Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 471: Sister Black Dragon joins, are you my dependent, child? (four k)

The woman frowned slightly and stopped.

Her eyes swept across Floresia's master and servant, and looked at Luo Xi who was protected behind them.

The boy's appearance is ridiculously beautiful. If his hair were longer and his clothes were changed to a skirt, it would be impossible to tell that he is a boy.

But why does this child feel something is wrong when he looks at his eyes?

It was like he had seen himself before.

Who are you? Floresia shouted again.

I'm just like you.

The woman smiled faintly, took out a hard pancake from behind her, shook it at a few people, and said: It's just that when the new year comes, the homeless people can only eat and sleep in the wilderness. They are just returnable people, or to use a more literary term, travelers, so I asked you if you are also travelers.


Floresia lowered her guard slightly and muttered: We are not homeless, we are on an adventure group traveling around the continent.

Even though I have a home, it’s true that I can’t go back.

In the past nine months, the reward for them in the City of Prayer has been getting higher and higher, and it has doubled.

Regardless of everything else, just the two epic-level lost source weapons among the bounty rewards were outrageously high rewards that she could not imagine.

Did she even suspect that she had committed some unforgivable sin?

Can those rewards include a bounty on the heads of the popes of those large cult groups?

And even if they don't go back, Grandpa and the others can use these supplies to directly win over others, right?

Why do you have to find yourself back?

Are you really that necessary to them?

In fact, Floresia didn't completely want to cut off contact with her family at first.

In June, she was still anonymous in a town and sent a letter back to her grandfather and brother, telling her grandfather and brother that they were fine and asking them not to worry about her and spend so much money and material resources looking for her.

Who would have known that not long after this letter was delivered, the town would be turned upside down by the bounty hunters who arrived one after another. The lives of many townspeople were disrupted, and most of them eventually moved to the next town.

Floresia later learned about it from intelligence sources in other towns.

It was so crazy that she couldn't help but be a little scared.

Of course, there is another possibility.

Grandpa and the others were searching for themselves. Although their methods seemed crazy, they did not have other thoughts mixed in. They just wanted to get her back.

It would be great if that were the case.

Floresia couldn't help but hope in her heart that her grandfather and the others just wanted to get her back and reunite her.

Who doesn't want to have a harmonious family?

Adventure group?

After hearing Floresia's explanation, the woman's lips slightly raised, she looked at the luggage behind the people, and said: With just such a small number of people, and a small child, we dare to call ourselves an adventure group.

What does it have to do with you!

Maid Mu Yu couldn't help but said: If you want to come over and have a meal, just say so. There is no need to talk to us in this way. If you don't know how to speak, don't say anything.

Luo Xi swallowed secretly.

Maid lady, you are very brave.

What would you think if you knew that the person in front of you was one of the seven-colored dragon emperors who was invincible in the dream world?

I'm sorry if I offended you.

The woman said calmly: However, I just expressed what I was thinking. On this Mang Continent, the adventure groups officially registered in the Adventure Association have at least five people. You are only one at most. It can be considered a wild group, so I guess I haven’t registered yet, right?”

Floresia: ...

She was speechless.

Although it is not impossible for the three of them to register, if she shows up in larger towns, she will soon be followed by a bunch of bounty hunters.

Originally, they had to avoid the source beasts in the wilderness, and planning the route was very difficult. If they had to compete with those bounty hunters who were only thinking about money, then they would have a hard time traveling.

The woman smiled lightly and said, So, how about adding me? Then there will be four of you.

Floresia: ?

Mu Yu: ?

Luo Xi: ...

Good guy, Tu Qiong Dagger is right when he sees you.

Is this what Bahamut said about meeting her in this era?

I thought they met by chance, but I didn't expect that it was her who found him and wanted to join their half-baked adventure group that looked very unreliable at first sight.

But this made Luo Xi a little difficult to understand.

The Black Dragon of this era probably doesn't know his identity.

Who did she come for?

Floresia frowned and asked the question Luo Xi wanted to know.

Why do you want to join our adventure group?

She already doubted this woman's identity.

Could it be that they were sent here by grandpa, wanting to join them first and then trick them back, or secretly inform grandpa?

The woman said softly: There is no special reason. It's just because I haven't traveled with others for a long time. After a while, I probably won't be able to walk on the mainland like this comfortably, so I want to go with you. Let’s take a walk.”

The same words sound different interpretations in different people's ears.

Luo Xi felt that Bahamut was saying that she would not be able to move on the mainland for a long time. Even such a human incarnation would cause damage to the world itself.

Floresia suddenly realized.

She looked at this beautiful black-haired woman with a feeling of sympathy in her eyes.

Such a beautiful woman was more beautiful than any woman she had ever seen. Her curved figure was combined with an alluring angelic face. Every frown and smile revealed a cold temperament full of stories from the past.

Such a woman must have an extraordinary background, and her origins may even exceed her background. She may be a princess of which country.

Is she also coerced by her family's interests to make an unfair 'sacrifice' to her?

Floresia immediately patted her breasts, which were as big as those of the black-haired woman, and said in a serious tone: Meeting means we are destined. Our candlelight adventure group welcomes you to join.

Mu Yu and Luo Xi were stunned for a moment.

Isn't this too casual?

Luo Xi knew the origin of this big boss, so he thought it would be good to include her in the adventure group. If they encounter some dangerous things in the future, they don't have to worry about the death of these little shrimps.

But could Floresia be so unsuspecting?

Didn't she consider what if the other person was lying?

Luo Xi quietly observed Floresia's profile.

Well, confirmed.

This cheap mother has completely fallen into emotional thinking.

Floresia said: Since you want to join us, let me first introduce you to our members. This is Mu Yu, the driver and guide of our adventure group.

Mu Yu immediately retorted: No, I am the eldest lady's maid.

Floresia raised her eyebrows and said, I have said it several times, and now we are no longer a master-servant relationship!

Mu Yu said firmly: The eldest lady is Mu Yu's forever master. If you want to deny it, then Mu Yu can only commit suicide by throwing herself into the river to prove my loyalty to you!

Okay, okay...

Floresia smiled sheepishly at the woman and said, I'll make you laugh. Mu Yu and I have lived together since childhood, but she has been taking care of me. She has not changed her words even after being out for so long.

Also, this is Luo Xi, my child, little Luo Xi, please introduce yourself to this sister. She pulled Luo Xi up from behind, her tone sounding quite proud.

My name is Luo Xi. Hello, sister. Luo Xi said hello symbolically.


Bahamut suddenly wondered if he had heard wrongly.

Judging from her eyesight, this red-haired girl is only seventeen or eighteen years old, right?

Could it be that she is actually in her twenties or thirties?

Although the basic lifespan of human beings is less than 100 years old, the lifespan of a sublimated transcendent can reach up to about a thousand years. Therefore, there are indeed many people who look like teenage girls even after they are decades old.

But this is all pediatric.

Just like some old guys may like to pretend to be young, there are also guys who are hundreds of thousands of years old and still have the appearance of six or seven-year-old girls (yes, I'm talking about Ysera), although appearance is not important to existences like them. There is no point in saying that, because the temperament revealed naturally cannot be changed. As long as they appear, the focus will be on them.

Can I ask when you gave birth to your child? the woman asked.

Floresia said confidently: I haven't given birth to a child. I picked up little Luo Xi, and I'm not married yet. How can I have a child?

How old are you?

Eighteen, oh, it seems to be nineteen now.


Bahamut's eyes vaguely swept over the girl's head and her chest.

Eighteen or nineteen years old......

Human beings all reach adulthood at the age of sixteen. From a certain point of view, this person has indeed matured, and he is the kind of child who will never go hungry.

Floresia looked at this beautiful woman and said, What about you? What's your name?

My name? Just call me 'Mu'.

The woman stepped forward, bent slightly, reached out and touched Luo Xi's head, and said with a smile: Your child is very cute, but is it right to take such a young child to travel in this dangerous wilderness? Is it too dangerous for him?

It's quite dangerous. I was almost caught by a lord-level source beast last time...

Floresia was still frightened when she thought about the crisis last month. They almost became the excrement of the source beast. Fortunately, the equipment and scrolls brought from home were still useful.

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

You still have the nerve to say it.

They all said that you should rest for a few days during your menstrual period to prepare yourself, but you insisted on taking action, and ended up accidentally leaving a lot of blood in that area, and then you were targeted by the lord-level source beast.

Floresia put her soft body on Luo Xi's head and said softly: But don't worry, little Luo Xi, even if mom dies, she won't let you get hurt.

Well... Luo Xi nodded silently.

Floresia has indeed protected him very well.

It was so good that Luo Xi had forgotten what it felt like to have extraordinary power.

This kind of day with food to eat, clothes to stretch out, and people taking care of them is actually very happy. If he is really just a child, then this kind of life will become a blessing for him in the future and he can look back on his childhood. of valuable wealth.

It's just that this young body actually contains the soul of an adult.

The woman looked at the interaction between the 'mother and son' curiously: You have such a good relationship.

Floresia said proudly: Of course, this is my child. Isn't it normal to have a good relationship?

The maid deliberately lowered her voice and said: Sister Mu, let me tell you, the eldest lady is training his child bride. She is a naked beauty. Look at how beautiful little Luo Xi is now. She will be even better when she grows up. , the eldest lady has already booked him.

Floresia said in embarrassment: Mu Yu, you can't arrange it so blatantly for me! Who would have any thoughts about their own children?

Mu Yu pursed her lips and snickered: Yes, yes, the eldest lady is right. Since eldest lady, you have no idea, then in the future, when little Luo Xi grows up, I can -

No! Little Luo Xi is mine!

Floresia hugged Luo Xi hard, hugged him completely into her arms, and subconsciously shouted out.

After she finished shouting, the girl realized what she had shouted. Her face suddenly turned red like an autumn apple, and she lowered her head deeply. But when she lowered her head like this, Luo Xi, who was already suffering from the 'pressure' on her head, suddenly It's even more 'unspeakably miserable'.

The maid smiled proudly: Sister Mu, look, what I said is right, right?

The woman smiled and nodded.

A pair of masters and servants who do not pay attention to etiquette, and a beautiful little boy who is not related to them by blood.

It must be a kind of fate to encounter such a wonderful combination in this wilderness today.

Then accompany them for a while, as the end of her personal journey.

After introducing each other, Floresia couldn't wait to drag the woman to taste the food she cooked.

Come on, UU read a book www.uuknshu.net and try my craftsmanship.

...I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself.

The woman looked at the pot of green liquid and had no appetite at all.

The four of them then quietly watched the gorgeous fireworks in the sky.

Late at night.

After Floresia and Mu Yu both fell asleep and breathed steadily, Luo Xi got up and looked at the numbers in his hand.

Oh? You were chosen by Gold.

A cold voice sounded beside him.

Luo Xi's body trembled.

The woman had already sat next to him at some point. Her eyes turned pure gold, she looked at him and asked majestically:

Now, it's time to tell me your origins. You know my identity, right? Who are you?

Luo Xi was silent for a moment.

It is indeed a mythical dragon that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

You may not believe it, but I am your descendant. I came from the future, eight thousand years ago from this era, he said.

In fact, this statement is correct, because after transforming into a dragon, some of his factors came from the Black Dragon.

The woman looked confused and said: Where do I get my relatives from? The future? Are you kidding me?

She put her hand on Luo Xi's shoulder.

Soon, her expression changed and she said, Are you really my future child?! Is it mine and Xiaohong's? No, she is also female-oriented.

The alienation factor in Luo Xi's body was completely silent. Without direct contact and feeling, she would not have been able to tell that this child had the power of her alienation factor.

More from Xiaohong.

Luo Xi: ?

Why did you immediately think that I was the child of you and the Red Dragon Emperor?

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