Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 455: The little female ghost who wants to run away, the mission of destroying the world: Fal

Above the sky, there are not endless stars, but an abyss filled with the remains of dead stars.

What ordinary people see when they look up on land are just reflections of the starry sky, traces of the abyss, and they cannot see the real starry sky.

Ordinary humans cannot set foot in the abyss. The surface area of ​​10,000 meters in the sky is beyond the reach of many ordinary people. Even if you can rely on tools to go up, it will be fixed there by some mysterious power of rules, and you can only wait for death. arrival or miracle.

Only extraordinary beings whose strength reaches a certain level can rely on their own strength to set foot in the sky, or those abyss-level source beasts will choose to enter it after their strength reaches a certain level.

Especially in the shallower abyssal strata, some high-level source beasts will 'settlement' here, forming a strange social ecology among them.

In fact, for any source beast that breaks through the limits of a king and steps into the abyss level, the surface continent of the world will gradually reject them.

Mythical dragons like the Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor have traveled an unknown distance along the abyss. As long as they appear on the mainland, various accidents will occur due to the rejection of the world.

Although ordinary abyss-level source beasts can still stay on the mainland for a long time, the feeling of being suppressed and targeted by the world when they rest is really irritating.

The vast majority of abyssal source beasts eventually went to high heaven, which is why there are basically no abyss-level source beasts seen on the mainland.

Even there, the possibility of death and the consumption rate of life span are far higher than on land.

At this moment, depth one.

A super turtle, estimated to be thousands of meters in size, was suspended in the dark abyss. On its shell, it looked like a huge mountain forest.

Buzz —

Visible to the naked eye, the entire abyss level at depth one is shaking. From time to time, a large number of cracks break to form space cracks, swallowing everything in its path, including some fragments of star skeletons.

A hundred-meter-sized red giant bird grabbed the turtle shell and cried in horror: What should I do? Why haven't the Dragon Emperors come back yet? This place has been shaking for many days. This is the edge of the abyss in the sky. Area, if the earthquake continues like this, the sky will fall!

Chi Ming, don't be so talkative!

There was a large, snow-white leopard screaming in terror beside the bird.

If there are experts on Origin Beasts here, they will recognize that these two Origin Beasts are the legendary Origin Beasts named Blazing Divine Bird and Blue Wind Snow Leopard. The recorded history of them can be traced back to thousands of years ago. They were all abyss-level source beasts that caused a sensation on the mainland, but they disappeared from the mainland at some point.

Suddenly, the shadow of a giant dragon flashed around.

The blazing divine bird and the Blue Wind Snow Leopard shouted in surprise at the same time: Lord Dragon Emperor, here, here!

However, what they imagined that the Dragon Emperor would take action and easily suppress the current unrest in the abyss did not happen.

As they screamed, a dragon's claw covered with white scales hit the back of the big turtle. The turtle's back suddenly broke. The mountain forest above was smashed into pieces. The turtle let out a miserable cry and fell towards the depths of the abyss. go.

Xuangui! Are you okay?

That's... White Dragon Emperor Leviathan, why?

The blazing divine bird looked at the giant dragon releasing a terrifying aura above in disbelief. It was a power far beyond their level. It can only be said that the mythical dragon is worthy of being a mythical dragon.

After the White Dragon Leviathan slapped the big turtle down, she herself was like a crazy giant beast, tearing up the already shaking space.

This abyss layer closest to the material world, and beyond it is Gao Tian, ​​which is a special realm set up by the God of Creation at the beginning of creation to isolate the abyss from the material world. If Gao Tian falls due to this, then there is no need to wait for the evil god to come in. Without the barrier, the abyss will swallow up the entire material world, continents and oceans, and merge them into one.

Blue Wind Snow Leopard said desperately: It's over. Even the Dragon Emperor has betrayed the God of Creation? Then we are going to be doomed too?

No, something must have happened.

The blazing divine bird clutched the turtle shell tightly and roared: The Dragon Emperors have been protecting the world. They will never do such unreasonable things for no reason. Leopard, you go find other Dragon Emperors! Only they can stop Lord White Dragon!

The snow leopard also held on to the turtle shell and said, How are we going to find them? The abyss is so big, who knows where they went!

It seems there is no need to look for it. The blazing bird suddenly said.

Snow Leopard was ecstatic: Are the other Dragon Emperors coming?

Look up there. The blazing divine bird said with dull eyes.

Blue Wind Snow Leopard raised his head.

It didn't see the other Dragon Emperors stopping the White Dragon.

Red, yellow, blue, purple, white.

Five mythical dragons, which are at the top of the world's extraordinary creatures, appear together and wantonly destroy this abyss.

The emotions revealed in their golden eyes were violent and fierce, not at all like those Dragon Emperors who were willing to 'work overtime' all day long in the abyss to protect the world.

That's not the Dragon Emperor. Blue Wind Snow Leopard muttered.


Abyss, depth'? 'Class.

This is a hidden layer of great depth.

Countless colored light bands are twisted here into a gorgeous sea of ​​light. In the sea of ​​light, something seems to be sleeping.

An old man's body was covered with small black ash-like fragments. He stretched out his hand tremblingly forward, leaned down with great respect, and looked at the human-like figure sitting in the sea of ​​light with the corner of his eye.

The source of the disaster of time, Kronos.

There were a total of thirty-two Eternal World Trees in the world at the beginning, and some of the Eternal World Trees had duplicate authority. Therefore, now half of the Eternal World Trees have been destroyed, and even part of the source code has been lost. Next, the world can still function normally.

The source of disaster is the reflection of the eternal world tree.

As long as the source code has not disappeared, the source disaster will not disappear, at best it will be silent.

Time in this world is still flowing normally after the destruction of the Flowing Moon Tree. Then, the corresponding source disaster must not have disappeared.

Hahahaha! It's not a worthwhile trip, it's not a worthwhile trip!!

The old man couldn't help but want to laugh and express his excitement.

He finally found the location of the reflection of the Source of Time Disaster in the abyss.

Then, there is the possibility of awakening it.

The Church of Calamity has a total of three archbishops, and there is also a pope who is not even known to have a bishop level other than the archbishop.

The old man is the current Pope of the Church of Calamity—Acacia Gerolos.

Each messenger of the Church of Disaster, just like those extraordinary beings who choose different sublimation paths for sublimation, the source of disaster they choose to believe in is different, and the power gained by disaster transformation and the source of disaster that can be called are also different.

In the Church of Disaster, only each pope can become the messenger of the disaster Kronos. Their mission is to bring the disaster to the world and return everything to the original moment.

Come, the disaster of Kronos!

Acacia put her hand on her chest, instantly dug through her clothes and old flesh, and dug out her old heart.

The summoning ceremony begins.

He has been searching secretly in the abyss for too long. For life, the closer to the bottom of the abyss, the faster life will pass. In just a few decades, he originally had 800 left before coming down. The annual life expectancy is now less than five days.

Especially on the way, he always encounters those terrifying dragon emperors patrolling the abyss, but he will never be able to find this place if he is not lucky enough.

The old man's fanatical eyes gradually dimmed, and the heart in his hand and the blood in his whole body converged towards the colorful sea of ​​light ahead.

With my insignificant life, the possibility of bringing new life to the world is worth it, so worth it!

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded next to the old man's ears.

What you can't do, even if your idea is successful, the time in the system may be really reversed, but it will never affect the existence outside the system.

Who is it?! You pretender, get out of here!

Acacia looked to the side with wide eyes.

The powerful vitality brought by being a sixth-level transcendent allows him to maintain a certain degree of vitality even under the current summoning ceremony that requires sacrificing himself.

A huge black figure appeared in front of the old man's eyes.

It was a black dragon whose whole body was covered with jet-black scales. Its golden vertical pupils were filled with dense bloodshot eyes, and it had an aura of destruction all over its body, making it intimidating.

You...you are the Black Dragon Emperor Bahamut?!

Acacia's body trembled.

He did not expect that at the last moment when Kronos, the disaster of time, was about to be awakened, the leader of the Dragon Emperor, who was the most destructive and powerful among the seven-colored dragon emperors, would actually come to him.

The black dragon's figure gradually disappeared.

A beautiful woman with black hair and golden eyes wearing a long black dress appeared from the phantom with her hand on one side of her head.

Acacia saw the other party's beautiful face and graceful body, but she couldn't feel any desire. Instead, her heart was filled with a deep chill.

Black Dragon Emperor, are you here to stop me? Even so, I won't stop!

The old man looked sad, and the blood in his chest flowed faster, heading towards the figure in the sea of ​​light.

What surprised him was that the woman in the form of the Black Dragon Emperor did not stop him, she just pressed her temples and looked at him expressionlessly.

Acacia suddenly noticed that there were several black lines twisting and squirming on the woman's brow. Although her expression was dull, she still showed her discomfort.

You're not in the right state, you can't stop me! the old man said ecstatically.

The black-haired woman raised her eyebrows slightly.

She raised her hand and flicked her fingers towards the old man.

In an instant, one corner of the old man's mouth was turned into powder by a crack that spread over.

Nao Noisy, keep doing your thing. It doesn't matter if Kronos wakes up, he can be used just in time.

How dare you be so arrogant!

Acacia roared with anger leaking from the corner of her mouth.

Even the Dragon Emperor could not face the mighty power of Yuan Calamity without changing his expression. He believed that this Dragon Emperor was just bluffing.

The blood flowing from his chest had also come to an end.

Come, the disaster of time, Kronos! He smiled towards Guanghai and opened his arms.

The huge ritual came at the expense of his origin as a sixth-level transcendent, calling for the source of disaster that had long been silent.

At this time, a huge dark claw shadow appeared and stretched into the sea of ​​colorful light.

In front of the old man's eyes, the figure sitting in the sea of ​​light, which had just made some movement, was caught like a little shrimp.

The cold voice continued: Stupid, if I hadn't discovered something was wrong and deliberately let go of the traces here, how could you have found Kronos.

In the fierce struggle, the figure caught by the claws finally failed to escape and was directly taken away to an unknown place. The full-color sea of ​​​​light also became dim.

Acacia couldn't accept it and shouted: Impossible, this is impossible!

If it appears completely on the continent and comes completely, just like in that era, maybe I will find it very difficult. However, with your weak life, Kronos awakened, even if it is activated, it can still reach To what extent?”

The black-haired woman walked up to the old man and said softly: You cultists who believe in the source of disaster are not bad at all. At least, what you believe in is the world itself.

This time, if we can survive it, I will give you a credit.

Acacia only had time to say one sentence before her consciousness completely dissipated.

You m-

Why are you still swearing?

The brunette sighed.

On her beautiful face, the right side of her face was still beautiful, but another ferocious face appeared on the left side.

Did they all fall except me?

Which node is it on?

He cannot directly tamper with history. If he had such power, our world would have perished long ago.

Such a method cannot be a conventional method. He must have set something up at some time in the past, but too many things have happened in hundreds of thousands of years, and methods from too long ago cannot be effective on us. .....

Time...Xiao Fu?

After the woman was in a daze for a moment, she remembered something and smiled in relief.

I see.

A huge black dragon burst out at an unpredictable speed and began to rise from the bottom of the abyss. In order to speed up, her whole body collapsed due to the pressure difference caused by the rapid rise.

Green, you should still be here, right? Help me.

What, I barely managed to stay awake by relying on gray dreams, no, what are you doing? Are you going to die if you float up so quickly? A childish voice said anxiously in Heilong's ear.

The sky is falling. I need to surface within a week and hand the things to him. You have to help me protect him.


You also know, UUkanshuwww.uukanshu.net Luo Xi.


Now I know that everything in the past was not accidental, but destined. It is incredible. Even we are just mortal beings flowing along with time, but some people can swim against the current.

Hmm, huh? Black, what are you hiding from us?


In the city of Wuxia.

Donghuang Luoshuang has prepared the items she uses for divination.

The legendary lost source tool—Tianyan Compass.

Donghuang Luoshuang said: Let's talk first. If you can't find it, I won't be responsible. Now the divination for the future is already messed up.

It's okay, just do your best. Luo Xi said.


Suddenly, a heart-shaking loud noise came from the sky.

Luo Xi walked out of the room, raised his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The bright sky no longer existed, and was replaced by a dead-like dark sky, in which the figures of several giant dragons flashed past.

The same task prompt appeared on all players' panels.

【Ding! Traveler, you have triggered the world-destroying mission: The Fall of Gao Tian]

【Ding! Traveler, you have triggered the world-destroying mission 2: The World-Destroying Dragon]

At the top of the Wuxia Sacred Tree, a pink-haired lolita stood in the air, her innocent and tender face twitching constantly.

It's a foul, it's a pure foul! The evil god with such power doesn't want to let anyone live!

After a while, she lowered her head and murmured to herself: How about we force Dahanhan to run away with us? Oh, and add Luo Xi, after all, he has done so many things for us. ...


I'll finish a chapter later tonight.

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