Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 478: The journey continues, the temptation of ice cream, common mortals really bow their hea

Dream world.

Ashe walked to Floresia's side.

From the expressions of Floresia and the maid next to her, she read a result that she could not accept.

Senior... Luo Xi, is he gone? Ai Xue asked in a low voice.


Floresia remained silent, but after hearing the name 'Luo Xi', her body trembled slightly, and she raised her empty eyes to look at the girl with black hair and purple eyes.

I'm sorry, I didn't protect him... What is your... relationship with him?


Mu Yu held Floresia's hand tightly.

Behind him, the middle-aged man said angrily to Ai Xue who ignored him: Who are you? I am the chief shadow guard of Duke Moro in the Kingdom of Gold's Memorial City! I am currently on a mission to bring back the eldest daughter of the Duke's family. Please Don’t stop me, or you will suffer the consequences!”

Did he do it?

Ai Xue said suddenly.

Mu Yu: Yes...

The middle-aged man felt bad and already wanted to run away.

Suddenly, a strong killing intent burst out from the girl in front.

Fourth level?

That's it?

Before he could relax a little, a force that overcame this murderous intent suddenly shattered the realm and world in which he had torn a hole, and endless darkness descended in front of him, making his Consciousness dissolves directly into nothingness.

This powerful man, who was also well-known among the high-level combat power rankings in the Kingdom of Gold, died in a foreign country without any trace of his body.


Ai Xue, Floresia, and Mu Yu were walking on the border of Dark Night Kingdom.

Senior Luo Xi, have I been with you for three years?

Well, if the senior you are talking about is the child with black hair and black eyes. Mu Yu said with a sad expression.

After three years of getting along, she also fell deeply in love with that child. Of course, it was just an adult's love for a child, and there were no other feelings.

Although little Luo Xi didn't feel like a normal child to her.

But as for the eldest lady...

Mu Yu looked at Floresia next to her sadly.

The eldest lady is in much deeper than she is.

To her, what does Xiao Luoxi represent?

Ai Xue said softly: I'm sorry, I'm late. I should have found him long ago.

Floresia stopped and asked in a hoarse voice: Can I ask? What is the relationship between Xiao Luo Xi and you?

Ai Xue paused and said, Senior, he is the person I like. He and I were separated for some reason. In fact, we are not from this world.

Floresia thought of the first scene when she met Luo Xi.

The child's appearance was strange.

It turns out that he has such a deep origin.

I like it...but he's still so young.

You were deceived by the senior's appearance. The senior is already in his twenties.

More than twenty?

Even though Floresia was still in a sad mood, she was still choked by Ai Xue's words.

That kid is over 20 years old?

Thinking of the two of them always bathing together for three years, with their bodies touching each other without any cover in the tub...

However, before the blush rose on her pretty face, her shy mood was buried by the grief caused by Luo Xi's disappearance just now.

Yes, senior, because you are missing...

Ai Xue did not continue.

Since the senior still looks like a kid, it means that he didn't get what he wanted from Floresia.

She was just a human being eight thousand years ago, not that king dragon.

Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?

It's so uncomfortable. I even really want to die to see if I can return to my place.

Ai Xue took out a staff from her pocket and whispered: But I still have very important responsibilities now. I can't just go back. I believe that the senior will not die like this. In fact, I’ve seen this kind of thing happen several times~”

Frolecia, if you are willing to believe me, then just wait for him, senior, maybe he will appear in front of you one day.

Floresia nodded blankly.

She thought Ai Xue was comforting her.

So, where do you want to go next? Do you want to stay in the Kingdom of Dark Night? Ai Xue asked.


Floresia looked ahead at the dividing line between morning and dusk that separated the Kingdom of Dark Night and the Kingdom of Skylight.

I want to take his share and continue traveling on this continent to see more scenery.



Ice cream, what ice cream?

Is it that kind of ice-cold dessert?

It's not that Xing Ling doesn't understand what this mortal is saying.

When I was in college, there was a chef who was a god of cooking. He pushed a cart in front of the school all day long and sold ice cream. He used ice cubes made by extremely cold void creatures, supplemented by his special god-level cooking skills, to make the ice cream. The ice cream tastes pretty good.

But in this situation, why would this mortal make such a request?

However, after she carefully felt the reference to 'ice cream' in Luo Xi's language, the pink-haired loli's expression suddenly became extremely weird.

The two people's languages ​​are not the same, and the current Xingling naturally does not understand Luo Xi's language, but it is very simple for gods to know the meaning of mortal language. After all, language itself is a tool for communication. ...

Ice cream...yuzu?

What the hell?

She lowered her head subconsciously and glanced at her bare feet.

The white jade-like feet stepped on nothingness, and the pink between the toes was indeed a bit like ice cream.

Some want to have a taste... bah bah bah!

These are our own feet, what do you want to taste? (〃> dishes<)!

And how dare this guy make such a request!

Aren't you afraid of being struck to death by our thunder?

The teacher also said that as gods, when facing mortal beings, as long as existences like them show a little bit of power and divinity, ordinary mortals are likely to not directly transform into believers. Therefore, when dealing with You must be extra cautious when coming into contact with mortal spirits.

But there must be something wrong with this mortal spirit from the small world!

In our Kingdom of God, our divinity and power are obviously everywhere, but when he saw me, he just bowed to me without saying anything, and instead he started to feel blasphemous towards us!

Fortunately, this guy also said that he was his future dependent and first-generation traveler.

Did my future self accept him as my agent because I had lost my mind? !

How hungry he is!

Xing Ling quickly thought of what she should do in the future.

I have decided that if what this mortal said is true, then when he returns to the future, I will never accept him as his agent again!

How could such an ordinary human being be qualified to be the representative of the ‘Star God’ like her~


Her representative must be the kind of mortal who has boundless arrogance and dares to challenge the impossible, rather than such a weak and inexperienced little boy. What's the use of being cute? He has no regard for the gods he believes in. She doesn't need a guy who shows any respect!

Seeing that the pink-haired lolita's expression was getting worse and worse, Luo Xi tilted her head slightly, and her heart skipped a beat.


My behavior seems to be a bit overstepping.

This Xingling was Xingling from eight thousand years ago. He was not familiar with him. The two of them had not experienced so many heart-to-heart things. They were not even friends. Some jokes were not allowed.

Ice cream or something, although he just mentioned it casually out of habit, because it would be very common for him and her in the future, but for the current Xing Ling, he might feel that this is blasphemy to him as a god. Bar?

Luo Xi said quickly: I'm sorry, Lord God, just think I'm joking.


Xing Ling narrowed her eyes and looked at Luo Xi.

Just a joke?

Not necessarily.

This mortal dared to make such a request to her. Did his future self really give him this kind of 'ice cream reward'? Otherwise, how could he be so bold?

. . .

The pink-haired loli lowered her head and glanced at her little feet again, with an invisible slight twitch at the corner of her mouth.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Even the Evil God would not do such a shameless thing, and as the noble Star God, she would not do it even more!

Xing Ling raised his brows, wrapped his bare feet around Xingguang, and said coldly: Mortal, tell us everything you know.

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a while, pointed to his little head and said, What will happen in the future has a complete memory in my mind. Lord God, why don't you read it directly?

We can't read your memory.

The pink-haired loli frowned and said: Your situation is very strange. It's true that you are in our kingdom now, but from the perspective of perception, you are not here, and we can't exert any influence on your soul. Obviously you do have our The power, but there seems to be an insurmountable gap between your soul and the roots of our Kingdom of God, and we cannot capture the foundation of your existence at all.

Luo Xi was stunned: Are you talking about...Schrödinger's cat?

What Schrödinger's cat?

Xing Ling was also stunned: Is that some kind of void creature?

The two looked at each other for a while.

Luo Xi didn't really want to introduce human quantum mechanics to this former Xingling. After all, in the face of the theology of the endless void, quantum mechanics and other rules in the world had to stand aside.

I think it might be because I traveled through time.

Luo Xi tried to analyze: After I came to this era, I couldn't use any of my abilities, so I thought I might as well die early and maybe go back. Then I was killed by someone, and then I came to you. The Kingdom of God is here.”

We feel something is not right.

After hearing this, Xingling touched his chin and said: Saint-level believers will indeed be gathered into the kingdom of gods after death, complete the reshaping of their souls, gain eternal life and become angels, but in a sense they He is indeed dead, because the roots of angels also come from the power of God, and they are equivalent to an incarnation of gods, but they only have the memories of mortals.

But you, not only does your body look like a simple mortal body, but your soul is beyond our reach. We can't understand how you got here anyway. Could it be that there is some power beyond our cognition that threw you into our body? Here in the Kingdom of God?”

Luo Xi said that he didn't know either. You don't know even a god. How could he, a mortal, know such a profound issue.

However, since Xing Ling can't read his mind now, he can only pick out the key points.

Luo Xi said directly: Your friend, the god you call Dahanhan, needs your help. Her world is about to be invaded by the evil god. And based on the time in our world, it will be about nine Thousands of years later, you have come to our world, and you want to use world fusion to allow the creatures in your friend's world to fully comply with the rules and come to our world.

The pink-haired loli's eyes suddenly changed.

If it was said that she still had some doubts about Luo Xi's identity until just now.

Now, she had no doubt at all.

In the first quadrant of the void, no one except Dahanhan herself knew that Dahanhan was her friend.

Evil God?

His external name is...Lord of Truth.

The Lord of Truth...we have heard of him.

Xing Ling clenched her fists subconsciously.

Trouble, has her friend been caught up in something like this?

The pink-haired loli asked: Why is the world fusion such a troublesome and unstable method? Why doesn't Dahanhan just give up her world? Wouldn't that be simpler?

I have no idea.

Luo Xi was silent for a moment and said, Maybe it's because she simply doesn't want to give up the world she created.

Luo Xi still remembers the pink-haired, blue-eyed girl who once called him daddy and transformed into a girl with Xingling. If she wanted to leave, she would have left long ago. There was no need to waste time in the dream world.

Also, with Dahanhan's character, she will never give up on the mortal beings in the world she created.

Xing Ling raised his fingers, with little starlight lingering on his fingertips, thinking about the memories of studying with that friend.

God loves the world simply because God truly loves the world.

No more reasons are needed.

Of course, she won't do that.

If one day she is in trouble and has to abandon mortals as the price, she will abandon mortals without hesitation.

There are as many mortals as you want in the endless void. Maybe in a corner of the void, you can find a bubble world with countless mortals. UU read books www.uukanshu.net

Xing Ling's tone softened a lot: Mortal, what do you need me to do?

Don't call me a mortal, my name is Luo Xi, and I know what to do. In fact, I don't even know how to get back to that world.

Luo Xi spread his hands and said, You can't let me, who came here out of nowhere, find a way to go back by myself, right?

Xingling: ...

She suddenly wanted to beat this guy.

Such a cute little face, if you hit it with a punch, you will definitely cry for a long time, right?

The pink-haired loli pondered for a while and said, Speaking of which, have you ever called our name before?


Luo Xi nodded and said: After I came to this era, I originally wanted to contact you in the future, but I failed... Wait, my call has reached you now?

What do you think?

Xing Ling squinted at Luo Xi and said, How could anyone know our god's name? It turns out that we sold it to us in the future, but you shouted without restraint at all. I don't know that in the void, the names of gods cannot be messed up. Did you shout? We all want to strike you with a thunderbolt.

Uh... Luo Xi smiled awkwardly.

What he wanted to call was the bitch Lolita in the future, not the arrogant god he was unfamiliar with now.

Have you ever thought that what you do now may change your future?

Xing Ling said: Suppose we choose someone other than you in the future, then you will not come back here. Isn't this a paradox?

Luo Xi shook his head and said, No, you will definitely choose me.

The pink-haired loli suddenly became angry.

Common mortal, what a shrimp head!

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