Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 499: In order to turn an unpleasant story into what I want (Four K)

Luo Xi noticed that Floresia's body seemed to be frozen.


He looked up and saw Floresia, whose eyes were empty and seemingly unconscious, standing there stupidly like a lifeless sculpture.

boom! —

A bolt of purple-black lightning flashed through the evil clouds in the sky, and the electric light reflected half of her face.

The thick black mist covered half of her face, forming a new face.

Luo Xi seemed to see a terrifying face coming from the void, full of malice, and making people tremble.

That was an image shown to him by the evil god that Luo Xi had seen with Wei'er.

In an instant, a hand emitting silver light penetrated into Floresia's brain and grabbed something inside.

Get out of this child's body!

Tirana scolded in a low voice, and books emitting seven-colored light appeared around her hand, shaking crazily to represent the chains that bound the rules of the world.

She saw a thick black fog being forcefully pulled out of Floresia's mind, and then a thunder light roared in the sky again, and the thick fog disappeared out of thin air in her hand.

Tilana put down her hand, her blue eyes on her beautiful face staring at the sky.

The two evil gods from the future still have to merge.

But, since they want to merge, why did they need to separate in the first place?

Is it a coincidence?

I saw that the mist on the sky began to gather, changing from pitch black to gray black, then to pale white, and finally formed a huge human shape. The eyes were empty and deep black, and the other parts were exuding gray-white light. .

In the hand of the human figure, there is also a black scythe held high, like the death scythe that harvests life, exuding an aura of despair.

The Evil God - the Lord of Truth's 'Future Body' has arrived today!

If Luo Xi still has the dog text panel, it will at least trigger a myth-level or world-destroying level mission.

He seemed to be looking at the tiny people below with a mocking smile, especially the local god who had been at odds with Him for hundreds of thousands of years.

Being able to struggle with Him for so long, this local god can be proud of himself.

Although hundreds of thousands of years are not a long time for Him, this weak Creator God is the one who has resisted Him for the longest time. Many gods in small worlds have been able to survive thousands of years by Him using some small means. Easily resolved within the year.

Now, He has adopted this method of 'cross-time sacrifice'. Is there any unbreakable principle in this weak little world?

After this period of his divinity returns, the timeline in the void should change accordingly, right?

Even if it was the first time for Him to adopt this method, He didn’t know what the final result would be, but He had already laid out the plan eight thousand years ago, allowing the believers at that time to sacrifice a city. Call upon Him from the future.

Although that summoning was unsuccessful, the reason is easy to understand, because He was standing at the end of the timeline at that time and had not yet reached the time point pointed to by the summons, so naturally nothing would happen.

Now is the time for everything to be restructured!

This time, one of his guesses could be verified.

This is a question that countless void gods are curious about.

That is, within the timeline measured by the void, are there countless identical ‘yous’ at different time nodes?

To a god, is your past just a phantom of memory, or is it you with an independent mind?

If you changed what you did in the past, will it change in the future?

Now, the answer is at your fingertips!

Completely destroy this world, then go back to the future and see how the world looks like, then you will know it at first sight!

This is to step into a higher realm and enter the realm of those ancient gods!

Although there were some minor problems with this method the first time, the human soul that had interested him appeared in this era for some reason, and forcibly locked up half of his divinity for a long time. You can take it away and study it.

And that human girl.

Her other soul also comes from the future and is the anchor for Him to truly come to this era.

Now, he has completed the integration, and the host body is useless.

You guys, do you want to surrender? I'll give you a quarter of an hour.

Like the mighty power of heaven, all the creatures in the Kingdom of Gold, all intelligent beings, heard this voice and couldn't help but want to prostrate themselves on the ground.

Under this pressure, even the golden tree's protective light seemed dim.

Luo Xi gritted his teeth tightly and held the red-haired girl with dragon horns and tail in his arms, but he had no choice now, even if he borrowed the power from the Seven Color Dragon Emperor, under the oppression of this evil god It’s not enough to watch at all.

However, even so, he still has to go.

It’s just an evil god, it’s not like he’s never done it before!

The seven-colored scales on his arms slowly opened and closed, and his eyes switched back and forth between star eyes and golden vertical pupils.

This is my responsibility, I'll do it.

Tilana seemed to be aware of Luo Xi's decision and took the first step.

He looked back at Luo Xi, with a smile on his delicate face, not like a lofty god at all. Then he turned back and seemed to be talking to himself.

Ever since I completed the creation of the world, I have never had a smooth day. None of the small trees I planted personally listened to my words and just went about their own business. The seven little dragons later also had their own lives. , the days spent with me are much less, and the reflections in those trees are even worse, as they run up and cause trouble all day long.

However, I still love my world very much. Even those Shadow Tribe people outside the world who have always wanted to rush out, I regard them as my children.

I have always wanted to say sorry to them. I did not intentionally bring them into my world when I created it. Not long after their ship moved forward, they would encounter a Void Abyssal Beast. The result was certain. Even though the ship crashed and everyone died, I took it upon myself to bring them back. I didn’t expect them to want to leave so much. After I knew what they were thinking, the Lord of Truth had already arrived, and I couldn’t send them away. ”

To this day, you innocent people are still involved, and even Xiaoling is involved.

Everything is my responsibility.

Then let everything end with me.

Luo Xi: !

When you say this, I can already see the death star shining above your head, little wind chime!

If you were gone, wouldn’t the dream world be gone?

So can Maomao Aina and the others still be alive?

This is something Luo Xi simply cannot accept.

What's more, Ai Xue is still in the City of Dark Night!

Wait a minute, you don't have to do this, there must be a way, there is a way!

The situation became more and more critical, but Luo Xi became calmer and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

What is the use of his appearance in this era and what does he represent?

He represents something similar to the Lord of Truth, coming from the future world and disturbing the past!

The first thing to understand is, can the future based on the void timeline be changed?

If we could change the future, what would the future be like? When will the change end? Will the entire void be reconstructed again and again?

After understanding the grandeur and infinity of the endless void, Luo Xi did not feel that a Lord of Truth could influence the past world without limit.

The Lord of Truth must have His limits!

In fact, Luo Xi is more willing to believe another theory.

If the things he has experienced, viewed from a higher latitude perspective, are the future that has been changed, then there must be things he can still do now!

Now that she has no opponent on her side, Tilana seems to be fighting for her life, but even if she can defeat this future evil god, she will definitely not be able to deal with the Lord of Truth of this era outside.

So, what to do?

Luo Xi's mind became more and more clear, and his eyes were as bright as morning stars. He asked softly: Tilana, how strong is this Lord of Truth?

Tirana paused and said: I can solve it alone, but I will lose most of my power, and then I will no longer be able to maintain the stability of the world. The black box model will be on the verge of collapse, and the world will be destroyed by the Lord of Truth in the Void. It is instantly refined and becomes His nourishment and treasure.”

That makes no sense.

Yes, but I can't watch Him destroy the world I created.

Tilana gave a rare wry smile: This is a dead end. It is a dead end set by Him in the future for me in this era. I am convinced.

Especially Xiao Hei and the others seemed to be targeted. Once they came out, they would be at risk of being forcibly controlled, so she specially sent a message to the Dragon Emperors in the abyss not to go out no matter what.

Then, wouldn't it be better to let Him destroy it? Luo Xi suddenly said.


Tilana was stunned.

Is this human from another world finally crazy?

Use the flowing moon.

Luo Xi raised his head and said: After He destroyed the world, he reversed the entire world to before it was destroyed.

It can't be done!

Tilana said without even thinking: At that time, the power of the rules of time symbolized by the flowing moon had lost its effect, and even if the time was successfully retraced, if he was still there, he would continue to destroy the world. This is not meaningless -

The corner of Luo Xi's mouth raised slightly and said: So I bet that after he feels that he has destroyed the world, he will choose to disappear immediately and leave this era. In our world, there are many such time travel movie themes, two Individuals from different eras cannot meet each other, otherwise a space-time paradox will occur.

In other words, we want to deceive the Lord of Truth! Let Him feel that he has accomplished everything, and then return to the future without success!

Tilana was already a little confused by what Luo Xi said. She shook her head and said: But this has not solved the problem that after the world was destroyed, the rules represented by Liuyue lost their effect...

I am a person from another world. I think my time is outside the time of your world. Haven't you always said that my existence is unstable? As long as Liuyue's source code has not been destroyed, then please use me Use it as a fulcrum to move the entire dream world back in time!

Are you serious?!

At this moment, the creation god of the dream world completely changed his view of Luo Xi.

Although his idea is fanciful, it might actually be possible. The Liuyue that happened earlier was because of his automatic reversal.

Xiaoling, you really chose a very good person.

You are just a human being, you don't have to do this. He said.

Luo Xi looked at the girl in his arms tenderly, raised his head and smiled: It's true that I am a human being, but I didn't come to this era to lose everything and run back dejected like a bereaved dog. I came to be able to The unhappy story is what I want it to be!


Have you lost the will to resist?

The Lord of Truth did not expect that no one in this world would resist Him.

Even the local god whom he thought was pretty good didn't come out to fight him to the death.

Although the result will not change no matter what.

If that god fights him, even if the other side wins in the end, his purpose will be successful. If the other side loses, not to mention the result.

Unexpectedly, no one has come forward now.

This made him quite bored.

Then let's end it.

The Lord of Truth immediately headed towards the sky.

Swing the sickle!

The divine origin begins to leak out.

The first knife!

The Mang Continent was split into two!

The second knife!

The ocean was cut in half!

The third knife!

The Lost Mountains of Pangea broke off and sank!

At this point, the number of Eternal World Trees is less than half.

The world begins to collapse uncontrollably!

It's over. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The Lord of Truth looked at the mortals below in doom with great satisfaction, absorbing the fear coming from them.

It's time for Him to go back.

In this era, there is still Him outside in the past. Once they meet, His divinity may be covered or absorbed. Although they are both themselves, He does not think that His past self and Him in the future are the same individual.

Everything can only be known by going back to the past and looking at the changes in the future.

The autonomous divine incarnation of the Lord of Truth disappears.

He couldn't wait to feel the scene of time and space being reconstructed!


In a broken world where the earth was shattered and the entire continent was no longer visible, Tilana took Luo Xi and Floresia and moved to the part of the Mang Continent that originally had the Flowing Moon Tree that was split into two.

Luo Xi stood on the big pit that was supposed to be the 'Flowing Moon' tree.

Several source scriptures were floating around him. These source scriptures were all uncertain in light and dark, and it was obvious that they were about to be extinguished. Tilana's face also became very haggard.

There isn't much time left.

If Luo Xi's idea fails, then everyone will really die.

Have you thought about it? she asked.

Luo Xi chuckled: Do you still have a choice now?

don't want......

The girl on the ground opened her eyes at some point. She seemed to know that Luo Xi was going to do something extremely dangerous.

Luo Xi smiled at her: Goodbye, my mother dragon.

What was unexpected was that a new 'Frolesia' squeezed out from Floresia's forehead and pounced on Luo Xi.

I won't let you say goodbye alone, my boy.

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