Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 477: Will there be an ice cream reward after kneeling? The Kingdom of God World in the Past

In a world full of stars, the pink-haired Loli looked at the black-haired boy floating in front of her in confusion.

The boy closed his eyes tightly. He looked young. From her aesthetic point of view, the boy's little face was delicate and beautiful, but his whole body exuded a mortal aura, which was obviously not Mortals in the small world who have completed 'Transcendence Transformation' in the world bubble.

? ? ?

So who is this guy?

He just suddenly appeared in the center of the Kingdom of God without any warning, just like her Kingdom of God gave birth to this child out of thin air.

This is very untheological!

Let’s not talk about how a mortal appears in the void.

The teacher said in the class The Origin of God that the divine kingdom of the gods is based on the origin of the gods and is the most fundamental symbol of the existence of gods. All the rules within the divine kingdom are determined by the gods. In some extreme situations, it can even evolve directly into an initial world, allowing the fallen gods to gain the possibility of resurrection.

It can be said that even the ancient gods in the void cannot invade the kingdom of a newly born weak god at will, let alone a righteous god like her who has received complete Star God inheritance teachings, unless the ancient gods find her kingdom. Position, forcefully tear open the wall of her divine kingdom and break in, otherwise no one can enter her divine kingdom quietly...

Although she saw it today...

Ah ah ah ah ah! How on earth did this mortal come to her divine kingdom without knowing it! (〃> dishes<)!

The pink-haired loli studied the boy who appeared in her kingdom for a long time, and after thinking hard for a long time, she still couldn't understand this phenomenon.

Mainly, how do you think he is an ordinary person?

Due to the gap between the two personalities, the silent soul in his body was invisible in front of Him.

In other words, there is a supernatural power that belongs to the mortal spirit level hidden in the blood in the body. In her opinion, there is nothing special about it.

Mortal soul, mortal body, mortal power.


So, is it just a coincidence?

The teacher also said that in the endless void, there will always be abnormal things with a very small probability that will appear occasionally, but when magnified into the entire void and the endless timeline, this very small probability will become a very high probability.

As long as you feel that there is even the slightest possibility, it will become inevitable for someone you meet.

Hey, wake up, mortal, wake up! This is not a place for you to sleep!

Seeing that the boy seemed to be continuing to sleep without any sign of waking up, the pink-haired loli raised her hand and slapped his face in displeasure.

What are you doing?

If this guy just refuses to leave, won't he still have to keep him in the future?

Although it can also be used to become her disciple.

But she had no interest in doing such a thing.

As a salty fish who was afraid of trouble when she was in school, did not study well (crossed out), and had no pursuit of harvesting faith and aspirations, since arriving in the first quadrant of the void, she has basically spent her time sleeping and drifting. I don’t know how long it has been now.

Time has no meaning to their existence, no matter how they spend it, it is just a way to use it.

Perhaps because he was disturbed, the boy frowned slightly.

The pink-haired loli also raised her eyes to look at him.

When she saw the boy's extremely pure eyes and the sudden ray of starlight in them, her expression was slightly startled, her heart was filled with uncertainty, and she said in shock:

How come you have our god-given power...

She wouldn't admit it.

Because this power comes from herself, the power of the source of the gods cannot be copied. There will not be a second 'Beatrice Suzuki' in the world, nor will there be a second god with the same aura as hers. .

Although this god-given power was very weak, she felt it strongly. This god-given power should have been very strong originally. It was only after some extreme weakening that she felt such a subtle trace. Silk.

After Luo Xi opened his eyes, he gradually regained consciousness.

His memory stayed at the moment before the middle-aged man wiped him out.

Is the journey of more than three years over?

After seeing the petite pink figure in front of her, Luo Xi blinked and suddenly smiled: Gou Wenwen, I miss you so much!


Pink-haired loli: (o_o)?

Who is this mortal calling a dog?

Also, there was something wrong with his performance.

Logically speaking, shouldn't mortals kneel on the ground the moment they see Him?

What about the suppression of the personality of mortals by gods?

Why can he act so ordinary?

The Star Bell attempts to read the thoughts of this mortal.

What surprised her was that she didn't read any of his thoughts. What was even more amazing was that she could clearly feel that his body and soul were here, but they didn't seem to be here.

It's like it doesn't exist in this world, but it actually does exist.

What’s wrong with you?

Luo Xi raised her thin eyebrows.

He stared at the silent pink-haired lolita in front of him.

As petite and cute as ever, with a scornful expression, she was the female imp in his mind. She also had a delicate and pretty childish face, which was worthy of the death penalty.

that is......

It seems that he is not wearing any clothes.

From the surrounding starry sky, beams of starlight shine over from time to time, covering the key parts of this pink-haired lolita's body. The long pink hair glows with a cold light, and also covers some important positions, but this kind of There is a vague feeling that it is even more erotic.

Damn Holy Light!

Dog text, you are too outsider. It’s better to just break up now. After all, who among us is following whom~

However, now is not the time to think about these things. The top priority is to figure out the changes in the timeline after his return, as well as Floresia's situation...

However, before Luo Xi had time to express the complaints and questions in his mind, he saw Xing Ling opposite, looking at him with a majestic expression, and said in an indifferent voice:

Sinners who have trespassed into God's abode without authorization, report your origins. Do you know that you have committed a serious crime? Tell the truth about what you did and who instructed you, and I will forgive you for the crime of disrespect.

Luo Xi: Huh?

What the hell?

Hasn’t he already been to this abode of gods many times?

Also, the dog text sounds like she is pretending to use it to improve her personality. It is just used to scare unfamiliar people. Isn’t it funny to use it to herself? It can be said that the relationship between them has gone far. More than normal gods and agents, I have tasted ice cream and other things several times... Wait, doesn't Dog Wenwen recognize himself? !

Luo Xi's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Could it be that he didn't successfully return to the future?

Recalling the principle of timeline retrieval that he envisioned when he and Floresia were traveling before, this time, he probably completed the overall time span on the large scale of the entire void, and was not simply retracing the interior of the world. time.

This means that if this person was Xing Ling eight thousand years ago, she would not know herself, unless their gods have some power that he cannot understand, which can let their past selves know the future. The past and the future are still unknown. Can communicate.

But think about it, Dog Text probably doesn’t have this ability.

Otherwise, she could have asked her future self what they should do, and there wouldn't have been so many accidents.

Although he said this, Luo Xi still asked with luck: Dog... Xingling, don't you recognize me?

Why do we need to know you? And how do you know the name Xingling?

The pink-haired loli frowned deeply, looked at Luo Xi suspiciously, and said: Don't think that you can fool us because you don't know where you got some of our god-given power. You must have been sent by some evil god. Come here, you want to steal our power, right? The teacher is indeed right, the evil gods in the first quadrant of the void are all over the ground, and the evil gods in the void emerge from the poor.

Luo Xi: ...

Good guy, you are more alert now.

Here's something you might not believe.

Luo Xi paused, patted his chest, and said confidently: I, Luo Xi, am you, the descendant of Beatrice Lingxing, your first mortal pope!


The pink-haired lolita said with disdain: You have to be logical when cheating. I don't remember ever having a dependent like you. You must have learned the name of our god from somewhere, and you also got the blessings from the god related to us. Item...you...did something happen to Dahanhan?!

As she finished speaking, Xing Ling's voice became high-pitched. When she thought that something might happen to her best friend, she suddenly wasn't in the mood to talk to Luo Xiduo here.

Damn it, Dahanhan was so stupid. He should have forcibly taken her with him in the first place. After arriving in the first quadrant, it was definitely not the right decision for him to go his separate ways.

Seeing that Xing Ling's eyes became dangerous, Luo Xi quickly added: Because I come from the future eight thousand years later, and I am the agent recognized by you personally in the future.

Although he didn't go back to the future, since he has seen Dog Wenwen in this era, he might be able to convince her to borrow her power.

Xing Ling was startled: What did you say?

From the future?

Is there a god who can do such a thing?

There is actually no complete concept of time in the void. If you want to go back to the past in the void, it involves more than just one quadrant.

This was beyond her comprehension.

Of course, she can still understand if the world inside the small world goes against the flow...

Why don't you try to perform a divine act on me?

Luo Xi spread his hands and said: It's a pity that all my power can't be used. The abilities you gave me are gone. Otherwise, if I use them, you will know that everything I said is true.

Whether it was a skill such as Divine Descendence, Divine Presence or Star God's Supreme Blessing, as long as one of them could be used, Luo Xi would not have to really follow Floresia around in the past three years.

The pink-haired loli hesitated for a moment, raised her hand, and countless starlights around her suddenly rushed towards Luo Xi's body.

Then, give it a try.

Anyway, if he was cheating on her, he would deserve to die.

If what he said was true, then his eyes would be opened.

These are her followers and dependents from eight thousand years later.

Thinking of this, she actually became a little excited.


Luo Xi snorted.

The starlight in this starry sky world rushed towards his body as if it had found an outlet, impacting some shackles that did not exist but actually existed.

He felt that the power that had been dormant for a long time in his body actually rippled.


It is indeed a dog text!

She was still so reliable eight thousand years ago.

Compared with Luo Xi's excitement, Xing Ling's expression became more and more weird. She almost drained the power of starlight from the center of her divine kingdom, but it still failed to fill this mortal body.

After dozens of breaths, Xingling finally stopped. She looked at Luo Xi carefully and asked, We want to know, why will we choose you in the future?

She initially believed what Luo Xi said.

If this guy is really her dependent in the future, then it can barely explain why he suddenly appeared in his own kingdom. Saint-level mortals will be taken to the kingdom of the gods they believe in after death and become Angel.

But it seems like he is no longer his angel now...

So what is he?

Because I'm a little bit special.

Luo Xi felt the extraordinary power touched in his body, raised his head and smiled, but his smile suddenly froze when he saw the pink-haired Loli who was very close to him.

The surrounding starlight was poured into his body. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Now, this loli no longer has those starlights to mark her. You can directly see that the snow-white body is dotted with a slight red color.

Well, do you want to put on some clothes first? he asked.


Only then did Xing Ling notice his current state.

I slept naked for too long and then forgot to put on clothes.

New starlight quickly generated in the nearby space, condensing on her body and turning into a skirt.

Luo Xi: ...

Is this the reaction?

I feel that the little female ghost from the future is still cute. If I saw the Lolita from that time, she would definitely blush a little, right?

Now, even if Xing Ling accidentally reads it to him, he won't have much reaction, let alone any shyness.

The pink-haired loli hugged her chest and said, Although you say you are from the future, you know me and we don't know you, so you should introduce yourself first, and then explain why you want to come back, as well as the specific things.


Luo Xi nodded, ready to start from the beginning.

But before that, we want to confirm one more thing.

Xing Ling stared at Luo Xi and said indifferently: My name is Beatrice Ling Xing. I am the supreme god you believe in. Mortal, since you claim to be my dependent, why don't you kneel when you see me?

Puch— Luo Xi couldn't help it.

why are you laughing?

I'm not laughing, Lord God, p—

You were obviously laughing and never stopped!

Luo Xi stopped smiling.

He thought for a while and asked seriously: Will there be an ice cream reward after kneeling?

Pink-haired loli: ???

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