Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 453: Luo Xi’s nurturing field, will the Lord God become my main palace? (four k)

Brother Luo Xi, does he like Aina?

It goes without saying that I like it.

What does brother like about Aina? Is it the tail, the ears, or Aina's face?

As long as it's on Aina's body, I like it.

Hey, hey, brother's mouth is so sweet~ But Aina likes it so much! Also, after we get married, how many children does brother Luo Xi want to have?

One first?

Only one. Doesn't my country encourage young people to have more children? Aina also wants to give birth to a football team for her brother.

Then give birth! Have as many as you can.

Well... then I'd better be the husband. If Aina steals my sister's and their share, they will unite against Aina, and my sister will be very angry.

I'm already very angry, you've almost got it!

Wei'er couldn't listen anymore.

What are you doing?

Since the two came back, they seemed to have become a passionate couple.

Not only do we gently wipe each other's body, you touch my tail, I touch your face, and then rub each other once or twice, and then we talk to you and me like no one else is watching.

Although he asked Luo Xi to coax Aina back.

But what exactly did Luo Xi do?

Just like Wei'er couldn't understand how Luo Xi deceived Aina under her nose into marrying him, Wei'er now doesn't understand why Luo Xi brainwashed Aina not long after she left. Brought it back.

Although because Luo Xi looked like a child, Wei'er couldn't see any communication of desire between the two, only a genuine feeling of love, like a brother and sister, but she always felt as if she was being treated openly. Wearing a hat...

Damn it, I had finally managed to break a game from Aina before.

Now, is she going to be pushed down by her sister again?

Aina secretly glanced at Weier, touched Luo Xi's hand, and whispered: Brother Luo Xi, look, Sister Weier is angry. Is she jealous of us?

Who is jealous!

Wei'er finally couldn't help it, and went up and snatched Luo Xi, who was tired of being in Aina's arms, and scolded: Aina has not grown up yet and is not sensible. Luo Xi, are you not sensible too? What are you doing like this? Appropriate!

Weier even suspected that if they were not still here, these two people would go further.

Luo Xi: ...

Not Maomao, did you say your sister has grown up?

He pretended to be stupid and said in shock: Maomao, what are you talking about? I'm just a primary school student who doesn't understand anything and has just entered the first grade.

Fuck you, you're still a primary school student.

Weier sneered, she wanted to hit someone.

Ai Xue also burst into laughter.

She also remembered the scene where her senior called her mother.

The senior is not only a primary school student, but also her son.


Ai Xue looked at the proud hand of the wolf-eared loli.

On the middle finger of her left hand, a silver light was extremely eye-catching.


Aina probably didn't have any on hand before leaving.

When I came back, there was an extra ring...

Wei'er may not understand the meaning of wearing a ring on her middle finger, but Ai Xue understands that it represents the identity of 'fiancée'.

When no one else had such a thing, Aina became the first girl to get a 'token' from her senior, which made Ai Xue feel jealous.

Yes, it's jealousy.

Senior, I have a question. What are you wearing for Aina? Ai Xue's tone suddenly became deeper.

Luo Xi's heart skipped a beat.

Has it been discovered?

He blinked wildly at Aina.

We agreed, Aina, don’t talk nonsense!

Before coming back, Aina asked him if he could give the ring to only her recently.

Luo Xi couldn't resist Aina and had no choice but to agree. Anyway, he didn't know when his body would return to normal. He was quite happy to give Aina a ring to make her happy.

It's just that he forgot.

Except for this little wolf girl who is jealous all day long, the other girls in the family are basically jealous, but their size is not necessarily the same...


The wolf-eared lolita shook her big tail on her back, cocked her ears, raised her hands to show her ring to the two of them, and said with a proud look on her face: Of course it's of course brother Luo Xi gave this to Aina. But the one full of love is the symbol of my brother's favorite love for Aina, and it is also the only engagement ring my brother has given me! My brother has also made an agreement with Aina that he will not give Aina a second one in a short time. Even Wei Neither do you, sister!

Luo Xi slapped her forehead with a face full of despair.


Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality.

Aina was angry because of this before.

If he had started with the two sisters at the beginning, this would never have happened.

[Note: Traveler, we can already imagine the beauty salon that will take place every day in your home~(?_?)]

Get out!

Senior, is it really gone?

Luo Xi, are you sure you don't want to give it to me?

The voices of Weier and Ai Xue sounded in his ears like magic sounds.

Give it... Luo Xi sighed as if he was completely exhausted.

Aina opened her eyes wide: Brother Luo Xi, you don't keep your promise!

Ai Xue shook her head and said faintly: Aina, it's not a good behavior to want to eat alone.

The wolf-eared girl curled her lips and said: Oh, Ai Xue, you have already eaten up your brother completely, what's wrong with Aina once?

I won't let you! Weier, where are you? Ai Xue looked at Weier.

I want a ring too. Weier said softly.

At this moment, the two of them stood on the same ground.

Aina, who is about to become an adult, is indeed the most skilled one, and the sense of oppression she brings to them is too strong.

Ai Xue even felt that Aina's previous sad behavior was all an act.

I went out and got my first wedding ring.

You won’t come back with a big belly next time, right?

Then the senior's first son was born.

The eldest son?

Ai Xue shook her head.

Fortunately, the senior is not a heartless emperor and does not have a harem courtyard. Otherwise, with Aina as her opponent, she would probably fall out of favor and be relegated to the sidelines in a matter of seconds.

Oh. Aina looked at Weier with tears in her eyes: Sister Weier, do you also doubt Aina? Look, if Aina is the first, isn't my sister also the first? Between us sisters You still have to be so clear about what you are doing.”

Weier's expression hesitated slightly.

It feels... makes sense!

The two sisters are indistinguishable from each other, isn't what's Aina's hers?

No, Wei'er, you're too easy to fool!

Seeing Wei'er's relaxed expression, Ai Xue said with a speechless face: If you keep going like this, you will be toyed with by your sister in the middle of applause. By then it will not be certain who calls whom sister.


Wei'er was shocked.

She keenly noticed the unnatural look on Aina's face.

Good guy!

My sister is really paying attention to this!

Why do you feel that Aina has become teasing?

On the side, the 'young' Luo Xi was confused by the three people in the room, and his mind was in a fog.

[Note: Luo Xi, a miscellaneous fish like you, who traveled through time and became the emperor in a palace drama, could not survive even one episode... By the way, who should you choose as the main palace? Is it Maomao, the little wolf girl, or Ai Xue? Or is it my mother-in-law, Liya? 】

Ignoring the first comment, Luo Xi looked at Gou Wenwen's question in confusion.

The first one I really fell in love with was Weier.

The first one who said she wanted to get married and gave the ring was Aina.

The first one to finish eating was Ai Xue.

Liya... Take this away. Let's not say that it is not advisable to be a thief. Someone's daughter is about to marry you. If you still have thoughts about someone else, this is not a proper first-year relationship.

Can't choose.

If you really have to choose.


Of course, to Luo Xi, this doesn't mean anything, but to them, it is definitely very important.

Wait a moment.

Why should I choose?

Luo Xi frowned and looked at the text.

Speaking of which, after he came back, did Gou Wenwen become more and more concerned about his affairs?

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Lord God, are you interested in becoming my main palace?

[Note: Bah, bah, bah! Get out of here quickly! Don't have any illusions about us. There is no possibility between us, and there will never be any! Don't think that giving you some benefits can just slap your nose on your face! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Why are you so anxious?

Luo Xi shrugged.

Who knows what will happen next.

In the room, although Weier realized that Aina was praising her, she was still being talked about by Aina and felt that her sister might still be good for her.

Aina, don't bully your sister Wei'er. Let her be patient in the future.

Liya couldn't stand the scene of Aina bullying her sister, so she said something outside.

The wolf-eared loli patted her plump breasts and said, Aina will not bully my sister.

Weier felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even mother, does she think she will be bullied by Aina?

Obviously she is the sister.

Okay, if you have time to find someone, take it easy on the way. I'll recommend someone to you.

Liya held her chin up and leaned against the door railing and said, Luo Xi, there is a place you should go to. That person may be able to provide some clues.


Luo Xi immediately turned around and asked.

Great Yan Empire, Wu Xia. Liya said.

Is it that... Donghuang Luoshuang?

Liya nodded and said: Yes, not long ago she asked me when the promise to sleep with my grandmother will be fulfilled. Our Solphia family still has to keep its word. When you go over, give your grandmother to her by the way. Take it with you.

Liya raised her hand and grabbed a struggling white-haired lolita from a golden ring. After two years in that Shadow Clan battleship, Liya's strength did not recover much, so even if she is now Even at the sixth level, it was impossible to resist the pressure of a city lord from the City of David head-on in the city.

Ya'er, you are betraying your elders! I finally came back, and you are going to deliver me into the hands of others!

Keep your promise, Grandma. You don't want the Solphia family to lose their credibility, right?

It's none of my business, you are the clan leader! And Ya'er, don't you want to study the sacred tree? This is a great opportunity!

The study of Dusk's canon has been completed.


Liya raised her index finger.

A fine flame rune appeared on her finger.

In an instant, countless runes emerged, gathered, and mimicked each other. One after another, smart creatures and plants grew rapidly in the room.

After studying the source code and internal structure of the Twilight Sacred Tree, and relying on that experience, Liya finally became a great master in rune magic not long ago.

So, Grandma, I would like to trouble you to go to Wuxia for two days.

Xia cried and shouted: Ah, ah, no, that Donghuang Luoshuang is a pervert who likes little girls. I will definitely be soiled by her. I have preserved my innocence for more than three hundred years.

Liya's head was full of black lines: Ahem, grandma, be careful, Weier and the others are here.

Yes, Weier. The white-haired lolita looked at Weier and the others in the room hopefully: You won't give me to that perverted lolita control city lord, right?

Wei'er thought for a moment and said, Great-grandmother Xia, commitment is very important.

She glanced at Luo Xi next to her.

It was precisely because of her commitment that she was able to persist for so long.

Yes, I understand, this is a promise.

The white-haired loli chose to give up.

She had known for a long time that this day would come sooner or later.

Come on then.

Let's go, let's find someone and fly directly there.

Seeing that the topic had been changed, Luo Xi jumped out of the balcony and transformed into a dragon.

In this way, you can't bring the topic to me, right?


Aina's place is on top of my brother's head!

Why should I sit here if it's yours!

Go sit on your back!

don't want!


Great Yan Empire.

After Luo Xi flew to this territory that he had never been to before and had only heard about it from Liya and others, an extremely hot temperature came from inside his body.

It was a feeling of calling, coming from the biggest tree.

The Eternal World Tree, Xiyan, is a hundred kilometers away from Wuxia City. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

In Wuxia City, Donghuang Luoshuang was playing with an ancient turtle shell that was dissatisfied with cracks, and his face looked a little pale.


She borrowed the divination technique she used from the lost source weapon, but she couldn't even see the future.

Even the past can no longer be seen.

Is there something wrong with the time in this world?

Moreover, vaguely, she felt that some things were disappearing in her mind, and some new things were being inserted.

For example - [In the year 3124 of the Tyrian Calendar, Mang Continent and Dust Continent were destroyed, and all the countries on the two continents were destroyed. Only Pangea was left in the world, a viable continent struggling to survive]

She thought at the time, this is impossible.

There should still be life on other continents.

Why are they all gone?

But no matter how she asked her adjutant, or even her brother as the emperor, all she finally learned was that Pangea was the only continent with life.

This kind of feeling can only be noticed by someone with strong divination and prophecy abilities like her. The others didn't notice it at all. Donghuang Luoshuang almost thought there was something wrong with him.

What happened?

This unknown change made Donghuang Luoshuang feel very uneasy.

Your Highness, someone said they are looking for you.


He is the messenger of the Dawn Empire and the City of Twilight.


Donghuang Luoshuang raised his slender eyebrows and looked outside with a smile on his face.

They are finally here.

Welcome guests with the highest standards, dancers, food, music, everything is ready to entertain these little lolita... guests who have come from afar!

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