Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 479: The future bet with Xing Ling, the girl who is no longer a puppet (Four K)


Xing Ling didn't know where this mortal got his honeyed confidence.

No matter who she chooses as her agent, isn't it her decision?

Can you still control our will?

Do we have to choose you, a mortal who disrespects the gods?

Hum, just wait to experience endless regrets in the future time and space, you miscellaneous fish! (〃> dishes<)!

The pink-haired loli kept reminding herself in her heart that if it was as this mortal said, that he traveled across the entire time in the endless void and came to the past, then she would definitely not be able to choose this guy in the future!

Luo Xi saw that the female brat seemed to be very dissatisfied, and her heart moved, and she said with a smile:

How about we make a bet? Lord God.


The pink-haired loli looked over suspiciously.

Luo Xi's cute little white face had a slight smile on her lips, like a cunning little fox.

hiss! —

Xing Ling subconsciously wanted to refuse.

There must be a ghost!

Not being able to read minds is a real problem.

With her meager experience and the fact that she had skipped many important courses related to Psychology of Mortal Spirits in school, she could not judge at all when faced with a mortal like Luo Xi who was not affected by divinity. Find out what Luo Xi is thinking.

Damn it, if I had known better, I shouldn't have skipped so many classes...

In her impression, she remembered that the teacher seemed to have said that although mortal spirits do not have endless lifespan, their wisdom is not necessarily weaker than that of gods. Therefore, when getting along with mortal spirits, one must maintain their status as gods, otherwise Some crazy mortals may have thoughts of killing and blaspheming gods...

Although she seemed unable to maintain her status in front of this mortal.

When Luo Xi met her before, he was obviously ridiculed by her formal way of speaking, as if he knew her original character very well.

No way, could it be that my future self really has such a good relationship with a mortal?

But isn’t my future self and him a subordinate relationship between gods and agents?

Luo Xi held her chin and said thoughtfully: Could it be that, Lord God, you are afraid?

The pink-haired loli was immediately furious: How could we be afraid of a mortal like you! Tell me, what's the bet? I want you to know the consequences of going against God!

Luo Xi suddenly felt that the dog text at this time seemed a bit... deceptive.

He pointed at himself and said: The person you choose to bet on in the future can only be me, and it will only be me.

Confident enough.

Xingling narrowed her eyes: So, what's the bet?

Luo Xi said without thinking: The bet is a requirement, and it must be completed within your ability to complete it. How about it?

Xing Ling crossed her arms and hugged her chest, and sneered: Then what if you lose?

Luo Xi spread his hands and said casually: If I lose, then I will lose everything I have now. If you still want me to fulfill my bet at that time, then I can't give you anything, at most I can give you A life.”

This...it's useless even if we kill you.

The pink-haired loli blinked her light pink starry eyes.

This guy seems to be right.

She felt slightly uneasy in her heart.

This mortal said it with a serious look and was so confident. Could it be that my future self really had to choose him as my representative for some reason?

Logically speaking, no matter who she chooses, it should be based on her will.

However, if I didn't choose him, how did he come back here?

Ahhhhh! This kind of thing involving changes in the timeline would literally kill her as a 'poor student' who didn't study well in school.

So, Lord God, are you still afraid?

A faint child's voice floated from the front, with a hint of mockery in its tone.

The pink-haired loli suddenly became excited and said, Just bet! If we choose you in the future, we will be dogs!


Luo Xi wants to say that you are originally a dog text.

But after thinking about it, I still didn’t say it.

There are some things that are meaningless to say, and in fact Luo Xi is not completely sure.

He doesn't know whether he is following the path of destiny in the established history, or whether he has created a new line of time and destiny.

If this timeline were brand new...

Will Xing Ling really not choose him?

Such thoughts passed through Luo Xi's mind in just a moment.

Luo Xi smiled slightly at the pink-haired lolita: Then let's wait and see.

Xing Ling was a little flustered, but quickly calmed down.

For Luo Xi, what he experienced is in the past.

For her, it is the future.

Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

We are now heading towards the direction where you originally called us at full speed.

Xingling said with a cold face: Fortunately, the distance is not very far. It will take some time to get there. Then we will find a way to send you back to Dahanhan's world.

Luo Xi frowned and said, How long is a period of time? Calculated by the standards of that world.

These gods with infinite lifespans probably have abnormal perception of time.

If it had taken hundreds of years over there, the day lilies wouldn't have been cold by the time they arrived.

The pink-haired loli calculated: Let's think about it, maybe... nine or ten years?

I knew it.

Luo Xi was speechless, raised his head and wanted to lie down.

Ten years is enough time for many changes to occur.

After his 'death', I don't know what happened to Floresia and Mu Yu. Maybe they were both taken back by her family and forced to marry.

The pink-haired loli also sighed: We also want to go over there quickly to see Dahanhan's situation, but there is no way, and it is still close. You have to know that the void is infinite, and there is no such thing as us in the world over there. It’s an anchor point, and you can’t even travel through it.”

Just wait.

Anyway, it will be fine after eight thousand years, and it won't be destroyed so quickly now.


Dream world.

August of the year 3115 of the Tire calendar.

In the wilderness near the sea in the Tianguang Empire, two women, one behind the other, were tired of their travels, and were moving quickly on the road between cities.

These two people are Floresia and Mu Yu.

Floresia was still so petite, her height did not match the proud whiteness of her chest, and Mu Yu still looked like a maid.

A year has passed since Luo Xi was killed by the Shadow Guard. After they left the Kingdom of Dark Night and came to Tianguang, they have been traveling around various cities, staying in each place for a few days.

Although the girl said that little Luo Xi was actually in her twenties, she didn't care about the so-called age at all. That child was one of the most important people in her life.

It’s nice to have someone to travel with.

Floresia had decided that no matter what the woman who claimed to be Xiao Luo Xi's 'favorite' was telling the truth or not, she would still insist on traveling across this continent.

Even if you have to pay a huge price for this.

Floresia looked down at her belly and gently lifted her clothes.

There is a hideous scar on her snow-white lower abdomen, which destroys the beauty of the skin. This is an injury caused by a sneak attack by an origin beast in the wilderness last month. She was almost disemboweled and died on the spot.

Her strength has reached the peak of the third level of sublimation.

But facing the high-level source beasts that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness, her strength is far from enough. The hunters who are tracking them in the dark like jackals are even more irresistible opponents for her.

Not to mention grandpa and brother... No, they are no longer his relatives.

Floresia was so sad that she couldn't breathe when she thought about her two 'family members' who were supposed to be her closest friends.

Mu Yu whispered from the side: Miss, the Tianguang Empire is close to the coast, and it seems that ships are being built everywhere. Should we consider going to sea?

Well, you can go and have a look.

Floresia has also seen those ships, which are actually made of the trunk of the sacred tree as the main body of the tree, which can ensure sufficient safety and stability when sailing on the sea.

Like the Kingdom of Dark Night, the country of Tianguang seems to have gone crazy. In one year, it demolished a hundred trees and built many ships, not knowing what to do.

After the Kingdom of Dark Night united the city a year ago, I heard that a bunch of nobles had rebelled, but they were all suppressed by the new Pope with iron-blooded means, completing a major purge of internal forces.

The current Kingdom of Dark Night is no longer a paradise for those old perverts. It has truly become a 'dead land' that can only be entered and cannot be exited.

Is she the pope of the Kingdom of Dark Night?

Floresia recalled the black-haired girl who easily brought them down and killed the shadow guard.

Xiao Luoxi actually met her.

What has he experienced in his past?

Why did he fall from the sky?

I can't think about it anymore...

She missed that child a little.

Let's go to sea.

Floresia said.

The two of them headed towards a medium-sized city in Tianguang along the coast.

However, as they approached the city gate, an accident happened.

An old man suddenly appeared outside the city gate. His expression was neither happy nor sad, and he looked straight at Floresia and Mu Yu who came over.

The moment Floresia saw him, her whole body suddenly felt like she had fallen into an ice cave.


Your Majesty the Duke... Mu Yu said softly with his body trembling slightly.

The eldest lady's parents died while fighting against an archbishop of the Church of Calamity when she was very young, so the old Duke inherited the position of Duke and personally raised the eldest lady and her brother.

No matter for the eldest lady, or for myself, just seeing this old Duke makes me unable to walk.

That is the fear of those in high positions engraved deep in the soul.

Lecia, and Mu Yu, you disappoint me very much.

The old Duke stared at the two of them and said indifferently: Since Eric didn't bring you back, it seems that he is already in danger, right? Forget it, a waste who can't complete such a simple task will die if he dies. , but you have been playing outside for four years, you should have had enough, now come back with me.

Floresia bit her lip and said, I don't want to.

If she goes back now, she will definitely never come out again, and will only be imprisoned in the room, like a caged bird unable to fly.

You have no right to say you don't want to.

The old Duke sneered: Since you were a child, everything you want, no matter what it is, has been provided to you free of charge by the family. Now, it's time for you to dedicate yourself to your brother and the family. You want to Are you going to evade your responsibilities?

If your parents were still alive, they would be ashamed of you!

Mom and dad will never think of me like this, they... they...

Floresia wanted to refute, but she was shocked to find that she had already forgotten the memories of getting along with her parents.

The old Duke looked back at the city behind him.

After a while, he said earnestly: My dear granddaughter, you don't know that the entire Mang Continent is now in crisis. Dark Night, Tianguang, and Cangfeng are all trying to save themselves, and we must also save ourselves. The prerequisite is to let your brother If we become the new head of the country, otherwise, when most of the large forces are reshuffled and reorganized afterwards, our family may be doomed.

Your Excellency Duke, you...you are committing moral kidnapping! Mu Yu finally couldn't help but said.

She remembered that this was what the child Luo Xi once said.


The old Duke snorted coldly, and Mu Yu's eyes suddenly darkened, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Mu Yu!

Floresia cried out sadly and leaned down to support Mu Yu.

Grandpa, you are coming to me and it has nothing to do with her!

The old Duke said meaningfully: Don't worry, she is not dead, but as your direct maid, she has led you around for so long, which violates the maid's duties. If Lecia, you are not willing to go back with me, Then, I can only execute her.

Floresia was silent for a long time this time, and then said: Okay, Grandpa and I will go back, but I want to know what you want me to do.

Son, aren't you just afraid of marrying those ugly and old people?

A smile appeared on the old Duke's face and he said: This is human nature. It was Grandpa's fault that he didn't think about your feelings before. But this time, Grandpa has found a very handsome young man for you. He My father is Grand Duke Kelly, and Duke Kelly has promised me that as long as I marry you to his son, he will do his best to help us in the battle for the title of king.

Duke Kelly...

Floresia smiled miserably.

Grandpa is so clever, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net That person is the most staunch neutralist. He originally refused to get close to anyone, but he didn't expect to be persuaded by grandpa.

He also became a bargaining chip for the exchange of interests between them.

Think about it, without this kind of marriage as a binding method, he wouldn't believe grandpa's promise, right?

The old duke smiled and said: There is still plenty of time, so don't rush. Maybe Lecia will be very satisfied with this engagement in the future. It is now 3115, and there are still eight or nine years until the day when the king of the country changes. After returning, You and Duke Kelly’s grandson should have a good chat to enhance your relationship.”

Grandpa, I love my granddaughter the most. The old Duke laughed.

Hehe, hehe...

Floresia reluctantly followed the old Duke's laughter and twitched her face twice.

In her eyes, this old man was no longer the amiable family member, but seemed to have turned into a devil.

However, there are still so many years.

so far so good.

She is not a puppet and will not be manipulated.

If she hadn't seen the brilliance of this world and experienced the taste of freedom, maybe she would have followed her grandfather's request and done something she didn't want to do against her own will.

Now, she wants to do something she can to resist.


In the year 3115 of the Tire Calendar, the granddaughter of the Duke of Moro ended her four-year flight and returned to the City of Remembrance.

On the Mang Continent, countless hunters and adventurers chasing bounties beat their feet and chests, wailing for those generous rewards.


Hey, Fox is going to work overtime tomorrow, and the higher-ups are coming to check, but the work unit just sent half of us over, so I’ll probably only have one chapter tomorrow, sorry.

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