Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 502: Ai Xue’s return, you bastard, why are you in such a hurry! (Four K)

Aina's tone sounded quite sinister.

No wonder Aina is so depressed.

She waited day and night for Luo Xi for more than two years, and finally waited for Luo Xi and Weier to come back. Because the person who disappeared with Luo Xi that time was Weier, so although Aina felt a little lonely, she still felt very sorry for her sister. happy.

After all, that was Sister Wei'er, whom she had been dependent on since childhood!

This time it was different.

Originally, Aina regarded all women except her sister as her rivals, and she always wanted to find an opportunity to determine her position as the right palace. Who knew there would be vixens one after another running in front of her to act as sneaky cats! (〃>_<〃)!

Hua q. Feiya sneezed slightly.

Aina, I- Luo Xi couldn't help but speak.

Aina doesn't listen.

Aina covered her ears, interrupted Luo Xi's words, and whispered next to Weier: It's really unlucky for Aina to come. If I had known that her brother and her were doing that kind of thing, Aina wouldn't have It’s here, it’s better now, and I also let Aina see dirty things, and she even screamed at my mother and stuff like that, you really know how to play, wouldn’t that make you more excited?”

Wei'er was a little angry at first, but after hearing Aina's words, she couldn't help but raise her lips in laughter.

As expected of her own sister, she was extremely worried when she arrived. After confirming Luo Xi's safety, she directly entered the state of catching an adulterer. The change of emotions can be said to be seamless.

Behind Luo Xi, Floresia listened to Aina's muttering, thinking about what happened just now, her red dragon tail curled upwards, her face so red that it could bleed.

In the past, when she faced the two sisters, she always used her identity as Luo Xi's 'mother', and she believed that she was a dragon-derived beast, an extraordinary race that was superior to humans, and she unconsciously felt very superior. , and treat them only as 'children' human friends.

However, she was actually transformed from a human, so this sense of superiority was completely out of the question.

Now, he and the two sisters are fighting for their men.

The important moment, when the two of them were halfway through, they were still finished.

Although she told her past self that she had the courage and consciousness to stop hesitating after returning, but after what she had done with Luo Xi, she felt that she had no confidence at all when facing the two sisters. out.

After all, she did eat it secretly... No!

Floresia suddenly remembered that her past self had fallen in love with little Luo Xi more than 8,000 years ago, and had traveled with Luo Xi for several years, so logically speaking, You should be the one who comes first!

Others are vixens!

Hua q. Feiya made another cute little sneeze.

This little elf fox girl touched her fox ears in confusion.

She hasn't caught a cold recently, right?

After you go back, go to the Emerald Mother Tree and ask for a leaf that contains divine power.

Speaking of which, Aina is really a girl who doesn't know how to hide herself.

Feiya looked at the chattering wolf-eared girl in front of her. She didn't know what Aina was thinking, but she felt that Aina might be... anxious?

It seems that Aina is still two or three months away from turning 18, right?

Feiya silently considered whether she should get ahead of this wolf-eared girl and give Mr. Luo Xi...

Everyone had their own little ideas, and with Luo Xi's helpless expression, they moved to the border of the Kingdom of Gold.

Seeing Aina who didn't seem to want to stop, Luo Xi suddenly came behind her.

He opened his hands, hugged the little wolf girl's abdomen with both hands, put his head in the hair on her back, and smelled the familiar sweet floral fragrance of the little wolf girl.

This is a similar scent to Weil, but more intense.


Aina's eyes suddenly became full of (x﹏x) and her mind became confused.

This is in front of so many people. When did brother Luo Xi become so bold?

Although she doesn't mind being close to Luo Xi in front of others, it should be her time to 'judge' brother Luo Xi's 'crime'. If she is fooled like this, then she is too underestimated!

Let me go, let me go, Aina is no longer an unwanted woman.

Luo Xi laughed softly: Who said I don't need you anymore? What I promised Aina will not change.


Aina stopped struggling, her tea-gold eyes shining slightly.


Will Aina have her first child with her brother? No one else can have a child until she and Aina have a child?

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

When did he agree?

I'm talking about getting married...

Isn't marriage the most basic thing?

Aina puffed up her little face and said: My brother proposed to Aina when we were in Winter City. My sister didn't get this kind of treatment, and Aina was talking about the child! Didn't brother Luo Xi agree to marry me last time? Na will give birth to a football team member! And Aina will have one! In this way, Aina’s child will be my brother’s eldest son.”

Still, brother Luo Xi still thinks that Aina is still very young. Yes, Aina is indeed not as big as sister Lecia. Before, Aina saw that her brother was about to bury her face in it, but Aina is still growing. It’s big~”

The little wolf girl also specially touched the softness on her chest.

Look, this is at least several times the size of Sister Wei'er!

Wei'er really couldn't stand listening anymore. Why did her sister still want to climb on her head?

She coughed and said, Aina, this is not something you want to do without giving birth.

Aina whispered: Then you should take protective measures! Or do you think you don't need protective measures, sister? After all, your body hasn't grown up yet, so it's okay if you don't need it, right?

Wei'er's pretty face darkened.

The idiot sister was so angry that she even started to quarrel with her. They had agreed that the two sisters would be in the same camp and speak to the outside world in unison.

Damn it, isn't it just that her body is very well developed, and the genes of her Solphia family are also very good. In the future, her and Luo Xi's daughter will definitely be as beautiful as her mother!

I have decided that this idiot sister must not succeed, otherwise she will probably have to go to bed every three days! I can’t tell who is the older sister!

Wei'er's pair of beautiful light red eyes stared closely at Luo Xi behind Aina.

She rubbed her flat belly.

Although she had never given birth, and her figure was not Floresia's type for safe delivery, which made her a little scared, Aina did remind her that the relationship between the two had been established since the last time she came back with Luo Xi. Substantial progress, but that doesn't mean it's the end.

A new battlefield has begun!

Floresia also raised her head and looked at Luo Xi's back, her golden vertical pupils burning with blazing flames.

Luo Xi keenly felt the scorching eyes of the girls gathering on him, like a monkey seeing a banana.

He swallowed.

What, I have to find someone, why don't you wait here?

Who are you looking for...is it Ai Xue?

Only then did Weier realize that Ai Xue didn't seem to be here.

Yes, where is Ai Xue (the number one stealing cat)? Feiya and Aina also asked together.

Well, I'm looking for her.

Luo Xi looked at the location of the Kingdom of Dark Night.

Several countries on this Mang Continent have returned to their normal state, and the Dark Night Sacred Tree in the Kingdom of Dark Night has also returned to its upright posture.

He felt a little panicked in his heart.

Ai Xue, will you be there?

For eight thousand years, he and Floresia spent purely sleeping. When they woke up, it felt like they had slept for a long time. The two of them cuddled each other without feeling too much loneliness. .

Ai Xue is different.

She is alone.

After Luo Xi knew her thoughts at that time, he did not try to persuade her, because he knew that if he tried to persuade her, she would not listen to him.

He did what he could do.

The same goes for Ai Xue, who did what she could.

The only thing he needs to do is to wake up the lonely girl at this time.

Xiao Luoxi, you go ahead.

Floresia hesitated and said, I'll go find Mu Yu...and Grandpa.

The Kingdom of Gold accompanied them and spanned eight thousand years. Time here seems to have been frozen. Mu Yu and the others should still be alive.

Mu Yu is what she must see.

And grandpa.

The old man in her memory may have resented his behavior when she was a human in the past, but no matter what, he was still her relative when she was a human.

Then let’s meet one last time.

Mr. Luo Xi, I will go back to the Emerald City first. When I see Ai Xue, I will say hello to her, Feiya said.

She was going to go back to her mother to discuss countermeasures.

Mr. Luo Xi is back and has returned to his normal state. It is conceivable that there will be a bloody storm next, and she is not willing to just watch from the side.

If it doesn't work, let mom take the lead...

Weier and Aina looked at each other.

They could see the complexity and uneasiness in Luo Xi's expression.

But they had nothing else to do, they just had to follow Luo Xi this time.


The land of dark night.

All the people who were transformed into undead returned to their normal human form on this day.

Most people don't know that they have been ignorant for eight thousand years.

Church of Dark Night.

Under the black gauze, delicate smooth calves stretched out from the bed. A girl with black hair and purple eyes stared blankly at the brightening sky.

How long has it been since you saw the sun?

It seems that I should find someone right now.

That person is a very important person and someone who must never be forgotten.

A ray of sunlight penetrated the glass and shone directly on her face.

Several figures appeared outside.

The memories that had been sealed away to prevent them from being forgotten, after seeing that figure, took the initiative to break all the shackles.

The girl's eyes regained their brightness.

She remembered!


Senior, I did it! I really did it!

Well, it's very impressive.

Luo Xi touched Ai Xue's head in her arms, and both of them knew what the other was talking about.

This time Aina didn't bother them.

Ai Xue and her brother seemed to have experienced something extraordinary.

Otherwise, why would two come out of the 'destructed' Kingdom of Gold, and one would come out of the Kingdom of Dark Night?

Senior, what about you? What happened to you after that?

Well...a lot of things happened. Let's talk about it later.

Luo Xi was not embarrassed to say that he and Floresia had slept together in a cradle for eight thousand years.

Ai Xue transformed herself into an undead spirit in the true sense and guarded the undead Kingdom of Dark Night for eight thousand years. It was only today that it was unsealed.

Although she also sealed her rational memory.

Otherwise, eight thousand years of lonely waiting is enough to drive a person crazy.

Well, tell me slowly.

Ai Xue held Luo Xi's arm, smiling as brightly as a sunflower.

She looked at Weier and Aina.

Weier, Aina, long time no see, are you okay?

Aina curled her lips and said: Of course.

Wei'er: Long time... no see?

It was Ai Xue who told her this last time, but she didn't expect it to be the other way around this time.

It's a strange feeling.

That Ai Xue, why do I feel like you have changed a lot? Aina couldn't help but ask.

Floresia has not changed much when she is with her brother, but Ai Xue seems to be a different person. In addition to still being so fond of brother Luo Xi, her whole body has a noble temperament, like a princess of the royal family. .

His Majesty the Pope, has it returned to normal now?

Your Majesty, please go out and take charge of the church's affairs! Distribute our work!

The two archbishops of the Church of Dark Night found Ai Xue in the church garden, hurriedly knelt down on one knee and respectfully made a request to her.

Ai Xue let go of Luo Xi's hand and said with a smile: Senior, I'll go take care of it first. I'll just assign work to the priests soon.

Okay. Luo Xi nodded.

Aina opened her mouth slightly.

The Pope of the Kingdom of Darkness?

This is outrageous. How could Ai Xue suddenly change her identity and come back with such a big identity in just one week?

Wei'er was also surprised, and at the same time she became even more curious about what happened to Luo Xi and the others.

How bizarre is it that makes two people become the representatives of two eternal world trees?

When the two sisters were distracted, UU Reading www.uuknshu.net Luo Xi took the opportunity to grab the tails of the two of them, rua one with each hand, and then was hit hard by two small pink fists.

[Note: Zongyuzayu, you have found your harem group. How do you feel now? 】


Luo Xi thought for a while and asked: By the way, Gou Wenwen, do you still remember what happened at that time?

[Note: We don’t remember it at all! ???】

As if to escape Luo Xi's questioning, a steady stream of texts jumped out.

[World-destroying level mission: The Fall of Gao Tian has been completed]

[World-Destroying Level Mission 2: The World-Destroying Dragon has been completed]

【Ding! The final version of Dawn - Dawn is about to be launched, and the server will be stopped for updates at 12 o'clock tomorrow morning. The only content this time is World Migration. All the eternal world trees will be reshaped in the uninhabited planet. Dream The world's native creatures will be transferred to reality! (There will then be a choice. The native creatures in the dream world can choose to go to a new uninhabited planet, or transfer to the planet where the travelers are)]

The pink-haired loli looked at the blue mercury at her feet and said to herself, This is the last step of fusion.

At this point, the integration progress of the underlying rules of the two worlds has reached 100%.

The native creatures in the dream world can finally come back to normal and are no longer excluded by the rules of this world.

That uninhabited planet is the new home chosen by Xingling for them.

The gods looked down at all living beings and decided on the final move.

However, there was still a slight blush on her pretty face.

That bastard, does he really want to do that to me? It's not over yet. Why is he so anxious? We're not a god who can break his promise! (〃>Van<)!

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