Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 463: We don’t like trash fish! The origin of the Star Bell, the particularity of Luo Xi’s wo

After making the decision, Luo Xi didn't waste any more time.

The difficulty of this mission is still just a legend. Without a sudden difficulty upgrade, it cannot be compared to the arrival of any source of disaster.

With the Elf Emperor and a group of players who are not afraid of death watching, it shouldn't be a problem to block it in a short time.

Then I leave this place to you.

Luo Xi said something to Listy, then looked up at the largest crater.

Floresia had led him down from there.

The black and red dragon wings and tail spread out on his body, and with a slight vibration, his feet left the ground for tens of meters.

I'll go take a look inside the volcano over there...


Aina jumped hard, hugged Luo Xi's tail with both hands, lowered her head and shouted excitedly towards Weier: Sister, come quickly, Aina has caught my brother! Uh-Ai Xue, what are you doing? Well, don’t touch my tail!”

When she jumped up, Ai Xue had already caught her tail in advance.

Although with her current strength, it is not a problem for her tail to bear the weight of several people, but this is her brother's favorite place, how can she let others touch it!

Weier immediately jumped up, followed closely by Feiya, and then two more people hung up behind Aina.

The wolf-eared lolita patted Ai Xue who was the first to grab her tail.

Damn it, if I had known better, I should have let Feiya catch her brother first. The vixen had too many tails, and they could just catch one each.

What are you doing...

Luo Xi raised her tail twitchingly at the corner of her mouth, looked at them strung together, and said, I didn't say I wouldn't take you with me.

With his current strength, coupled with the 'divine skills' given by the dog text, unless he encounters an existence at the level of evil gods, it should be possible to protect them.

Weier blinked.

Who told you that you used to like playing alone so much that you disappeared?

Aina, hurry up.

Yeah, yeah, Aina's grip is very tight!

Not far away, Listy looked at them with a somewhat envious expression.

Is this the beauty among young people?

It's a pity that she is no longer young. Although she is still very young for the elves, she originally thought so, but in the other world, as far as she knows, the humans there used to be basically under a hundred years old. lifespan, and she is already an old woman over two hundred years old.

So he should also feel that he is an old woman, right?

But... is the 'girl' transformed from the Black Abyss Flame Dragon over 8,000 years old? !

If she can do it, then maybe she can’t do it too...

Lady Listy, sir!


The guard beside her shouted several times before calling Listy back from her thoughts.

Let's go to the City of Auroville and invite those travelers from other worlds to organize a joint defense line immediately. The things in the sea are probably going to come up again.

After Listy finished speaking with a straight face, she walked in front. No one saw the uncontrollable blush on her beautiful, intellectual face.

She mentally blamed herself for thinking about this again.

Not to mention that Luo Xi is still just a young child in his current state.

The most important thing is that he is the person that Shasha likes. She cannot and should not think about that. Even if Shasha has hinted to her, it will be fine if she does something boldly. At most, she will get scolded by the little wolf girl. Big vixen.

Shasha also whispered to her that Mr. Luo Xi would not reject a beauty like her. In that dream, he actually preferred mature and beautiful women like his mother and Aunt Liya to girls who had not grown up. .

According to her research on that world subject, this is the deep subconscious hidden in male DNA, because only mature women can reproduce qualified next generations.

So Mr. Luo Xi’s preferences are quite normal.

It's just because there are so many petite and cute girls around that Mr. Luo Xi seems to be the kind of 'loli control'. In fact, except for Aina, everyone else is an adult. Even Aina has been the same after these two years. He is almost an adult and his potential for development seems pretty good.

So, mom, don’t you want to try it?

After listening to Feiya's words with a bewitching tone, Listy was confused for a while, and then she pretended not to understand and ran to take a shower with a blushing face.

For his own sake, it was really hard for Shasha, the child. She was obviously the most emotionally humble among the girls next to Luo Xi, but he could also see that Shasha didn't want to fight for anything at all, and even wanted to be a maid.

It is precisely because of this that she cannot do anything inappropriate, otherwise she may not be able to face her daughter in the future.

There are also the two little girls from Liya's family. Now she can still speak to them as an elder. If she really does something, she may have to avoid them when she sees them in the future.

Therefore, Listy decided to wait for these troubles to end and find a place to calm down.

Then, wait for Shasha to bring you good news, get married, have children, and you can become a grandma...

Listy subconsciously touched her flat belly without a trace of fat.

She hasn't experienced... what it feels like to truly be a mother.

Perhaps, there will be no chance to experience it in the future.

It's okay, anyway, it's enough for her to have Sasha.


Inside the fiery volcano.

Luo Xi transformed back into his dragon form and released his domain to repel the surrounding magma. Wei'er and the others sat on his head as usual.

As he continued to delve deeper, he discovered that this volcano contained an extremely unstable and terrifying force, because he had been bombed before, and the dragon species of the Red Dragon genus were sensitive to this force... ....

nuclear energy......

In other words, there are quite terrifying radioactive elements in this volcanic magma.

That time in reality, Floresia, who came from a cradle, used those nuclear bombs to step into the abyss. After she returned, she also found a way to find radioactive elements in the dream world, and used them to step into the sixth level?

Dog text, haven’t you paid attention to Floresia’s changes?

[Note: I have never paid attention to her. I have been looking for you in the mezzanine dimension of the void and have no time to care about other people's affairs~]

If you don't know, just... forget it.

This feeling of being trusted by others and not giving up... to be honest, it's pretty good.

Luo Xi also became more and more accustomed to and liked the feeling of having someone who was with him all the time, standing firmly behind him.

In the two and a half years since he disappeared, it can be seen from the fact that Gou Wenwen has not given up on him and has been looking for him.

As for letting the dog text show mugwort and so on, it's just a joke.

In fact, if those special 'rewards' that could be called nonsense can really be issued, it has exceeded Luo Xi's imagination of the existence of 'gods'.

A simple sentence.

This god is indeed very crooked!

[Note: Miscellaneous fish pervert Luo Xi! ‘╬╬ angry’! Even if you get a bargain, you still behave well! Ice cream and other perverted requests were all made by you, weren’t they? We are just trying to achieve the most basic contract spirit that a god should have! How can we not be able to do what the evil gods can do! 】

Luo Xi thought to herself, you don’t have to agree.

Although Gouben's ice cream is indeed good and the quality is of the highest quality, well, forget about the others, it hurts a little when I think about it...

[Note: Human beings, we have done as you taught us, but you still dare to look down on us! Believe it or not, I will step on it for you! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Huh? So there really is a next time?

[Note: Climb! 】

Luo Xi looked at the dog text that he teased and didn't reply, and wanted to laugh a little.

Today is another victorious day of quarreling with little ghosts and gods.

In fact, as long as Dog Wenwen puts on an inhuman face when they first meet, for example, the bottom of the skirt is not a pair of slender jade feet, but a bunch of long tentacles, and the face turns into a monster, then even if No matter how perverted I am, I won't have any strange thoughts.

After all, not everyone is like Asan Brother who accepts everyone who comes.

But Gou Wenwen always had that arrogant look from the first moment we met, and he interpreted the label of 'female brat' to the fullest. In addition, Luo Xi was 'tricked' by her, and was deceived and complained about a lot of times. , so I just wanted to give this little female ghost some color.

Although the idea of ​​giving some color to see was indeed successful...

White, very pure.

Damn humans! We shouldn't have taken advantage of the Psychology of All Souls course in the first place!

A certain pink-haired loli was so angry that her fingers made a crunching sound.

And she didn’t mean not to hide her degraded form!

The most important thing is that besides Luo Xi, who else can remember her specific appearance and characteristics after leaving the mapping range of her divine kingdom!

This is a very untheological thing to do!

Just like Wei'er and the others, they may have some impressions of their own existence and some things because of that world dream, but they can never remember her specific appearance.

Luo Xi was different. Ever since he came back from resurrection, his memory barrier for her seemed to have completely disappeared.

Not enough. Since this guy still remembers us, does it mean that the soul characteristics in his body have indeed not been replaced due to the influence of our divine power.

The pink-haired loli looked at the back of her hand and flicked the black moon figure next to her thoughtfully.

Little Heizi, what level of existence do you think Luo Xi, the creator of the universe, is?

The Black Moon figure thought for a moment and said: It is probably an ancient god deep in the void. So much matter in the universe can be used to create a super large composite plane world, and even a lot of them can be born. The god of planes attached to the world, but it is very strange to put it in that empty universe. In such a large universe, in your description, there is only one living planet. It is really impossible to understand the creation god. idea.

We can't understand it either.

Xing Ling frowned and said: But is there a possibility? In fact, it is not that no life was born, but the time is not enough, not enough for us to see the birth of a bright star sea civilization in that universe.

Black Moon: Not enough time? Are you sure? If conditions permit, one hundred thousand years is enough for life to complete their first transcendence, right?

Xingling touched her chin: Indeed, the birth of that world, calculated in that world's time, was formed 14 billion years ago. Only then did a low-level human civilization like Luo Xi and the others appear, and Dahanhan That, only more than 300,000 years...

As he talked, Xing Ling thought of a somewhat unlikely possibility.

Little Heizi, what if Luo Xi, the creator of the universe, did not sow the seeds of life after completing creation?

Black Moon Figure was stunned: Are you talking about the natural evolution directly after the creation of the world?

Xingling said: Yes, our teacher seems to have taught us before. This method is to complete the initial steps of creation, not to sort out any rules inside, and not to care whether it collapses or not, and just let the world evolve.

Black Moon: How come your teacher still teaches this...Although this method of creation is not unavailable, the gods like us created the world to control the power of rules in the world so that it can be used throughout the world. Going up in the void, this is not a pure waste...

Who knows, maybe that great being doesn't care about that bit of creation material? Xingling shrugged.

Black Moon sneered: Haha, I thought you had something to do with that great being, but it seems like that's it. If that doesn't work, hurry up and call your teacher over, otherwise we will all be killed in the end. The Lord of Truth has been devoured, and His strength cannot be compared to that of a fledgling god like you.

Xingling sighed softly: You think we don't want to, our teachers and classmates are not in this void quadrant...

Heiyue was shocked: You... damn, you are from another quadrant. No wonder you say you are a righteous god. The righteous god sequence here has long been gone!

Shh...it's a secret.

No, you came from other quadrants and crossed the quadrant barrier. Hasn't your divine power been erased?

The pink-haired loli said indifferently: Of course, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Our divine power is only about one-third of its original level. If we regain all our power, we might not be the opponent of the Lord of Truth. Well, Da Hanhan may be able to do it himself, but a good man doesn’t talk about his bravery in the past, so we don’t want to mention it either, you are the only one who keeps questioning our origins.”

You are the boss, please forgive me for being blind.

Black Moon bowed deeply to Xingling and said respectfully: Since you are the righteous god of other quadrants, why did you come to the first quadrant? Why did your friend create the world in the first quadrant?

The original reason was because... I wanted to skip a class.


I won't tell you this anymore. Let's go see our fishy traveler first.

you like him?

Go away, we don't like human beings!

Then you do those things for him.

How can you tell me about the contract...shut up!


【Do you want to activate the Hollow Mother Flower? 】


In the deep sea, a blazing fire pushed away the sea water, forcing those fallen sea creatures back.

After Luo Xi absorbed the remaining 'core' aura, he felt that the power he had stored now was quite abundant. He, who had already reached the peak of the fourth level, saw the way to become a fifth-level king.

His alienated bloodline comes from that dragon girl. Floresia can break through with nuclear power, so it stands to reason that he can too.

Why don't you first see where this flower capital leads to?

The illuminated hollow mother flower is also calling for Luo Xi's response.

But when his spirit sank in, all he saw was one place.

Opposite this flower is a continent shrouded in endless darkness.

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