Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 488: Juicing just because of the girl x Ai Xue’s revenge on the dragon lady (4k)

Senior, isn't this okay?

No more...really...not a drop left.

Luo Xi was weak, lying on the bed with dull eyes, looking at the girl in front of her who curled her lips, rubbed her slender white legs, and shook her heart-shaped thin tail, thinking that she had this day.

Ai Xue is also in the most petite state now, but in comparison, his body at the moment is even smaller. When the two of them do what they like to do, they both feel like they are betraying each other.

I have to say, it’s actually quite exciting.

Ai Xue sighed softly, stretched her body slightly, and lay straight next to Luo Xi.

Before she could get her energy up, the seniors were defeated.


Hmph, my senior was obviously very powerful before, why has he become such a loser now~

Why are you acting like a dog? Damn it. When I change back, I will definitely punish you, a little bitch...

Huh? Who is the dog text?

Well, it's that pink haired guy...

Forget it, forget it, I don't care who she is, senior, you are such a playboy, who knows what kind of beast-eared girl you have raised outside.

Ai Xue raised her head, reached out and touched Luo Xi's face, and said happily: Speaking of senior, am I taking the lead again? Wei'er probably hasn't done anything with such a senior, right?

That's true......

Luo Xi shrank his head.

After all, Maomao and the others had made an appointment at that time, and it was wrong of him to take action as a child.

It's just that in this eight-thousand-year era, Maomao and the others don't know if they have come. Ai Xue said that she has never found any trace of them. In addition, it has been too long since she has seen Luo Xi, and all the longing in her heart turned into a fiery passion. Emotions are the reason for the scene where dry firewood met the fierce fire and became like glue.

Luo Xi didn't control himself well either. He used his body that had just grown up a long time ago to force himself to do it.

It's just that it still doesn't work right now.

Ai Xue smiled charmingly and touched Luo Xi's cheek. Her charming little face seemed to reflect the light of the candlelight in the room: Such a senior has a different feeling. He is exactly the same as I am now. If the senior changes back, , I can’t stand it~”

The movements of her hands became more and more bold. Part of the power of the sacred tree from the Tree of Darkness was poured into Luo Xi's body, hoping that he would seize the time to recover.

It was just once, and she hadn't experienced enough. She didn't want to let her senior go and give it to Floresia.


Luo Xi's body trembled, she shrank, and said (??﹏?): Ai Xue, you pervert!

Ai Xue swung the heart-shaped tail behind her, looked at Luo Xi happily with her purple eyes, and said without blushing, Huh, even if I am a pervert, it was infected by you, senior. Senior, please give me some advice. , this is not enough, how are you going to deal with cats and the others besides me in the future.

In the Kingdom of Dark Night, succubi are originally one of the most common demon races. After she became the representative of the Tree of Dark Night, her body had changed before, and it deepened in that direction, so when she met someone like After getting married, desire becomes even more difficult to contain.

Your senior and I must have changed back by then!

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it~ But it probably will take a long time.

The charming atmosphere between the two people suddenly disappeared.

Luo Xi frowned and said, What's going on here?

Ai Xue dodged her eyes, but said in a relaxed tone: After that, the Kingdom of Dark Night will perform a nationwide undead ceremony, and then enter a complete blockade mode to avoid the possible extinction disaster that will come in the future. As the current Dark Night Kingdom, The pope and head of the church must personally preside over this ceremony, so we may not be able to see each other for a long time.

What did you say?!

Luo Xi shouted in shock.

He thought that after finding Ai Xue, the two of them could face the possible disaster together and find a way to go back.

Unexpectedly, when he didn't know about it, this elementary school girl did more and more big things, and now she has to bear such a big responsibility.

It's okay, senior.

Ai Xue chuckled and said: I have been mentally prepared for a long time. And senior, I have never told you that after I got the 'Messenger of the Dark Night' talent, I couldn't do it unless I had been doing missions in the Silent City for a long time. Come out? Later, I met a 'Dark Night Demon Emperor' there, and he gave me the task to obtain the sublimation path of the dark night.

Now that I think about it, I suddenly feel that the tone of the 'Night Demon Emperor' sounds so familiar.

Because, that person is myself, so of course it will sound familiar.

Luo Xi: ...

He remembered that when Ai Xue first came into contact with 'Dawn', he had adopted a carefree mode. He really knew very little about what happened to her.

Senior...you're not going to stop me, are you? Ai Xue tentatively asked in a low voice.

Luo Xi shook his head.

He laughed with some relief and said to himself: Time is indeed a closed loop. Is there a timeline from the beginning that has not been changed by us?

What the Black Dragon told him at that time was that if Liuyue revived and the timeline was corrected, Floresia would cease to exist.

However, when he came here, he discovered that when they returned to this era, they might be part of the continuously flowing timeline.

Some of the things they did were in contrast to some of the things of later generations.

There is an illusion of being arranged by some higher-dimensional being.

Luo Xi once read an article, which said that from the perspective of beings at high latitudes, the movement trajectory formed by people living in three-dimensional space is like a bug, whether it is the past, future or present, it is unified. , for existences at high latitudes, time can be flipped through at will, so even if the timeline suddenly travels back to the past at a certain moment, it will only be a truncation of the 'worm'.

According to Xing Ling, it is estimated that only some ancient gods in the void have such power. She is still far from the level of overlooking the timeline of the void.

So, behind the shadow behind him, is there a god more powerful than Star Bell, guiding everything in the dark?

When Luo Xi thought of this, he had the urge to make some plans. Just like in 'The Truman Show', the protagonist couldn't accept the fact that he was being held in captivity, nor could he accept that he was a tool of some great being. human possibility.

Senior? Senior?!

Ai Xue shouted twice in Luo Xi's ear.

Luo Xicai came out of his trance.

He laughed at himself that he was really going back as he lived.

So what about tool people.

The dog Wenwen he originally regarded as the possible mastermind behind the scenes now has an indescribable relationship with him. Even if a more powerful existence does appear, he might also be a white-haired pink-haired man with glutinous ice cream. Where's the little loli.

But do good deeds without worrying about your future...just have a clear conscience.

Ai Xue watched in confusion as Luo Xi's emotions fluctuated like a roller coaster.

What did the senior think about in this short period of time?

Luo Xi turned to look at her and said, Ai Xue, I won't stop you.


Ai Xue nodded silently.

That's fine.

Because whether Luo Xi agrees or not, she is not ready to give up this time.

Just think of it as...a small act of willfulness.

How many more days? Luo Xi asked in a low voice.

There are still about seven days.

Ai Xue came up to her, her charming little face was red, and she said softly: So senior, can you just stay here with me for another seven days? When the time is up, senior, you are going to have an affair with that Dragon Lady Frollesi I can’t control what Ya does.”

Luo Xi was silent for a while and nodded in agreement.

Ai Xue didn't make too many demands, she just wanted to exploit his young body. In fact, he had nothing to lose, at most he would be a little tired, so he would just go with her wishes this time.

Then Luo Xi suddenly thought of it.

Ai Xue is now in the smallest state, and her combat effectiveness can be said to be the weakest. When she gets bigger at dawn, then what will she do with herself...

Luo Xi looked at the girl's breasts, which did not rise much in this state, and Ai Xue's affectionate eyes, and swallowed.

The next seven days will not be easy.



Floresia put down the tea cup, stood up and wanted to go outside the tea room.

No, I'm going to find Xiao Luo Xi. Why do we need to talk about it in the bedroom for so long?

Miss, wait a minute. This is other people's territory. They are friends. We don't want to make it difficult for Luo Xi.

Mu Yu persuaded her eldest daughter to come back with her heartfelt words.

The bishop's expression was not right either. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the tea room.

It was indeed quite a long time, three hours.

What on earth was His Majesty the Pope doing taking that boy back to his room?

Even if the two of them are old friends, they can't chat in the room for three hours, and there are two guests outside. Isn't it inappropriate to just put them here?

Of course, he didn't believe what His Majesty the Pope would do to that boy.

In the entire Kingdom of Dark Night, under the iron fist and severe blows of the Pope, a bunch of perverted nobles were slaughtered, and she herself was the last person to do those things.


The tea room door was pushed open.

Ai Xue walked in with a rosy face and a proud look, obviously the kind of woman who has been nourished.

Luo Xi's face was a little pale. When he came in, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Little Luo Xi!

Floresia rushed up to hug him and put him in her arms to comfort him.

What’s wrong with you?

It's okay, I'm just a little tired.

Luo Xi said weakly.

Floresia: ...

She looked at Ai Xue, who was sitting down to drink tea, and said angrily: What did you do to Xiao Luo Xi! How could he become like this!

What did you do? Ha.

Ai Xue glanced at Floresia's foul level snow white.

My normal self during the day is not as good as her.

She is simply an anime girl who came out of the second dimension. No wonder the seniors will always miss her and pursue her to this era.

Luo Xi winked at Ai Xue crazily.

Don't talk nonsense!

Otherwise, Floresia would definitely have to think about it.

Ai Xue seemed a little puzzled and asked: What else can we do? We just did what lovers should do, are you right, senior?


Floresia suddenly felt like she was struck by lightning.

Luo Xi is in mourning.

Pull the switch.

The long-lost Xiluo Field feels like it’s coming again.

He wants to conquer this Dragon Lady later. Ai Xue, you are making it more difficult for me.

Ai Xue looked at the two of them, and her heart moved. She touched her belly deliberately, and said intentionally or unintentionally: I wonder if it is possible to be pregnant with the senior's child? If she is born, what will her name be? What about Luo Xiaoxue? Sample?

Luo Xi: ...

The little devil school girl is killing her now!

Floresia already felt like crying.

Without her knowledge, her child was... defiled by others.

What a mother she is doing is incompetent at all!

I have to go to the bathroom.

Floresia put Luo Xi down and went to the bathroom of the tea room with a gloomy face.

Mu Yu happily ate the melon. She looked at Luo Xi and then at the rosy-faced Ai Xue. Is it okay to be so young?

It's such a pity that the eldest lady obviously had so many opportunities, but in the end she was overtaken by others.

But it seems that the two of them are very complicated. Did they have this kind of relationship before?

So the eldest lady is the one who comes later?

The more Mu Yu thought about it, the more her head hurt, so she just lay down and pretended to sleep. She couldn't care about the eldest lady's affairs. She would just go to the bridge as soon as the boat arrived.

Senior, senior.

Ai Xue put on a winner's smile with ease and made a scissors gesture towards Luo Xi.

I win this time!

The future Red Dragon Lady and Cat Aina were both afraid at first, but the positions between Floresia and her in this era were completely reversed.

Who is afraid and who wants to argue?

Luo Xi said helplessly: Why are you competing with her?


Ai Xue said proudly: I'm going to compete. She used to take advantage of you, senior, without any explanation. This is my revenge on her! During this time, I will also let her see you, senior, being ooxxed by me. An expression of helpless humiliation.”

Luo Xi almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

He felt like his head had been run over by a car.

How did Ai Xue become like this?

Mu Yu, who was lying on the table, also shook his body.

Is this the Pope of the Kingdom of Dark Night?

Learned a lot.

The bishop in the tea room no longer dared to speak, and was silently serving tea and water to several people.

All the actions of His Majesty the Pope had their own meaning, and he heard nothing.

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