contractors. Implement it.”

The pink-haired loli said angrily: Dahanhan, what are you doing?!

The girl with the same face as her smiled lightly and said: Xiao Ling, I have recorded the scene just now. If you violate the agreement, I can only release this record for everyone to see when I return to the academy. look.

Forget it, it doesn't need to be like this.

Luo Xi suddenly said: Xingling, I didn't think about keeping you. Forget about those rewards. I'm serious. After you finish dealing with the Lord of Truth, you can leave if you want.

A bird that yearns for freedom cannot be trapped in a cage, just like Floresia.

There is no need to leave any mark of his own on her. The idea of ​​​​forcibly leaving her behind is truly selfish.

Is this another way of retreating in order to advance?

Xingling narrowed her eyes and said: Don't think that we will fall for it every time. This time, can we take your words seriously? This is the only chance for you to do whatever you want to our body.

Yeah. Luo Xi nodded.

Xingling looked at Luo Xi in silence for a long time.

Don't regret it.

Will not.


The pink-haired loli snorted coldly and turned into dots of starlight that disappeared in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

Dahanhan, let's make some plans for the future. You take the two of them to where he wants to go. I don't care about his affairs. Just do whatever you want.

Only an indifferent voice was left in the air.

It's like it has returned to the mechanical text it was at the beginning.

Luo Xi sighed softly.

Has the favorability level returned to zero?

Is this a return to before liberation?

Senior, senior.

Ai Xue came in with a smile and said: You are so good at this trick. I feel like you, senior, are getting more and more skilled at picking up girls. I think she won't be able to sleep when she goes back.

Luo Xi expressed his injustice.

He just really didn't want to tie Xing Ling.

Speaking of which, that pink-haired lolita is so small. It feels much smaller than me who is the youngest at night. Senior, can you handle it? Can you get it in? Will it be broken?

Luo Xi: ...

As expected of Ai Xue, whom Xing Ling called the ‘Sentimental Succubus’.

The words that come out are tiger and wolf.


Tilana interrupted the conversation between the two.

Are you still going?

Luo Xi then remembered that she came here to find Maomao Aina and the others.

I was distracted by the dog text and almost forgot about it.


In the Kingdom of God composed of countless stars.

After Xing Ling appeared out of thin air, she fell on her bed, feeling extremely depressed.

Why did he agree?

He had obviously been thinking of doing such evil things to her.

Once before, Luo Xi said she didn't want a reward. At that time, considering her reputation as a god and the gods' promises to mortals, she simply gave him the ice cream reward.

This time too.

Luo Xi said no, but she agreed.

Now, she should be happy that she didn't have to desecrate him anymore.

But why is she feeling empty?

Dear Star God, what are you thinking about? the Black Moon figure said from the bedside.

Xiao Hei, I have a question for you.

The pink-haired loli raised her head and said with evasive eyes: We have a friend. She is a true god. Her relationship with a human was originally very good. Now our friend is very entangled. Her ideal is to travel through the void, but that The human being is unwilling to go with her, and now that human being wants to abandon this relationship...what should she do?

Black Moon Figure was stunned for a moment.

Well, Lord Star God, may I ask if the friend you are talking about is you?

Xing Ling's eyes became dangerous: No, we are just asking our friend, you know, the creator god of that world. If you talk nonsense, I will seal you for ten thousand years. Anyway, what happens next It’s the same without you, as much help as you can give me.”

Black Moon: ...

It's numb, how does it know what to do?

It is an evil god, yes, but it does not have the ability to provide love counseling!

This job can't be done any longer. After using it quickly, let it go!

Lord Star God, I think this question still depends on you, oh, it depends on your friend. It depends on whether she cares about that human being-

Forget it, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net you don't need to say anything anymore.

Xing Ling snapped his fingers and threw it far away.

The pink-haired loli curled up on the bed, hugging her slender calves. Even though the countless stars around her were the embodiment of her divine power, she couldn't feel a trace of security.

It was the illusion that something important was about to be lost.

After dealing with the Lord of Truth, let's leave immediately. Since that guy wants us to leave, we will leave to show him and never come back.

When he encounters danger one day and calls us to give God's name, we must laugh at him, ridicule him, and then tell him that we will not help him...

Xingling stopped talking to herself.

She finally discovered a problem.

She regretted it.

At least, I don't want to make the relationship so tense.

We are such an idiot...


Luo Xi rubbed his temples, looked at the wolf-eared girl rushing towards him in his arms, and then looked at Aina who looked lonely in front of her.

What's happening here?

Luo Xiaona kept rubbing her head against Luo Xi's chest and said with a face full of intoxication: The present father is exactly the same as the future father, although the future father has more temperament~


Dad, go and help mom.

The wolf-eared girl let go of Luo Xi and pulled Luo Xi to Aina's side.

Luo Xi found that besides Aina, Weier, Liya, Floresia, Feiya, and Listy were all standing not far away and did not come over.

Liya looked at him coldly, and a voice came into his ears.

If you don't coax Aina well, you won't be able to marry them, not even one of them, I said so.

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