Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 485 Floresia: That kind of thing is not possible! We meet again after a long separation (4k)

A back alley in the lower city of the city.

Mu Yu's scalp was numb as he looked at the crack that was torn open in the sky.

The Blessing Glory was destroyed two hours ago.

This is the second time in a short period of time.

What happened in the mansion?

It can be seen that Mu Yu's gray hair is dirty. It is obvious that her life has not been easy these years. In the lower city area, the simple life of a sublimator like her is not a big problem, but there are always little people in the mansion. People came and targeted her.

Miss, don't let anything happen to you...

Mu Yu took two steps towards the alleyway ahead.

At the end of the back alley is a gate, with a line of guards in full gear guarding it. The faint silver light forms the second protective barrier of the inner city mansion.

Going forward from the Lower City is the area of ​​the Duke's Residence.

In the past, she had a pass that allowed her to come and go at will, but now her status as a maid in the mansion has been taken back, and she has become a commoner in the lower city, with no way to return to the mansion.

Therefore, no matter how urgent the situation inside was, she could only stare here without a chance to take a look.

I heard today that Duke Kelly's son is coming to marry the eldest lady, but with the eldest lady's character, she turned herself into an alienator in order to escape from marriage last time. Who knows what horrifying things she will do this time .

No matter, she must go in today!

Mu Yu gritted her teeth, and she was ready to clear the card.

Although she knew what the consequences would be.

But if she stayed here, she was afraid that she would regret it for the rest of her life.


Suddenly, a familiar and gentle voice sounded behind her.

who is it?!

Mu Yu turned back with a sullen face.

In an instant, the expression of this simple gray-haired girl wearing a simple robe changed from fierce to shocked, and then to surprise.

Miss, why are you here?

The person who came was none other than Floresia.

At this moment, her white satin dress hung down to her snow-white ankles, her long red hair was tied behind her, and she ran over with small steps.

The two hugged each other and cried with joy.

Since being brought back by her grandfather that year, she has been like a canary kept in a cage and has never seen Mu Yu again. Today, when we meet again after a long absence, the girl's eyes that were red from seeing Luo Xi burst into tears again. The unstoppable flow.

Miss, why did you come out?

Mu Yu gently stroked Floresia's back. Although she was very happy, her first thought was that the eldest lady had escaped from the mansion in some way.

Miss, I'll find a way to send you out first! Mu Yu took action immediately.

no, I'm fine.

Floresia smiled lightly, pulled a child over from behind and said, Muyu, look who this is?

A child?

Mu Yu glanced casually.

However, upon seeing this, she suddenly froze on the spot and said in disbelief: Luo... Luo Xi?

Luo Xi could be said to be the most beautiful child she had ever seen, and they had been together for three years, so even after eight or nine years, she could still think of Luo Xi immediately.

But isn't Luo Xi already dead?

She saw it with her own eyes.

Hello, sister Muyu, I'm back.

Luo Xi also smiled and nodded at Mu Yu.

This little maid took care of him for three years during those three years of travel, and the two of them became very familiar.

After returning to this world, he was very happy to see Mu Yu still alive.

Xiao Luoxi! You are still alive!

Mu Yu shouted happily, she bypassed Floresia and directly hugged Luo Xi in her arms.

Xiao Luoxi, how did you come back to life? There are no parts missing anywhere on your body.

Hey, why are you still so little? It's been almost ten years.

Let me be healthy...

Luo Xi: (ヾ????)Yada!

Mu Yu, what are you doing!

Floresia pulled Luo Xi back and protected him in her arms, preventing Mu Yu from touching him again.

Mu Yu narrowed her eyes and smiled: Miss, are your training plans still in progress?

Floresia said angrily: What are you talking about! There is no such thing!


A cold cough sounded.

Luo Xi and the others turned to look at the black-haired woman next to them, as if they had been splashed with a basin of ice water.

When Mu Yu found out who it was, she was surprised and said, Are you Mu...?

The woman who initially said she would join their adventure group, but disappeared not long after, and no one knew where she went, did not expect to see her again today.

it's me.

Bahamut looked at the group of humans who were already immersed in the joy of reunion, rolled his eyes and said: Lecia, I found the people for you. Let's go back there first. It's getting dark now. , it’s time to have dinner. After dinner, I have to go back and work overtime. I don’t have time to watch you engage in such boring family dramas. And if you humans really see each other, why do you have to think about so many things? If you like it, you must wait. Will you regret it at some point?

Luo Xi: ...

Why does this Black Dragon Emperor act like a mother-in-law and instigate others to do illegal things?

Floresia was also a little dazed.

She blushed and glanced at Luo Xi, who was a head and a half shorter than herself.

If you like it... just go on?

Can not be done.

Although she does like Xiao Luo Xi, in her opinion, it should be a pure family affection, not mixed with other messy emotions.

Floresia has always thought of herself this way.

It wasn't until she later learned that Luo Xi was not as young as she appeared that she realized something was wrong.

Also, she still doesn’t know what Luo Xi’s true origin is.

Be sure to ask him carefully at night!

Then let's go.

Bahamut waved his hand and took the three people into the air. While smashing the protective light in the sky, they disappeared within the scope of the Prayer City in a few flashes.


The night wind was blowing on the lake, and the four of them were flipping skewers over the fire, as if they had returned to the days when they first met that year.

Mu Yu glanced at the people present and said with a smile, No one seems to have changed much.

No matter it is Luo Xi or the eldest lady, they still look the same, and this sister Mu is still as beautiful as before.

Yes, nothing has changed. Mu Yu, your craftsmanship is still as good as before.

Bahamut was enjoying the barbecue. It had been a long time since she had eaten human food, and she almost couldn't restrain the rioting power in her body.

If you look from a high altitude, you will find that there are dense black space cracks forming above this valley. This is a sign that this continent is repelling the strongest.

Floresia picked up a glass of wine and touched it with Bahamut, then poured it into her stomach. Her face turned red and she said, If it's delicious, eat more. I have to thank you, Sister Mu, for bringing Xiaoluo this time. Xi brought it back and saved me.

Bahamut chuckled and said, You're welcome. Am I not a member of your Candlelight Adventure Group? Helping your friends is what you should do.

Floresia was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: Yes, we are partners, so sister Mu, next we want to restart the journey of our Candlelight Adventure Group, not only the Mang Continent, but also the Pan-Continent, and We also want to go to Chen Continent and even the legendary mermaid kingdom in the two oceans. Are you interested in coming with us?

As much as I'd love to go with you.

Bahamut sighed softly: But it's no longer possible. It was still possible ten years ago. Now my ability has exceeded the upper limit of this continent. Although it will be fine in a short period of time, over time, it will be harmful to the world. causing irreversible effects.”

So, your journey still depends on you. I also have very important things to do.

Floresia: Are you in such a hurry?

In fact, she didn't quite understand what this super powerful sister Mu was talking about.

She also doesn't know her true identity.

But she could hear the helplessness in Sister Mu's tone.

It’s not that I don’t want to go.

I can't go.

Yes. Bahamut said helplessly, It's almost time.


Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky, and a small black crack suddenly lengthened and spread towards the center of the lake.

Bahamut raised his hand and punched upwards. While blasting away the cracks, his golden dragon eyes stared at the sky and said, Okay, okay, I'll just leave. Why are you urging me?

Then that's it this time.

She stood up, took something out of her arms, pointed it at Luo Xi, and a stream of black and gold light entered his body.

Here's this for you. I was in a hurry last time and forgot to give Luo Xi your protective items, otherwise you wouldn't have encountered that bad thing.

Luo Xi touched his chest.

No special feeling.

But the things the Black Dragon Emperor sent must be good things.

Bahamut said: As soon as the cooling time for me to come down has passed, I will come back to you. See you next time.

Goodbye. Luo Xi said.

Goodbye. Floresia and Mu Yu also said together.

The two of them were a little regretful that they were missing a traveling companion, but they felt that a combination of three of them was the norm.

A gust of wind blew, making the bonfire much more vigorous.

Wow, it's burnt!

Xiao Luoxi, eat quickly.

When the dinner after the reunion of the three of them was over, Mu Yu asked to take a shower.

Go over there, there are trees covering it. Floresia pointed to the right corner of the lake.

Mu Yu said nonchalantly: It's okay if you don't cover it up. There are no outsiders here anyway.

Although that's true...

Floresia lowered her head and glanced at Luo Xi, who was still eating meat skewers.

Luo Xi noticed her gaze and tilted her head, her cute eyes were extremely pure.

This made Floresia feel a little ashamed.

What were you thinking about before?

Xiao Luoxi~ Do you want to come together? she asked.


Luo Xigang wanted to refuse, but under Floresia's resentful eyes, he felt uncomfortable all over.


Anyway, this kind of thing doesn’t happen once or twice. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

When Floresia heard Luo Xi agree, she giggled at the little maid beside her and said, Hehehehe, then Mu Yu, you go first, Xiao Luo Xi and I will go together later.

Yes, ma'am.

After Mu Yu agreed, he looked at his master whom he had not seen for a long time with a strange expression.

After such a long time, the eldest lady seems to have sunk deeper.

It's a pity that if Luo Xi came today as a grown-up, he might not be able to take care of the next generation of the eldest lady in a short time, right?


Here here!

After Floresia entered the lake naked, she waved to Luo Xi and asked him to come down quickly.

Luo Xi's eyes unconsciously drifted up to the girl's defenseless chest.

The snow is white...

Little Luo Xi?

Floresia followed Luo Xi's gaze and found out what he was looking at, and covered her chest shyly.

Luo Xi turned her head, trying to show that she didn't mean it.

Floresia asked again: What are you turning your head for?

Luo Xi: ?

Who in the family understands—


After a soft cry, Floresia suddenly took away her hand on her chest, pulled Luo Xi out of the water, and held her in her arms.

Luo Xi subconsciously tried to struggle, but she touched something. Her hand seemed to be electrocuted and she wanted to take it away, but was held tightly.

A husky voice of a sobbing girl sounded in his ears.

Please don't leave me. I have no family left to lose...

In the cold lake water, hot tears couldn't stop falling on his neck.

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