Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 486: Little Shota Luo Xi wants to capture the future Mother Dragon (4k)

I won't leave you.

Luo Xi responded softly. He didn't know how many times he had said this.

But he knew that the girl behind him, just like the girl he met at the beginning, and Maomao and the others, just needed a simple promise.

Even if this promise may not be fulfilled.

After Luo Xi responded, her delicate body clinging to his body trembled slightly, and then Luo Xi heard a hmm sound as thin as a mosquito's groan, as well as the heat of her body rising sharply behind her.

Mu Yu, who was not far away, glanced towards the corner of the lake. The dense trees were blown by the wind, and a pile of dense mist rose from the lakeside under the moonlight.

Miss, are you heating hot water? In this weather, you don't need hot water, right?

The maid was a little confused, but she ignored it and leaned over to deal with the clothes the two of them had thrown away casually.

Really, how can clothes be thrown around?

In the lake, Floresia's face was flushed, and clouds of steam floated from her head. She finally realized what an outrageous thing she had done again, and she wanted to let go of Luo Xi in her arms. , but if you let go in such a hurry, will it hurt this child's heart?

After all, she was the one who brought them in.

Oh, he doesn't seem to be a real child.

By the way, how old is he?

Are you dating a man who is mentally mature...

The more Floresia thought about it, the more ashamed she felt, and she was about to let go of her hand.

But before she completely let go of her hand, Luo Xi suddenly turned around in her slippery arms, leaned forward, and placed his chin on her white feet floating on the water, looking down with a pair of pitch black eyes. Looking at her, he said seriously:

So, Lecia, can you tell me what happened in these years?

Floresia was stunned for a moment, and then said with some dissatisfaction: What's it about Lecia...you have to call me mother. This is a long story. Let's talk about who will teach you later.

Luo Xi tilted her head and asked curiously: Would it be more exciting to call me mom?

What's more exciting...No, Xiao Luoxi, what are you thinking about?

Floresia turned her head away from looking at Luo Xi who was resting on top of her, Isn't that what you called me from the beginning?

Luo Xicai remembered that when he saw her for the first time, he called her that name according to his past habits.

So is this still his own fault?

Although it does feel quite exciting. (cross out)

Fortunately, Gou Wenwen is not here, otherwise he would definitely jump out and complain about him now.

Luo Xi moved forward and got closer. The soft and delicate body in the water made him fascinated, and he instinctively wanted to get closer.

It's too close, why... Floresia wanted to push him away.

Luo Xi whispered: Mother Lecia.

Hey hey hey~

Floresia suddenly had a silly smile on her face.

She didn't know why, even though she knew that Luo Xi might be older than her, she was very happy when she heard Luo Xi call her mother.

The girl's smiling face also made Luo Xi feel a little distracted for a moment.

Like the clear sky after the rain, pure and transparent, a pair of beautiful eyebrows curved into two shallow crescents, the pupils that turned from light red to light gold revealed a bright light, coupled with that delicate face, Luo Xi could not move at all. Don't open your eyes.

Even though the fine scales on her neck seemed a bit abrupt, these scales also added to her already extraordinarily beautiful appearance, adding a coquettish beauty that didn't belong to human beings.

But compared to her in the future, there seems to be something missing.

Luo Xi remembered.

Probably missing the dragon horns and the dragon tail.

Other than that, there is not much difference between the current Floresia and the future one.

Xiao Luoxi, why do you look at me like this?

Under Luo Xi's gaze, Floresia said in a panic.

She could feel that there was a very passionate emotion in Luo Xi's eyes when he looked at her, a bit like Iroh, the son of Duke Kelly's family who came to find her before, the kind that wanted to strip her naked. Eaten cleanly... No, that guy Iroh, how can he compare with Xiao Luo Xi!

Suddenly, her vision blurred. The boy in her arms seemed to have turned into a handsome young man in an instant.

Thick heat was conducted from his body towards him.

The constant pain caused by the alienation factor in her body was relieved a lot.

Floresia's eyes gradually became lost.

So, the hand she originally wanted to let go of suddenly tightened her grip even harder.

Luo Xi: (⊙x⊙)

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have grown up a little bit?

Floresia also frowned in surprise.


The girl groped towards the water with her hands.

Luo Xi: Ah!

Floresia: Ah!

The two of them exclaimed at the same time.

What happened?!

Mu Yu hurriedly threw away her clothes and ran over from behind the woods, and then saw the two people hugging each other tightly in the water, wearing nothing.

The moon is so full today.

Mu Yu turned around and left with a nonchalant expression, wondering what the eldest lady was doing. She had been locked up in the mansion for too long, so she couldn't help it after seeing Luo Xi?

I promised to develop it. .

Although judging from the past situation, Luo Xi may always be like that.

How to do how to do.

Floresia's body was buried in the water, only her little head was exposed, and she muttered:

What will Mu Yu think of me?

Luo Xi floated beside her, dumbfounded.

Then, with a strange look on his face, he groped under the water of the lake.

Good guy...

Since being resurrected by the dog text, he has maintained the body of a seven-year-old. After interacting with Floresia, he showed signs of growth for the first time.

It’s just weird not to grow taller first or something!

However, why did he suddenly grow up?

The divine influence of the Star Bell?

Probably not, otherwise during the few years he spent in her divine kingdom, bathing in her divine power every day, he would have grown up long ago.

So, it's from Floresia...

Luo Xi looked thoughtfully at the girl next to him who was still mumbling something, with steam rising crazily from her head.

In the dream game co-constructed by Gray Dream and Ysera, although he ended up taking the cat route, the 'females' of several other possible routes all entrusted his soul traits. This is also what happened later. The dog text can use cats and the others as a guide to bring back the reason why he died because of the evil god.

Theoretically speaking, what he lacks now is something from the future Floresia.

Although this Floresia is also Floresia, eight thousand years have passed and the origin of life has changed so much, from a human to a dragon. What he wants, this Floresia Lecia shouldn't be able to give it.

But this is just Luo Xi's guess.

Maybe it can?

Floresia only treated him as a pure child at first, but once there were signs of deterioration in something like love, everything that followed would be a matter of course.

The corners of Luo Xi's mouth raised slightly.

So, give it a try.

Even if it doesn't work, it's not a loss, right?

No matter what the future will be like or when the danger will come, since it has come, you can't live in worry all day long, otherwise people will collapse sooner or later.

Mom Lecia, let's go on trips and adventures to various places together, right?

The girl who was still spitting bubbles paused, then nodded silently.

This was what she was thinking about, otherwise there would be no point in escaping from the City of Prayer.

Xiao Luoxi, have you finished washing? Floresia said in a weak voice.

Well, it's almost done.

Luo Xi looked at her and smiled: Mother Lecia, I have a small request.

Say it, no matter what it is, mom will make it for you!

As soon as Floresia heard Luo Xi's request, she immediately stood up and wanted to pat her chest to confirm. But halfway through the patting, she remembered that she was still naked, so she dived into the water again.

Luo Xi had already walked to the shore. He put on the clothes that Mu Yu had placed beside him, squatted on the shore, held his chin and looked at the girl in the water with a smile, and said:

During the trip, I want to see you, Mother Lecia, wearing all kinds of beautiful clothes, such as white skirts, black skirts and stockings.

Floresia: Just... like this?

She already likes to wear different clothes, so this request is like nothing to her.

that's all.

Although Luo Xi also wanted to say that she could try wearing bunny girl costumes, for example, she thought about it and forgot about it. In this dream world of alienation patients, those costumes that represent interest are more like a kind of love. human insult.

Floresia said confidently: Then next time I go to Xincheng to buy clothes, I will wear them for you, little Luo Xi!

Luo Xi smiled and nodded to express his expectation.

Um...I want to get dressed too, little Luo Xi, can you come over a little bit? Floresia said to Luo Xi on the shore with some trepidation.

Although they had already met each other frankly, and even touched places they shouldn't have touched, it was still embarrassing to be watched changing clothes like this.

Then I'll go find Mu Yu first.

Luo Xi stood up and walked towards the forest.

Wait a minute, little Luo Xi, there's something mom hasn't told you yet.

Floresia stopped Luo Xi, hesitated for a moment, and then said: After you were killed by my grandfather's shadow guard, a mysterious girl appeared. She saved us and said that she and you were friends. From the same place, she’s been looking for you.”

Luo Xi's body froze, and she turned around anxiously: Who is she? What does she look like?

Maomao, Aina, Aixue, Feiya...

They were the only ones following him at that time.

Could it be one of them?

The longing that had been suppressed for a long time erupted like a volcano.

It was also the first time for Floresia to see Luo Xi like this. She thought about it seriously and said, I also forgot a little, but she is very beautiful. She seems to be called Xiao Luo Xi... What a senior.

Senior...that's Ai Xue.

Luo Xi raised her hand and touched her face tremblingly, I didn't expect that Liuyue would not only send me here, but I could only struggle to navigate this world. Ai Xue must be even harder. Damn it, I thought only Mine......

This is why Luo Xi never thought of looking for Maomao and the others.

Since Ai Xue is here, where are Wei'er and the others?

Will he be thrown into this world and then die miserably in an unknown corner...

Seeing Luo Xi's devastated expression, Floresia suddenly regretted telling him about that incident. Not to mention that the girl might come to snatch little Luo Xi from her. The most important thing was that Luo Xi was like this It was uncomfortable, and she looked uncomfortable.

Without thinking too much, she swam over from the lake. Regardless of her undressed body, she hugged Luo Xi directly and said in a firm voice: I will also accompany you and will never give up on you. , if you want to find someone, let’s go together, tomorrow!”

The soft hair with a lot of lake water slid across Luo Xi's face, feeling ice-cold.

Luo Xi finally recovered from his trance.

He looked up at Floresia's pretty face, and most of the haze in his heart was dispelled.

It is not that he has no foundation in this world now, he is drifting with the tide like a rootless duckweed. UU reading www.uukanshu.net


I told you to call—

Luo Xi suddenly raised her head and bit her delicate lips.

! Floresia's pupils shrank suddenly.

Miss, are you okay? You may catch a cold if you soak for too long...

Because it took too long, Mu Yu, who wanted to come over and see what was going on over there, opened her eyes wide and looked at the scene that shocked her.

It’s too late. Is the eldest lady really going to become a master of some kind?

The maid covered her eyes and walked back.

I did not see anything.

Floresia gently pushed Luo Xi away, her face completely red. While she looked at Luo Xi with shame, she wanted to chase Mu Yu, but then she remembered that she was not wearing clothes yet.

Mu Yu, that's not the case! It was Xiao Luo Xi, he was the first...

Miss, you have to be honest.

Mu Yu's voice floated from behind the forest, I definitely support your affairs. Why don't we discuss the marriage between you and Luo Xi, eldest lady?


Floresia was on the verge of tears and found that she could not explain herself at all.

From Mu Yu's perspective, Luo Xi seemed like a helpless child. If she hadn't allowed it or forced her, how could the two of them have kissed each other and hugged each other.

Xiao Luoxi, you are still smiling! Come on, come on, I have to get dressed.

Floresia rolled her eyes at Luo Xi, who was still smiling.

Luo Xi knew that he was in the wrong, so he could only enter the forest with his head in his hands.

This time, unlike the one in the dream, he would take the initiative to attack.


One more chapter

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